Erpedition to St. Domingo. - Protable Value of that Colony to France
State of it at the Time of the Expedition-Force of the Armament.
Character of Toussaint L'Ouverture. - Arrival of the French Fleet, and
Army, at the Cupe-Resistance experienced-Success-Cape burned-
Surrender of many of the luck Chief's-all the Coast repossessed by the
French.-Negotiation with Tousstrint broken off-Toussaint declared a
Rebel-Generals Le Clerc, and Rochambeau, &c. march against him.-
Reinforcements arrive from France.-Plan of the Campaign-partial
Success, and Defeat. - Attack of Toussaint in his Intrenchments, and
complete Defeat.-Reverse of Fortune for a Moment-final Success of
the French Toussaint surrenders with his Generals on Terms-violated
-arrested and sent home to France imprisoned, and dies. - War begun
Guadaloupe.-Pelagie assumes the Command there-captures the Governor
Lacrosse, and dismisses him the Island. - General Richepanse arrives with
the Troops from France-lands without Opposition-and finally sub-
dues, the Island. Restoration of Tranquillity. - Affairs of Switzerland
at the Close of 1801.- Albys Reding goes to Paris to negotiate with
Bonaparte-Success-Adoption of his Plan of Government-reversed by
the revolutionary Party, and a new Constitution formed-rejected by
the democratic Cantons. - Independency of the Valais pronounced con-
trary to their Wishes. Confederation of Uri, Schweitz, and Underwalden.
-Address to the French Government and to the Helvetic Republic-Procla-
mation of the Helvetic Government-the smaller Cantons prepare for Re
sistance-Commencement of Hostilities-Defeat of the Troops of the Hel-
vetic Republic by the Peasunts of Baden. -Messrs. De Watteville and
Erlach take the Command-and march against Berne. - Surrender of
that City. Helvetic Government expelled and Retreat to the Pays de
Vaud - supplicate the Assistance of France. - Ancient Government
assembles at Berne - Forces raised and placed under General Bachman,
to act against the Helvetic Government. - Fribourg taken-general Action
in the Pays de Vaud-Helvetie Army totally defeated.-Arrival at
Lausanne of General Rapp-publishes Bonapartes Determination to
protect the Helvetic Republic. - French Army assembled on the Frontiers
under General Ney. - Armistice. Proceedings of the Dict at Schweitz-
their Answer to Bonaparte. - French Army enters Switzerland.-Great
Britain determines to interfere- Mr. Moore dispatched to Siwitzerland.
Helvetic Government reinstated at Berne. Dissolution of the Dict at
Schweitz-and complete Suljugation of that Country to the French Force.
Ineffectual Mission of Mr. Moore. - Arrest of Aloys Reding --Depulties
from all Parts of Switzerland arrive tit Paris to form, with the Assist-
once of the First Consul, a new Constitution.