Endeavour'd my advancement to the throne: I was the next by birth and parentage; From Lionel Duke of Clarence, the third son But mark: as in this haughty great attempt Plan. Of which, my lord, your honour is the last. Plan. Thy grave admonishments prevail with me: Was nothing less than bloody tyranny. Mor. With silence, nephew, be thou politic; As princes do their courts, when they are cloy'd With long continuance in a settled place. Plan. O uncle, would some part of my young years Might but redeem the passage of your age! Mor. Thou dost then wrong me,-as the slaughterer doth Which giveth many wounds when one will kill. Mourn not, except thou sorrow for my good; Only, give order for my funeral: And so, farewell; and fair be all thy hopes, [Dies. Plan. And peace, no war, befall thy parting soul! [Exeunt Keepers, bearing out the body of MOR. Here dies the dusky torch of Mortimer, Or make my ill the advantage of my good. [Exit. ACT III. SCENE I.-LONDON. The Parliament House. Flourish. Enter KING HENRY, EXETER, GLOSTER, WARWICK, SOMERSET, and SUFFOLK; the BISHOP OF WINCHESTER, RICHARD PLANTAGENET, and others. GLOSTER offers to put up a bill; WINCHESTER snatches it, and tears it. Win. Com'st thou with deep premeditated lines, As I with sudden and extemporal speech Glo. Presumptuous priest! this place commands my patience, Or thou shouldst find thou hast dishonour'd me. Froward by nature, enemy to peace; Win. Gloster, I do defy thee.-Lords, vouchsafe To give me hearing what I shall reply. If I were covetous, ambitious, or perverse, As he will have me, how am I so poor? Or how haps it I seek not to advance Or raise myself, but keep my wonted calling? And for dissension, who preferreth peace More than I do,-except I be provok'd? No, my good lords, it is not that offends; It is not that that hath incens'd the duke: It is because no one should sway but he; No one but he should be about the king; And that engenders thunder in his breast, And makes him roar these accusations forth. But he shall know I am as good As good! Glo. Win. Ay, lordly sir; for what are you, I pray, But one imperious in another's throne? Glo. Am I not protector, saucy priest? Win. And am not I a prelate of the church? And useth it to patronage his theft. Win. Unreverent Gloster! Glo. Thou art reverent Touching thy spiritual function, not thy life. Roam thither then. War. War. Methinks his lordship should be humbler; It fitteth not a prelate so to plead. Som. Yes, when his holy state is touch'd so near. War. State holy or unhallow'd, what of that? Is not his grace protector to the king? Plan. Plantagenet, I see, must hold his tongue, K. Hen. Uncles of Gloster and of Winchester, That gnaws the bowels of the commonwealth. [A side. [A noise within, "Down with the tawny coats." What tumult's this? War. An uproar, I dare warrant, Begun through malice of the bishop's men! [A noise again, "Stones! Stones!" Enter the Mayor of London, attended. May. O, my good lords,—and virtuous Henry,— The bishop and the Duke of Gloster's men, Have fill'd their pockets full of pebble stones, That many have their giddy brains knock'd out: Enter, skirmishing, the Retainers of GLOSTER and WINCHES- K. Hen. We charge you, on allegiance to ourself, 1 Serv. Nay, if we be Forbidden stones, we'll fall to it with our teeth. 2 Serv. Do what ye dare, we are as resolute. [Skirmish again. Glo. You of my household, leave this peevish broil, 3 Serv. My lord, we know your grace to be a man So kind a father of the commonweal, [Skirmish again. Glo. Stay, stay, I say! And if you love me, as you say you do, Let me persuade you to forbear awhile. K. Hen. O, how this discord doth afflict my soul!— My sighs and tears, and will not once relent? Or why should study to prefer a peace, If holy churchmen take delight in broils? War. Yield, my lord protector;--yield, Winchester;— Except you mean, with obstinate repulse, To slay your sovereign and destroy the realm. Win. He shall submit, or I will never yield. War. Behold, my Lord of Winchester, the duke Why look you still so stern and tragical? Glo. Here, Winchester, I offer thee my hand. K. Hen. Fie, uncle Beaufort! I have heard you preach That malice was a great and grievous sin; And will not you maintain the thing you teach, But prove a chief offender in the same? War. Sweet king!-the bishop hath a kindly gird.-— For shame, my Lord of Winchester, relent! What, shall a child instruct you what to do? Win. Well, Duke of Gloster, I will yield to thee; Love for thy love and hand for hand I give. Win. So help me God, as I intend it not! [Aside. |