ELOQUENCE OF RELIGION. The Saviour's Sermon on the Mount, ..... I. Corinthians, XV. Chapter,.. Paul's Defence before Agrippa,. Extract from the XIV. Chapter of Job, Character of a Christian Mother,... By Rev. W. B. Kirwan. Character of a Christian Wife,.. Character of a Libertine,.. Ibid. .Ibid. .Ibid. Ibid. Advice to parents,. ELOQUENCE OF THE BAR. The Cause of the King against the Honourable Mr. Justice Description of Gen. Conway's situation on the Repeal of the Page A Speech delivered at Cheltenham, on the 7th October, 1819, SUBJECTS DESCRIPTIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS. The Self Inflicting Torments of the Gamester,..... Godwin. 187 A Description of the field of Battle, where Varus the Roman General and his Army, had been destroyed by Armineus; also of the Tribute of respect paid by Germanicus and his |