
Workers, take the abuse of labor unions in Post's paid advertisements in the daily papers, with Van Cleave's denunciations of organized labor, and compare them with candidate Taft's discussion of the labor question and his injunction record, then compare them with President Roosevelt's attack on Labor over the shoulders of that "wicked," "brutal," and "unfeeling" man Gompers. What a strong resemblance they all bear to each other; do they not suggest a community of interest and similar attitude of mind?

Men of Labor, be True to Your Cause.


President Roosevelt has sought to offset the bad impression made upon Labor by his Knox letter accusing Mr. Gompers and the American Federation of Labor of seeking to tyrannize over capital, by giving out another letter, this time addressed, not to a United States Senator representing the National Association of Manufacturers, but to a member of the Railroad Trainmen's Union.

Like Bottom, the weaver, the roaring lion of the Knox letter coos in the Grace letter like an amorous dove. Mr. Taft the enemy of labor? God save the mark. Never in the history of the world has Labor had a more devoted or unselfish friend. Did not Taft do this, and did he not do that? Was he not an important member of "my" administration in which the country's prosperity, and hence more particularly the prosperity of the workingmen, reached a height unknown since the creation? Elect Bryan and the country will be stricken as if by a blight. The wheels of commerce will cease from turning. The streams and rivers will dry up. The great wheat fields of the west and the cotton fields of the south will become arid deserts. Morgan, Carnegie and Rockefeller will die disgraced because they will die poor, and so forth, and so forth.

Vain effort to stem the tide. If anything is a closed issue in this campaign, it is the labor issue. The workingmen of this country are satisfied that the Republican party is hostile as a party to organized labor; that it is in cahoots, as the saying is, with the National Association of Manufacturers with its secret program of the de

struction of trades unionism. This is the enemy and the frantic appeals to the fears of Labor fall upon deaf ears.—Brooklyn (N. Y.) Citizen.


We have before us a copy of the Locomotive Engineers' Monthly Magazine, the official publication of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of the date of May, 1903. In discussing editorially the decision of Judge Taft in the legal proceedings growing out of the Toledo and Ann Arbor strike, in which Chief Arthur was involved, the Journal said:

"We were assured by the press that we were engaged in a fealty for our fellow-men worthy the highest efforts of noble men. Judge Taft's decision publicly proclaims the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers a band of conspirators, and he endeavors to impress the public of its unfitness to judge of our standing. We can not accept Judge Taft's decision in any other light than treason to republican institutions and the liberties of the people. It is, will be, and ought to be denounced and repudiated by all liberty loving men."

This is the opinion held by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers in 1893 and there is nothing in Judge Taft's record since then to change the verdict of labor.

One of the favorite campaign lies is that "Samuel Gompers has been promised a high position if Bryan is elected." In a circular dated October 12, addressed to "Men of Labor, Lovers of Liberty," he said:

"I have said before, and now say again, that there is no political office in the gift of the American people, elective or appointive, that I would, under any circumstances, accept. Not that such offices could be lightly put aside by an American citizen, but that I believe I can do more for the ideas that I cherish and the work in which I am engaged, either as an official or as a member in the rank and file of the labor movement, and the threats of politicians to 'burn brush fires' behind me wherever I may go; to 'create rebellion' in the labor movement against me and bring about my defeat for the presidency of the Federation, can have no influence upon my mind and can not alter my course."



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