
WANTED-10- or 155-H. P. gasoline engine cheap for cash. John Enyart, Canfield, Ark.

WANT TO BUY-Second hand four cylinder gasoline motor, 35- to 45-H. 1. Give full description. Loewen Bros., Meade, Kans,

ADVERTISING AND SALES MANAGER-Ten years' experience. Nation wide acquaintance with the agricultural implement, mill supply and wholesale hardware joboers. Is looking for a new connection. Write T, care of Editor of this Journal, Madison Wis. MR. FARMER ARE YOU BUYING FENCE POSTS? If so, are you getting your money's worth? Write for our catalog describing the Jumbo post and give us the name of your dealer. Ashland Anchor and Steel Post Co., Ashland, Ohio.

BARGAINS IN ENGINES-Must move at once on account moving stock. 40- and 70-H. P. tractors. Also, 100- and 200-H. P. gas engines. Fully guaranteed.

Can save you money. St. Marys Oil Engine Co., St. Marys, Ohio.

AUTOMOBILES AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES-$100 and we ship the car. Balance on easy monthly payments. Pay while you ride. Write Bargain Bulletin. Dept. 20, Eureka Auto Co., Beaverus for Special town, Pa.

ALL ABOUT FARM TRACTORS-Operation, care, repair. All types illustrated and described in Motor Mechanics, a big, interesting monthly magazine covering gas and electric power problems, autos, motorcycles, and mechanics. Plainly written, profusely illustrated. Send 25c for three months trial or $1.00 for full year's subscription. Motor Mechanics, Cleveland, O.

BUILD YOUR OWN TRACTOR-Gasoline engines can now be converted into successful tractors at a very small cost, by using our differential gears and traction euqipment. We can furnish traction equipment for engines up to 15-H. P., also drive wheels, front wheels, steering parts, etc. Get in line and convert your engine into an all around handy tractor, at very small cost. Send two cent stamp for catalog, with best prices, etc. Victor Traction Gear Co., Loudonville, Ohio.

ENGINES for tractors, trucks, automobiles, aeroplanes, factories and farms, in fact, engines for every purpose, and one for you at the price you want to pay:In two cylinder motors we offer for quick sale a 30-H. P. Wayne $48; 18-H. P. Buick $45; 22-H. P. Buick $52, with transmission $60; 20-H. P. Davis $42; 30-H. P. Minneapolis tractor motor $115; 7x7 Westerfield $265 and a 30-H. P. aeroplane motor at $110. In four cylinder motors we offer while they last, a 35-H. P. Smith with transmission $95; 40-H. P. Elmore $85; 60H. P. American with clutch and transmission jack shaft $165; 35-H. P. six cylinder Cameron air-cooled $75 and others. Stationary engines up to 100-H. P. Here are a few:-7-H. P. Badger $58; 10-H. P. $65; 16-H. P. Badger $185; 22-H. P. Fairbanks-Morse $315. Write us about auto parts. We can furnish what you need. Have also a good 30-H. P., one ton Oldsmobile truck with solid tires at $155 and a splendid 35-40-H. P., four cylinder Haynes, five passenger car at $285. The Badger Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

LEARN TO RUN A TRACTOR-The greatest tractor year in history will begin next spring. Be ready to grasp the biggest opportunity for young men today in a healthy, open air, man-making occupation. Twin City Tractor School is now the only long term school conducted by a large tractor manufacturer at the shops where tractors are built. This Company is now building more gas and oil tractors than any other Company in the business. You will be instructed in the actual running and building of all sizes and types from the smallest tractor now being manufactured to the big Twin City "60" H. P. which is the most powerful tractor in the world. Do not make the mistake of learning to run a small tractor only. The Twin City School is the only place where you will learn to run the very largest-the kind that are used on the biggest farms, for road building, and by big contractors. It is our purpose to supply a part of the rapidly growing demand for good tractor operators. Only a small fee is charged to cover incidental expenses. We want to pick Twin City School students from the best young men in the country and it will pay you to try for a place in this school. Only a limited number can be accommodated. Terms are thirty days in length. The next term commences January 3rd. Other terms February 7th and March 15th. Write for catalogue and application blank. Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co., 2852 Minnehaha Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn.

