
SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Public WelfareContinued:

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§ 500.1 Appearance and representation.

(a) An individual may appear in his or her own behalf; a member of a partnership may represent the partnership; a bona fide officer of a corporation, trust or association may represent the corporation, trust or association; an officer or employee of the United States Department of Justice, when designated by the Attorney General of the United States, may represent the United States in a claim proceeding.

(b) A person may be represented by an attorney at law admitted to practice in any State or Territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia.

(c) In cases falling within the purview of subchapter B of this chapter, persons designated by veterans', service, and other organizations to appear before the Commission in a representative capacity on behalf of claimants shall be deemed duly authorized to practice before the Commission when the designating organization shall have been issued a letter of accreditation by the Commission. Petitions for accreditation shall be in writing, executed by duly authorized officer or officers, and addressed to the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Washington, DC 20579. Upon receipt of a petition setting forth perti

nent facts as to the organization's history, purpose, number of posts or chapters and their locations, approximate number of paid-up memberships, statements that the organization will not charge any fee for services rendered by its designees in behalf of claimants and that it will not refuse on the grounds of non-membership to represent any claimant who applies for such representation if such claimant has an apparently valid claim, accompanied by a copy of the organization's constitution, or charter, by-laws, and its latest financial statement, the Commission in its discretion will consider and in appropriate cases issue or deny letters of accreditation.

(d) A person may not be represented before the Commission except as authorized in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.

§ 500.2 Notice of entry or withdrawal of counsel in claims.

(a) Counsel entering an appearance in a claim originally filed by a claimant in the claimant's behalf, or upon request for a substitution of attorneys, shall be required to file an authorization by such claimant.

(b) When counsel seeks to withdraw from the prosecution of a claim, it must appear that the client (claimant) has been duly notified.

(c) When a claimant advises the Commission that counsel no longer represents such claimant, a copy of the Commission's acknowledgement shall be forwarded to such counsel.

§ 500.3 Fees.

(a) No remuneration on account of services rendered or to be rendered to or on behalf of any claimant in connection with any claim falling within the purview of subchapter B of this chapter shall exceed ten per centum of the amount allowed on account of such claim, except that the Commission in its discretion may fix a lesser per centum with respect to any claim filed thereunder.

(b) The total remuneration on account of services rendered or to be rendered to or on behalf of any claimant

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