

SECTION 17-Continued.

Any Federal reserve bank may at its discretion withdraw collateral deposited with the local Federal reserve agent for the protection of Federal reserve notes deposited with it and shall at the same time substitute other collateral of equal value approved by the Federal reserve agent under regulations to be prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board.


the Treasury the Federal Reserve Board shall require the Federal re

serve agent to transmit so much 54 of said gold to the Treasury of the United States as may be required for the exclusive purpose of the redemption of such notes.

Any Federal reserve bank may at its discretion withdraw collateral deposited with the local Federal reserve agent for the protection of its Federal reserve notes deposited with it and shall at the same time substitute therefor other like collateral of equal value amount approved by with the approval of the Federal reserve agent under regulations to be prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board.

In order to furnish suitable notes for circulation as Federal reserve notes, the Comptroller of the Currency shall, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, cause plates and dies to be engraved in the best manner to guard against counterfeits and fraudulent alterations, and shall have printed therefrom and numbered such quantities of such notes of the denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, as may be required to supply the Federal reserve banks. Such notes shall be in form and tenor as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury under the provisions of this Act and shall bear the distinctive numbers of the several Federal reserve banks through which they are issued.

When such notes have been prepared, they shall be deposited in the Treasury, or in the subtreasury or mint of the United States nearest the place of business of each Federal reserve bank and shall be held for 55 the use of such bank subject to the order of the Comptroller of the Currency for their delivery, as provided by this Act.

The plates and dies to be procured by the Comptroller of the Currency for the printing of such circulating notes shall remain under his control and direction, and the expenses necessarily incurred in executing the laws relating to the procuring of such notes, and all other expenses incidental to their issue and retirement, shall be paid by the Federal reserve banks, and the Federal Reserve Board shall include in its estimate of expenses levied against the Federal reserve banks a sufficient amount to cover the expenses herein provided for.

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order to furnish suitable Federal reserves notes, the Comptroller of the Currency shall, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, cause plates and dies to be engraved in the best manner to guard against counterfeits and fraudulent alterations, and shall have printed therefrom and numbered such quantities of such notes in blank of the denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, as may be required to supply the reserve banks entitled to receive the same. Such notes shall be in form and tenor provided for in this Act.

[blocks in formation]


SECTION 17-Continued.

- It shall be the duty of every Federal reserve bank to receive on deposit, at par and without charge for exchange or collection, checks and drafts drawn upon any of its depositors or by any of its depositors upon any other depositor and checks and drafts drawn by any


The examination of plates, dies, bed pieces, and so forth, and regulations relating to such examination of plates, dies, and so forth, of nationalbank notes provided for in section fifty-one hundred and seventy-four, Revised-Statutes, is hereby extended to include Federal reserve notes herein provided for.

Any appropriation heretofore made out of the general funds of the Treasury for engraving plates and dies, the purchase of distinctive paper, or to cover any other expense in connection with the printing of national-bank notes or notes provided for by the Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and any distinctive paper that may be on hand at the time of the passage of this Act may be used in the discretion of the Secretary for the purposes of this 56 Act, and should the appropriations heretofore made be insufficient to meet the requirements of this Act in addition to circulating notes provided for by existing law, the Secretary is hereby authorized to use so much of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of furnishing the notes aforesaid: Provided, however, That nothing in this section contained shall be construed as exempting national banks or Federal reserve banks from their liability to reimburse the United States for any expenses incurred in printing and issuing circulating notes.

It shall be the duty of every Fed eral reserve bank to receive on de posit, at par and without charge for exchange or collection, cheeks and drafts drawn upon any of its de positors or by any of its depositors upon any other depositor and cheeks and drafts drawn by any depositor in any other Federal reserve bank upon funds to the credit of said depositor-in-said-reserve bank last mentioned, nothing herein con tained to be construed as prohibit ing member banks from making reasonable-charges to cover-actual expenses incurred in collecting and remitting funds for their patrons.

Every Federal reserve bank shall receive on deposit from member banks or from Federal reserve banks checks and drafts drawn upon any of its depositors, and when remitted by a Federal reserve bank, checks and drafts drawn by any depositor in any other Federal reserve bank or


The examination of plates, dies, bed pieces, and so forth, and regulations relating to such examination of plates, dies, and so forth, of nationalbank notes provided for in section fifty-one hundred and seventy-four, Revised Statutes, is hereby extended to include Federal reserve notes herein provided for.

Any appropriation heretofore made out of the general funds of the Treasury for engraving plates and dies, the purchase of distinctive paper, or to cover any other expense in connection with the printing of nationalbank notes or notes provided for by the Act of May thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, and any distinctive paper that may be on hand at the time of

the passage of this Act may be 55 used, in the discretion of the Secretary, for the purposes of this Act; and should the appropriations heretofore made be insufficient to meet the requirements of this Act, in addition to circulating notes provided for by existing law, the Secretary is hereby authorized to use so much as may be necessary of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of furnishing the notes aforesaid: Provided, however, That nothing in this section contained shall be construed as exempting national banks or Federal reserve banks from their liability to reimburse the United States for any expenses incurred in printing and issuing circulating notes.

It shall be the duty of every Fed eral reserve bank to receive on de posit, at par and without charge for-exchange-or-collection, cheeks and drafts drawn upon any of its de positors or by any of its depositors upon any other depositor and cheeks and drafts drawn by any depositor in any other Federal reserve bank upon funds to the credit of said de positor in said reserve bank last mentioned, nothing herein con tained to be construed as prohibit ing member banks from making rea sonable charges to cover actual ex penses incurred in collecting and remitting funds for their patrons.

Every Federal reserve bank shall receive on deposit from member banks or from reserve banks checks and drafts drawn upon any of its depositors, and, when remitted by a reserve bank, checks and drafts drawn by any depositor in any other reserve bank or member bank upon funds to

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