WANTED-To exchange a feed grinder with four extra set of plates for a gasoline engine of about 2-H. P. Walter Gralapp, Wittenberg, Wis. MAGNETOS, COILS, BATTERIES, STARTERS REpaired and guaranteed. High tension magnetos for sale. Electrical Testing Co., 350 Knoxville Ave., Peoria, Ill.

WANT YOU TO BUY OR SELL our portable farm elevators and other useful machinery and articles for the farm; also power and washing machinery. Wenzlemann Mfg. Co., Galesburg, Ill.


PATENTS SECURED-C. L. Parker, Patent Attorney. McGill Bldg., Washington, D. C. Inventors Handbook sent upon request.

PATENTS-Ralph N. Flint, M. E., Attorney at Law in Patent Causes; late Assistant Examiner Internal Combustion Engine Division. U. S. Patent Office Specialist in internal combustion engine cases. No. 2 Rector St., New York, N. Y.

PATENTS-Herbert Jenner, Patent attorney and mechanical expert, 606 F. St., Washington, D. C., established 1863. I make free examination and report if a patent can be had and exactly what it will cost. Send for circular.

PATENTS-Send sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Guide Book and What to Invent, with valuable List of Inventions wanted and list of patent buyers sent free. $200,000 offered in prizes for inventions. Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress; sample free. Gas engines our specialty. Victor J. Evans & Co., 817 Ninth Street, Washington, D. C.

Only $12.35 per H. P.



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It May Sound Strange


When we tell you that frequently motors are ruined in a few months by the sand and dust sucked through the carburetor it may make you pause and speculate but it's the absolute truth just the same.

There's nothing so destructive to the motor.

You might just as well pour fine emery powder into your oil as to fail to clean the air that passes through your carburetor.

You can clean the air absolutely without the use of screens or cloths. It's easy to do and far from costly. Use the


Carburetor Air Cleaner


It cleans all the dust and grit out
of the air-makes a motor last many
times as long. Keeps lubricating oil clean.
Saves wear and repairs, prevents the car-
bon forming-90% of so called carbon is
nothing but mineral matter that enters
through the carburetor.

Absolutely simple-no moving parts, no
screens or cloths to clog, never affects carburetor
action, dust emptied by unscrewing cap.
Will fit any Carburetor-anybody can
attach it quickly and easily.

Sold on thirty days' trial-absolutely
guaranteed-saves its low cost in three months.
If you want to know what we can do for
your motor, write, giving the size and make of
your carburetor.

We are ready to establish a few high class agencies

[blocks in formation]


The Sign of Mechanical Excellence the World Over

Tomorrow's Car - Today

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TOW comes the new Case 40. Born and bred in the midst of Case
ideals, it looms forth as a car that is bound to carry the Case Standard
even higher and higher.

While quite different-while lower in price-the new Case 40 is design-
ed for the substantial sort of man who is not swayed by passing innovations
-the man who is cautious and wants a tried, riskless car. For 74 years Case
executives and workmen have been building according to Case standard-
never leaving that straightaway path called Quality which has brought such
world-wide reputation. The Case Cars are built entirely by Case trained
workmen in the Case plants.

"Friends of the Forty"

Everywhere are men who know the former Case 40-men who found it well worth $2300. These men particularly will welcome this announcementfor now they can recommend the new Case 40, with its obvious improvements, to their friends. Owners will tell of its serviceability-of its modest upkeep and how it resists depreciation. The splendid service of the former Case 40 can be expected of our new 40.

The refinements of this car are individual. Its combination of excellencies is bound to be appreciated and wanted by the motor-wise and discriminating. We predict a well-deserved sensation for this car.

An Ovation is Certain

At $1090-over a thousand dollars less than our other 40-we offer this new Case 40-knowing that men who compare values closely and who look for long-lived cars will say, "Here is a car I must know." And we say"The more you know of this hundred thousand mile car the better."

We invite minute examination of this car. Then you can go over it point by point. You will find it well worth while, we believe. Preliminary data we shall send at your request.

[blocks in formation]


The Sign of Mechanical Excellence the World Over

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