

[blocks in formation]


Official Letter from Major General Campbell, commending the Forces in
the ceded Districts, to the Government of Madras. Dated January 1st,

1802, Camp at Tirngkull,

London Gazette, January 2, 1802

London Gazette, January 23

London Gazette, February 20

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An Account of the Quantity of Sugar, Rum, Coffee, and Cotton, imported
into Great Britain from the Cotonies of Surinam, Berbice, Demarara,
and Essequibo; as also from the Islands of Martinico, St. Lucia, Tobago,
Trinidad, and St. Eustatia; for three Years previous to the 1st of
January last, as far as the same can be made up; distinguishing each
Year, as well as the Quantity imported from each Colony or Island; to-
gether with the Net Amount of Duty paid thereon
An Account of all Places for Life or Lives, whether held by Patent or
otherwise; specifying the Dates of such Patents or other Instruments by
which such Places are held; the Names of the Persons who hold the
same; and the Salaries and Fees belonging thereto:-and also, a like
Account of all Patents of such Places granted to any Person or Persons

in Reversion




An Account of the Total Net Produce of all the Permanent Taws for the
Years ending the 10th of October 1801 and 1802
Estimated Annual Charge of his Majesty's Civil List, as laid before Par-
liament in 1736, and actual Amount in 1802
An Account of the several Sums paid from the Revenues of the Dutchy of
Cornwall, in Ain of the Civil List, during the Minority of his Royal
Highness the Prince of Wales, in pursuance of his Majesty's Warrants.


countersigned by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, with the Dates

of such Warrants, with an Account

it of biterest


of Ang. 1783, when his his Royal H

hercon due to

ss came of Age,

and took

the 1 2th


of the said Dutchy; together with a further Acount of Luterest, calcu-

lated to the 1st Day of February 1502



Report of the Commissioners appointed for the Sale of the Land-tax
List of the Members returned to serve in the Second Parliament of the
United Kingdom

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Extract from the Trial of the Mutineers on board the Bantry Bay Squadron,
by a Naval Court Martial, held on board the Gladiator, in Portsmouth


Trial of Governor Wall, by a Special Commission, directed to the Carf
Baron Macdonald, Judges Rooke and Lawrence, and the Recorder, oa
the Old Bailey



Particulars of the wilfully casting away of the Brig Adventure, for the
Purpose of defrauding the Underwriters, for which Richard Coulling,
her Captain; John Reid, Supercargo; and George Easterby and IV-
lian Macfarlane, Owners of the said Brig, were tried at ou Admiralty
Sessions, at the Old Bailey


General Bill of Christenings and Burials, fram December 1801 to D

cember 1802

Average Prices of Grain for the Year ear 1802

Prices of Stock for the Year 1802

Supplies granted by Parliament for the Year 1802

Taxes imposed in the Year 1802




A List of the Public Bills which received the Royal Assent in the Cons
of the Second Session of the First Parliament of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland

Metecrological Journal


Message from his Majesty to the House of Commons, Feb. 15

The like, April 27



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His Majesty's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the Close of the

Second Session of the Imperial Parliament, June 28

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s Protest against



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st the

The passing of the Malt Bill

Message from his Majesty to the House

His Majesty's Speech to bath Houses, on opening the Third Session of the


Imperial Parliament, November 23.
Definitive Treaty of Peace between the French Republic, his Majesty the
King of Spain and the th Indies, and the Batavim Republic Con the one
Part); and his Majesty, the King of the United Kingdom of Gren
Britain and Ireland Con the other Part)

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Separate Article to the Definitive Treaty, udded there to, March 27
Separate Convention between France and the Bo Batavian Repallic,
tory of the 18th Article of the Definitive Treaty betiveen France, Spain,
ond Holland, on the one Part, and Great Britain on the other Post it.

Proclamation by the King


The like, declaring the Conclusion of the War


Extract of a Lester from his Ex allency Lord St. Helet's to the Right Hon.

Lord Haukestury, dated Petersburgh, April 2



Convention between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America.

touching the Difficulties arising in the Execution of the Sixth Article of

the Treaty of 1794


Notice issued in Consequence of the Convention with the American States,

on the Sth of January


Letter from the Secretary of State to Colonel Hislop, April 2



Official Note delivered by the Reis Effendi to Alexander Stratton, Esq. July



Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Regency of Tunis ib.
Letter of Hamouda, Pacha Bey of Tunis, to the First Consul of the French



Decree respecting Emigrants, published at Paris April 27


Address to the Legislative Body of France, on the 6th of May 1802, when

the Treaty of Amiens was communicated to them


Treaty concluded the 20t' of May 1802, between the French Republic and

his Serene Highness the Duke of Wirtemburg


Treaty concluded between France and the Prince of Orange



Definitive Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Sublime

Ottoman Porte


Message of the Consuls of the Republic to the Conservative Senate, July 29,


Senatus Consultum, August 2


Circular Letter of the Minister of the Interior to the Prefects of the different

[blocks in formation]

