But see his exequies fulfill'd in Rouen: SCENE III.-The Plains near Rouen. [Exeunt. Enter CHARLES, the BASTARD, ALENÇON, LA PUCELLE, and Forces. Puc. Dismay not, princes, at this accident, Char. We have been guided by thee hitherto, Bast. Search out thy wit for secret policies, To leave the Talbot and to follow us. Char. Ay, marry, sweeting, if we could do that, France were no place for Henry's warriors; Nor should that nation boast it so with us, But be extirped from our provinces. Alen. For ever should they be expuls'd from France, And not have title of an earldom here. Puc. Your honours shall perceive how I will work To bring this matter to the wished end. [Drums heard. Hark! by the sound of drum you may perceive Their powers are marching unto Paris-ward. An English March. Enter, and pass over at a distance, There goes the Talbot, with his colours spread, A French March. Enter the DUKE OF BURGUNDY and his Forces. Now in the rearward comes the duke and his: [A parley sounded. Char. A parley with the Duke of Burgundy! Stay, let thy humble handmaid speak to thee. Bur. Speak on; but be not over-tedious. Puc. Look on thy country, look on fertile France, And see the cities and the towns defac'd By wasting ruin of the cruel foe! As looks the mother on her lovely babe When death doth close his tender dying eyes, See, see the pining malady of France; Behold the wounds, the most unnatural wounds, Strike those that hurt, and hurt not those that help! And wash away thy country's stained spots. Bur. Either she hath bewitch'd me with her words, Or nature makes me suddenly relent. Puc. Besides, all French and France exclaims on thee, Doubting thy birth and lawful progeny. Who join'st thou with but with a lordly nation And join'st with them will be thy slaughter-men. Puc. Done like a Frenchman,-turn, and turn again! Char. Welcome, brave duke! thy friendship makes us fresh. Bast. And doth beget new courage in our breasts. And doth deserve a coronet of gold. Char. Now let us on, my lords, and join our powers; And seek how we may prejudice the foe. [Exeunt. SCENE IV.-PARIS. A Room in the Palace. Enter KING HENRY, GLOSTER, and other Lords, VERNON, BASSET, &c. To them TALBOT and some of his Officers. Tal. My gracious prince, and honourable peers, Hearing of your arrival in this realm, I have awhile given truce unto my wars, To do my duty to my sovereign: In sign whereof, this arm,-that hath reclaim'd To your obedience fifty fortresses, Twelve cities, and seven walled towns of strength, Lets fall his sword before your highness' feet, Ascribes the glory of his conquest got First to my God and next unto your grace. K. Hen. Is this the Lord Talbot, uncle Gloster, That hath so long been resident in France? Glo. Yes, if it please your majesty, my liege. K. Hen. Welcome, brave captain and victorious lord! When I was young,- -as yet I am not old,— I do remember how my father said Or been reguerdon'd with so much as thanks, And in our coronation take your place. [Exeunt K. HEN., GLO., TAL., and Nobles. Ver. Now, sir, to you, that were so hot at sea, Disgracing of these colours that I wear In honour of my noble Lord of York, Dar'st thou maintain the former words thou spak'st? The envious barking of your saucy tongue [Strikes him. I may have liberty to venge this wrong; When thou shalt see I'll meet thee to thy cost. Ver. Well, miscreant, I'll be there as soon as you; And, after, meet you sooner than you would. [Exeunt. ACT IV. SCENE I.-PARIS. A Room of State. Enter KING HENRY, GLOSTER, EXETER, YORK, SUFFOLK, SOMERSET, WINCHESTER, WARWICK, TALBOT, the Governor of Paris, and others. Glo. Lord bishop, set the crown upon his head. [Governor kneels. That you elect no other king but him; [Exeunt Gov. and his Train. Enter SIR JOHN FASTOLFE. Fast. My gracious sovereign, as I rode from Calais, To haste unto your coronation, A letter was deliver'd to my hands, [Plucking it of. Writ to your grace from the Duke of Burgundy. When but in all I was six thousand strong, Glo. To say the truth, this fact was infamous, Much more a knight, a captain, and a leader. Tal. When first this order was ordain'd, my lords, Knights of the garter were of noble birth, Valiant and virtuous, full of haughty courage, K. Hen. Stain to thy countrymen, thou hear'st thy doom! Be packing, therefore, thou that wast a knight: [Exit FAST. Glo. What means his grace, that he hath chang'd his style? [Viewing the superscription. No more but, plain and bluntly, To the King? |