Glenullin ! whose bride shall await, Like a love-lighted watchfire, all night at the gate. A steed comes at morning ; no rider is there ; But its bridle is- red with the sign of despair. Weep Albin ! to death and captivity led ! Oh weep ! but thy tears... Annual Register of World Events - Side 8241803Uten tilgangsbegrensning - Om denne boken
 | Thomas Campbell - 1803 - 162 sider
...night at the gate. A steed comes at morning: no rider is there; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin!' to death and captivity led!...Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear, Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering sight, This mantle,... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1803 - 892 sider
...comes at morning : no rider is there j But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albinl to death and captivity led ! Oh weep ! but thy tears...blood of the brave. LOCHIEL. Go, preach to the coward, tliou death-telling seer ! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear, Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1803 - 1296 sider
...gate. A stood A steed comes at morning : BO rider is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin ! to death and captivity led...Culloden, that reeks with the blood of the brave. LOCH I EL. Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer f Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1809 - 148 sider
...steed comes at morning: no rider is there; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep Albin!a to death and captivity led! Oh weep ! but thy tears...Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer! Or if gory Culloden so dreadful appear, Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering sight This mantle, to... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1810 - 272 sider
...night at the gate. A steed comes at mornings HO rider is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin ! ' to death and captivity led...Culloden ! that reeks with the blood of the brave. x LOCH1EL. Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer ! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1810 - 266 sider
...night at the gate. A steed comes at morning: no rider is there; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin ! to death and captivity led...dead: For a merciless sword on Culloden shall wave, Cullodeu! that reeks with the blood of the brave. LOCHIEL. Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1814 - 274 sider the gate. A steed comes at morning : no rider is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin ! to death and captivity led...Culloden ! that reeks with, the blood of the brave. LOCHIEt. Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer * Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear,... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1819 - 188 sider the gate. A steed comes at morning : no rider is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin ! to death and captivity led...Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer ! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear, Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering sight, This mantle,... | |
 | Thomas Ewing - 1819 - 448 sider
...the gate*. A steed comes at morning' : no rider' is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair'. Weep', Albin ! to death and captivity' led...wave, Culloden' ! that reeks with the blood of the braveY Lochiel. Go, preach to the coward', thou death. telling seer ! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful'... | |
 | British melodies - 1820 - 280 sider the gate. A steed conies at morning : no rider is there ; But its bridle is red with the sign of despair. Weep, Albin! to death and captivity led!...Culloden ! that reeks with the blood of the; brave. Go, preach to the coward, thou death-telling seer! Or, if gory Culloden so dreadful appear, Draw, dotard,... | |
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