
different absorbability, and the investigations of Hertz and Lenard show that the cathode rays are similarly to be discriminated. While the "softest" tubes investigated generated rays much less subject to absorption than any cathode rays investigated by Lenard, yet there is no reason to doubt the possibility of X-rays of greater absorbability, and cathode rays of less. It therefore appears probable that in future investigations rays will be found bridging over the gap between X-rays and cathode rays, so far as their absorption is concerned. (2) We found in section 4 that the specific transmissibility of a body becomes less the thinner the plate passed through. Consequently, had we made use in our experiments of plates as thin as those employed by Lenard it would have been found that the X-rays were more nearly like those of Lenard in their absorbability.

10. Besides the fluorescent phenomena, there may be excited by X-rays photographic, electric, and other actions, and it is of interest to know how far these various manifestations vary in similar ratio when the source of the rays is altered. I must restrict myself to a comparison of the first two phenomena.


A hard and a soft tube were so adjusted as to give equally bright fluorescence as compared by means of the photometer described in section 2. Upon substituting a photographic plate in the place of the fluorescent screen it was found, on development, that the portion subject to the rays from the hard tube was blackened to a less degree than the other. The rays, though producing equal fluorescence, were thus for photographic purposes unequally active.

The great sensitiveness of a photographic plate even for rays from tubes of medium hardness is illustrated by an experiment in which 96 films were superposed, placed at a distance of 25 centimeters from the discharge tube, and exposed five minutes with due precautions to protect the films from the radiations of the air. A photographic action was apparent on the last film, although the first was scarcely overexposed.

If the intensity of the radiations is augmented by increasing the strength of the primary current, the photographic action increases in the same measure as the intensity of the fluorescence. In this case, as in the case where the intensity of the radiation was increased by an alteration of the distance of the fluorescent screen, the brightness of the fluorescence is at least approximately proportional to the intensity of the radiation. This rule should not, however, be too generally applied.

11. In conclusion, mention should be made of the following particu lars:

With a discharge tube of proper construction, and not too soft, the X-rays are chiefly generated in a spot of not more than 1 or 2 millimeters diameter where the cathode rays meet the platinum plate. This, however, is not the sole source. The whole plate and a part of the tube

walls emit X-rays, though in less intensity. Cathode rays proceed in all directions, but their intensity is considerable only near the axis of the concave cathode mirror, and, consequently, the X-rays are strongly emitted only near the point where this axis meets the platinum plate. When the tube is very hard and the platinum thin, many rays proceed also from the rear surface of the platinum plate, but, as may be shown. by the pinhole camera, chiefly from the spot lying on the axis of the mirror.

I can confirm the observation of G. Brandes that the X-rays are able to produce a sensation of light upon the retina of the eye. In my record book appears a notice entered in the early part of November, 1895, to the effect that when in a darkened chamber near a wooden door I perceived a weak appearance of light when a Hittorf tube upon the other side of the door was put in operation. Since this appearance was only once observed, I regarded it as a subjective, and the reason that it was not then repeatedly observed lay in the fact that other tubes were substituted for the Hittorf tube which were less completely evacuated and not provided with platinum anodes. The Hittorf tube furnishes rays of slight absorbability on account of its high vacuum, and, at the same time, of great intensity on account of the employment of a platinum anode for the reception of the cathode rays.

With the tubes now in use I can easily repeat the Brandes experiment.

Since the beginning of my investigation of X-rays I have repeatedly endeavored to produce diffraction phenomena with them. I obtained at various times, when using narrow slits, appearances similar to diffraction effects, but when modifications were made in the conditions for the purpose of thoroughly proving the accuracy of this explanation of the phenomena it was found in each case that the appearances were produced in other ways than by diffraction. I know of no experiment which gives satisfactory evidence of the existence of diffraction with the X-rays.



By Prof. J. J. THOMSON, F. R. S.

