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Printed for the use of the Select Committee on Small Business

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6. "The Bigger, The Better?" by Ralph Nader, the Washington Star,

Nov. 8, 1975----

7. "Business and Freedom," Address to Economic Club of Indianapolis,

Ind., by Adm. Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy, Nov. 7, 1975-

8. "The Role of New Technical Enterprises in the U.S. Economy," by

John O. Flender and Richard S. Morse, MIT Development Founda-

tion, Oct. 1, 1975_-_.

9. Shares of assets, value added, and profits of manufacturing corpora-

tions, classified by value of assets, tables Nos. 825, 826, and 827,

Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1975 (July 1975)_.__.

10. Statement of Richard J. Hanschen, partner, New Business Resources-

Venture Capital Partnership, Dallas Tex., excerpts from joint hear-

ings before the Select Committee on Small Business and the Sub-

committee on Financial Markets, Committee on Finance, U.S.

Senate, 94th Cong., 1st sess., June 17, 18, and 19, 1975.

11. "A Report on Self-Employed Americans in 1973," by Robert N. Ray,

Monthly Labor Review, January 1975, pp. 49–54-

12. "Small is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered," by E. F.

Schumacher. Book review by Peter Barnes, New Republic, June 15,

1974, p. 29----

13. "Corporate Power and Economic Apologetics: A Public Policy Pro-

spective," by Prof. Walter Adams, Michigan State University; from

Industrial Concentration: The New Learning, Little, Brown &

Co., 1974__.

14. "Effects of Business Taxation: The Special Case of Small Business,"

by Prof. Peter Mieszkowski, Queen's University (Canada); from

The Vital Majority, essays marking the twentieth anniversary of

the U.S. Small Business Administration (1973) --

15. "Social and Economic Consequences of the Merger Movement in Wis-

consin," by Prof. Jon G. Udell, Graduate School of Business, the

University of Wisconsin, May 1969----

16. "Industrial Structure and Competition Policy," study paper No. 2,

studies by the staff of the Cabinet Committee on Price Stability,

Willard F. Mueller, Executive Director, U.S. Government Printing

Office, January 1969--

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