USEFUL PROJECTS. List of Patents for new Inventions, granted in the Year 1502 Account of the Manufacture of Porcelain at Derby. From Britton and Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales 778 On the destructive Effects of the Aphis and Blights on Fruit Trees; with 781 Method of preserving fresh Water sweet during long Voyages, ty Samuel Bentham, Esq. Account of a Diving Boat : : : 786 ANTIQUITIES. Account of the Establishment of regular Theatres in England, from their earliest Period to the Death of Queen Elizabeth 788 Account of Haddon Hall, in Derbyshire, by Britton and Brayley 792 795 Description of Antiquities in the Neighbourhood of Alexandria, with a par- ticular Account of Cleopatra's Needle, and of Pompey's Pillar. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. On the Atrocities of Bonaparte in Syria and Egypt. By Sir R. Wilson S07 810 A true Narrative of the melancholy Situation of his Majesty's Store Ship, Letter from Edmund Burke to Col. Vallaney (never published) POETRY. Dide for the New Year, by H. J. Pye, Esq. Poet Lauréat Prologue to the First Part of Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth, Prologue to Uriana, by the Right Honourable Lord John Townshend $25 Song, upon the same Occasion, supposed to be written by Mr. G. Rose 828 Lochiel's Warning. By Thomas Campbell, Esq. Author of "The Plea Extract from "The Pleasures of Hope," by Thomas Campbell, Esq. 833 Speech of the Host's Son in Herman and Dorothea. From the German 837 War Song of the Royal Edinburgh Light Dragoons. By Wuller Scott, The Eighth Lecture on conducting a Suit at Law. From the " Pleader's History of the British Expedition to Egypt, Sc. by Sir Robert Wilson 855 Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the Years 1798 and 1799. By Joseph Acerbi The Pleasures of Hope, with other Poems, by Thomas Campbell, Esq. 890 THE END. R. Wilks, Printer, Chancery-lane. |