Article taken from the Paris official Paper, the Moniteur, August 9
Treaty between the French Republic, Prussia, and Bavaria
Decree of Mederic-Louis-Elie Morequ de Saint Mery, issued at Parma,

[blocks in formation]

Proclamation of the Italian Republic, issued by a Committee of the Govern-

ment, at Milan, February 6


Dispatch from the French Minister of Foreign Affairs to the French Charge

d Affaires Bacher, at the Diet of Ratisbon, February 14


The Vice-president of the Italian Republic to his Fellow Citizens:
The Council of State of the Italian Republic to the First Consul of the French


Republic, President of the Italian Republic, April 5


Letter to the Holy Father, from those new French Bishops who have occupied
Episcopal Secs without being instituted by the Holy See
Decree of Absolution and Dispensation granted by the Cardinal Legate to
those of the new French Bishops who, without the Apostolic Institution
of the Holy See, have occupied Episcopal Sces



Proclamation of the Government of the Bishopric of Munster on the En-
trance of the Prussian Troops into that Country, July 27



Full Powers of the Empire for the Deputation, charged with the Discussma
of the Points which remain yet to be regulated for the Fulfilment of the



Report made to the First Consul of France, in the Senate, by the Minister
for Foreign Affairs, Sitting of Saturday the 21st of August 1802, stating
the Conclusum on the German Indemnities


Note of Baron de Hugel, Plempotentiary of his Imperial Majesty, addressed
to C. Laforet, Minister Extraordinary of the French Republic
Note addressed by the Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Deputation, inforn.g
them of his Accession to the Conclusums of the 16th



Definitive Conclusum adopted by the Deputation of the Diet of Ratiston, on
the 21st of October 1802, and the Opinion of Austria on the general
Plan of Indemnities


Note presented at the Diet of Ratisbon, on the 25th of October, by Baro
Bild, the Swedish Deputy for Anterior Pomerania
Royal Patent Ordinance relative to the Occupation of the Bishoprie of
Osnaburgh, published in that Bishopric



The Deputies of all the Communes in the three Cantons of Uri, Schwits, and
Underwald, to Citizen Verninac, Minister of the French Republic in


Representation of the Lesser Cantons of Switzerland to the First Consel.
on the Subject of the Evacuation of Helvetia


Convention concluded between the Municipality of Zurich and the Com-
missary of the Helvetic Government


Convention between the Helvetic Troops at Berne and the Insurgents besieging

the Town


Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, President of the Italian Re
public, to the Eighteen Cantons of the Helvetic Republic, Sept. 30 671

Answer of the Diet of Schwitz to the Proclamation of Bonoparté

[blocks in formation]

Dispatch from Lord Hawkesbury to Mr. Moore, October 10


Proclamation of the Council of War of the Swiss League to their Brothers

in Arms, October 12


Dispatch from Mr. Moore to Lord Haukesbury, Oct. 31

Note add by the Diet of Schwitz to General Noy, October 26

Note addressed


Proclamation to tar Helvetic People, from the Government of Helvetia 679
Dispatch from Lord Hawkesbury to Mr. Moore, November 25 651
The General in Chief to the Minister of the Marine, Feb. 9

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Admiral Villaret Joyeuse to the French Minister of the Marine al
Colonies, March 6

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Copy of a Letter from Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, Commander
on the Jamaica Station, to Admiral Villaret Joyeuse, at the Cape,

Feb. 19



Proclamation of the General in Chief, Leclerc, to the Inhabitants of Si.



The General in Chief of the Army of St. Domingo to the Minister of the

Marine and Colonies, May 8


The Same to the Same.


Extract of a letter from General Leclerc, at St. Domingo, to the Minister

of Marine, June 11


Speech of his Honour the Lieutenant-governor of Jamaica (General Nugent)

to the General Assembly of that Island, June 17


ARssage from his Honour the Lieutenant-governor, sent over to the House

of Assembly, in the 17th May of June


Proceedings of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, Kingston, June 21 696
Message from his Honour the Lieutenant-governor, sent over to the House

of Assembly, June 21


Proceedings of the House of Assembly, June 22


Message of the President of the United States of America to the Con-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Character of John Earl of Clare, late Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, by

Dr. William Magee

: 705

Particulars of the Life and Character of Dr. William Robertson, by Pin-
fessor Dugald Stewart

Sketch of the Life and Character of the late Sir Eardley Wilmot:



Account of the Mamalukes, with the Characters of their principal Beys 726
Account of the Principal Characters of the Ottoman Empire in 1801 732
Of the exterior Appearance and bodily Constitution of the Laplanders, Sc. 734
Account of the Manner of contracting of Marriages, and Method of bath-

ing, used by the Fins


Manner's and Characters of the different Drisabitants of Egypt


Some Particulars of the Life and Writings of the learned James Harris



Account of the Pearl Oyster, and Pearl Fishery, on the Island of Ceylon


Account of the Nile and Climate of Egypt


Account of the Ophthalmia in Egypt, by Witman


Account of the Indigo-plant, and the Preparation of Indigo, by Citizen


An Acount of the Tea Tree, Ly Frederick Piyou, Esq.

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