
and the Admirals under him, to the Navy. - Debate on the Russian C
vention. Remarks.


Reirospect to the Situation of Europe for the terce last Months of 1501-
Marquis Cornwallis appointed Ambassador to the French Republic-seil
for Calais. Reception there-and at Paris. Rejoicings at Paris on the
Peace. Distinguished Compliments paid to the English Ambassador-
Quits Paris-arrives at Amiens. Tardiness of the Negotiation-probable
Causes. Vast Projects and Ambition of Bonaparte. - French Armament
sails for the West Indies. - Mutiny at Bantry Bay suppressed.-Englist
Squadron of Observation follows the French Fleet.


Remarks on the State of France subsequent to her recent Acquisitions.
Her clandestine Treatles with Spain-Portugal and the Porte-
Her bad Faith therein. Return of the First Consul to Paris-greal
State assumed by him-despotic Conduct and Caprice.-Interference
with Switzerland, Pays de Vaud, and the Valais.-Projects for the
Revival of Commerce, Manufactures, and the Arts, in France.
General Le Clers's Dispatches. Gantbeaume's Squadron sails for St.

Domingo. Proceedings of the Consulta laid before the Diet at Ratis-
bon.-Delays at Amiens-British Armaments in consequence. Signing
of the Definitive Treaty-Domestic Events to that Period.-Articles
of the Treaty of Amiens. -Accession of Sweden and Denmark to the
Russian Convention. Armed Neutrality abandoned.






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CHAP. xvi

Erpedition to St. Domingo. - Protable Value of that Colony to France
State of it at the Time of the Expedition-Force of the Armament.
Character of Toussaint L'Ouverture. - Arrival of the French Fleet, and
Army, at the Cupe-Resistance experienced-Success-Cape burned-
Surrender of many of the luck Chief's-all the Coast repossessed by the
French.-Negotiation with Tousstrint broken off-Toussaint declared a
Rebel-Generals Le Clerc, and Rochambeau, &c. march against him.-
Reinforcements arrive from France.-Plan of the Campaign-partial
Success, and Defeat. - Attack of Toussaint in his Intrenchments, and
complete Defeat.-Reverse of Fortune for a Moment-final Success of
the French Toussaint surrenders with his Generals on Terms-violated
-arrested and sent home to France imprisoned, and dies. - War begun

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CHAP. Xviit.



Guadaloupe.-Pelagie assumes the Command there-captures the Governor
Lacrosse, and dismisses him the Island. - General Richepanse arrives with
the Troops from France-lands without Opposition-and finally sub-
dues, the Island. Restoration of Tranquillity. - Affairs of Switzerland
at the Close of 1801.- Albys Reding goes to Paris to negotiate with
Bonaparte-Success-Adoption of his Plan of Government-reversed by
the revolutionary Party, and a new Constitution formed-rejected by
the democratic Cantons. - Independency of the Valais pronounced con-
trary to their Wishes. Confederation of Uri, Schweitz, and Underwalden.
-Address to the French Government and to the Helvetic Republic-Procla-
mation of the Helvetic Government-the smaller Cantons prepare for Re
sistance-Commencement of Hostilities-Defeat of the Troops of the Hel-
vetic Republic by the Peasunts of Baden. -Messrs. De Watteville and
Erlach take the Command-and march against Berne. - Surrender of
that City. Helvetic Government expelled and Retreat to the Pays de
Vaud - supplicate the Assistance of France. - Ancient Government
assembles at Berne - Forces raised and placed under General Bachman,
to act against the Helvetic Government. - Fribourg taken-general Action
in the Pays de Vaud-Helvetie Army totally defeated.-Arrival at
Lausanne of General Rapp-publishes Bonapartes Determination to
protect the Helvetic Republic. - French Army assembled on the Frontiers
under General Ney. - Armistice. Proceedings of the Dict at Schweitz-
their Answer to Bonaparte. - French Army enters Switzerland.-Great
Britain determines to interfere- Mr. Moore dispatched to Siwitzerland.
Helvetic Government reinstated at Berne. Dissolution of the Dict at
Schweitz-and complete Suljugation of that Country to the French Force.
Ineffectual Mission of Mr. Moore. - Arrest of Aloys Reding --Depulties
from all Parts of Switzerland arrive tit Paris to form, with the Assist-
once of the First Consul, a new Constitution.

3 M2





Continuation of French Affairs. - Legion of Honour instituted. - Constitution
-Joseph Bonaparte elected Grand Officer thereof. - New Constitution
of France-accepted. - Situation of Bonaparte-and of the Continent.
-Austria.-Journey of the Emperor, to Presburg-Diet of Pres-
burg.-Poland-Disturbance at Warsaw. - Italy-King of Etruria-
Misunderstanding between his Majesty and Bonaparte. - Sardinia-Aldi-
cation of the King in favour of his Brother - Ligurian Republic. - Naples.
-Spain. Treaty with Russia - Seizure of the Property of the Knights
of M ta-Journey to Barcelona.-Interview between the Emperor of

Russia and King of Prussia at Memel.-Turkish Empire.-New Re-

public of the Talais. German Indemnities. Russian Interference.-

Rupture threatened respecting Passau-Plan accepted-Considerations

thereon.-Sweden and Denmark. Batavian Republic.


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