The first observer to leave any record of what are now known as the cathode rays seems to have been Plücker, who in 1859 observed the now well-known green phosphorescence on the glass in the neighborhood of the negative electrode. Plücker was the first physicist to make experiments on the discharge through a tube in a state anything approaching what we should now call a high vacuum. He owed the opportunity to do this to his fellow-townsman Giessler, who first made such vacua attainable. Plücker, who had made a very minute study of the effect of a magnetic field on the ordinary discharge which stretches from one terminal to the other, distinguished the discharge which produced the green phosphorescence from the ordinary discharge by the difference in its behavior when in a magnetic field. Plücker ascribed these phosphorescent patches to currents of elec tricity which went from the cathode to the walls of the tube and then for some reason or other retraced their steps.

The subject was next taken up by Plücker's pupil, Hittorf, who greatly extended our knowledge of the subject, and to whom we owe the observation that a solid body placed between a pointed cathode and the walls of the tube cast a well defined shadow. This observation was extended by Goldstein, who found that a well marked, though not very sharply defined, shadow was cast by a small body placed near a cathode of considerable area. This was a very important observation, for it showed that the rays casting the shadow came in a definite direction from the cathode. If the cathode were replaced by a luminous disk of the same size, this disk would not cast a shadow of a small object placed near it, for though the object might intercept the rays which came out normally from the disk, yet enough light would be given out sideways from other parts of the disk to prevent the shadow being at all well marked. Goldstein seems to have been the first to advance the theory, which has attained a good deal of prevalence in Germany, that these cathode rays are transversal vibrations in the ether.

Address before the Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 30, 1897. Proceedings of the Royal Institution, 1897.

Printed in

The physicist, however, who did more than any one else to direct attention to these rays was Mr. Crookes, whose experiments, by their beauty and importance, attracted the attention of all physicists to this subject, and who not only greatly increased our knowledge of the properties of the rays, but by his application of them to radiant matter spectroscopy has rendered them most important agents in chemical research.

Recently a great renewal of interest in these rays has taken place, owing to the remarkable properties possessed by an offsprings of theirs, for the cathode rays are the parents of the Röntgen rays.

I shall confine myself this evening to endeavoring to give an account of some of the more recent investigations which have been made on the cathode rays. In the first place, when these rays fall on a substance they produce changes physical or chemical in the nature of the substance. In some cases this change is marked by a change in the color of the substance, as in the case of the chlorides of the alkaline metals. Goldstein found that these, when exposed to the cathode rays, changed color, the change, according to E. Wiedemann and Ebert, being due to the formation of a subchloride. Elster and Geitel have recently shown that these substances become photo-electric-i. e., acquire the power of discharging negative electricity under the action of light after exposure to the cathode rays. But though it is only in comparatively few cases that the change produced by the cathode rays shows itself in such a conspicuous way as by a change of color, there is a much more widely spread phenomenon, which shows the permanence of the effect produced by the impact of these rays. This is the phenomenon called by its discoverer, Prof. E. Wiedemann, thermoluminescence. Professor Wiedemann finds that if bodies are exposed to the cathode rays for some time, when the bombardment stops the substance resumes to all appearance its original condition. When, however, we heat the substance, we find that a change has taken place; for the substance now, when heated, becomes luminous at a comparatively low temperature, one far below that of incandescence. The substance retains this property for months after the exposure to the rays has ceased. The phenomenon of thermoluminescence is especially marked in bodies which are called by Van t'Hoff solid solutions. These are formed when two salts, one greatly in excess of the other, are simultanoously precipitated from a solution. Under these circumstances the connection between the salts seems of a more intimate character than that existing in a mechanical mixture. I have here a solid solution of CaSo, with trace of MnSo, and you will see that after exposure to the cathode rays it becomes luminous when heated. Another proof of the alteration produced by these rays is the fact, discovered by Crookes, that after glass has been exposed for a long time to the impact of these rays, the intensity of its phosphorescence is less than when the rays first began to fall upon it. This alteration lasts for a long time, certainly for months, and Mr. Crookes has shown that it is able to survive the heat

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