

Edgeworth's Harry and Lucy. Parts I. II. III. IV. With the Address to Mothers, Little Dog Trusty, Orange Man, and The Cherry Orchard. Complete in one volume. With wood cuts. Boston, 1826. 18mo. pp. 273.

This little volume, of which mention was made in the intelligence of our last number, is made peculiarly valuable to parents by the insertion of the prefatory Address to Mothers. The book is rendered acceptable at the same time to children, by the number and neatness of the cuts. In this respect the present edition seems to possess a great advantage over most others.

Of the works of Mr. and Miss Edgeworth it is hardly necessary for us to speak. But we should feel gratified, if any remark in our pages, should induce a single parent to add this volume to a juvenile library in which it had not previously had a place.

The Early Lessons, and this portion of them, in particular, may be made, in the hands of an intelligent mother, to furnish more rational amusement as well as instruction, than perhaps any other volume in the English language.

Frank. By Maria Edgeworth. Parts 1. II. III. IV. Complete in one volume. Boston, 1826. 18mo. pp. 233.

It is no easy thing to find books adapted to the capacity of children just emerging from infancy; and it is this circumstance which stamps much of its peculiar value on this little volume.

The child to whom this book is read and explained, will be early won to the exercise of attention, to reflection, and to practical habits of mind. All this will be effected, too, without intervals of weariness and yawning; if the mother only takes care to select small portions at a time, and in all cases in which it is in her power, to show the child the objects which are described in the book.

Employment, amusement, and instruction, may all be combined in this way, so as to brighten as well as invigorate the infant inind, and whet its appetite for the coming portions of the great banquet of knowledge and improvement, which education is designed to furnish.


Received since our last, copies of

The Juvenile Philosopher,-Cobb's Spelling Book,-Goodrich's Geography, -Frost's Questions on Murray's Grammar,-Mrs Taylor's Practical Hints,and Maternal Solicitude,-Tales of the Bower,―The Knapsac,-Child's Monitor,--and Franklin Primer.

The sketch of a Plan for Self-educating Societies will be inserted as early as possible.

A correspondent (E.H.) who objects to our statements concerning an institution in another State, is reminded that the Journal is pledged as a record of whatever is doing in education, in every part of the country, and in every seminary. No. 1 of Suggestions to Parents, and the Review of Professor Webster's Manual of Chemistry, shall be inserted in our next number.

Typographical error in No. 7, p. 433, line 20th from the bottom: for writing read reciting.

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As so much has been written on the necessity of proper exercise for children, one would have thought it absolutely unnecessary for me to have noticed the subject. But, custom, that plague of wise men, and idol of others,' is not so easily changed; hence a custom, although it may be quite contrary to reason, must be rigidly adhered to, for no other reason than because it is a custom. I trust, however, the time is fast approaching when every thing connected with the training and educating of the rising generation, will undergo a thorough revision, and that the legislative body will not think it beneath their notice to attend to this subject. It is not uncommon to see men take horses and dogs out for an airing, and give them exercise; but it is very uncommon to see a governess or master giving their pupils exercise. It is true that we may sometimes see the children of boarding-schools taking a little exercise, but not nearly so much as they ought; and when they do, it is turned to no other account than merely for the walk. So much are they rivetted to books, and confined to rooms, that it has never entered the mind of many masters to teach by things instead of books; and yet no one will deny, that the wide world furnishes plenty of lessons, and that many of the objects in nature would prove the best of books, if they were but read-but no, this is not the custom. Give a child a book into his hand, and let him addle his brain over it for two or three hours; and if he does not learn his task set him down for a blockhead: never mind whether he understands the subject. If he does not learn his task, flog him. No questions allowed by any means. Nothing can be greater impertinence, than for children to desire explanation: let them find it out, as well as they can. This is part of the old system; but wil

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it be argued that this is the best method to cultivate and treat the human mind? Of all the causes which conspire to render the life of man short and miserable, no one has greater influence than the want of proper exercise. Healthy parents, wholesome food, and proper clothing, will avail little where exercise is neglected. Sufficient exercise will counterbalance several defects in nursing; but nothing can supply the want of it: it is absolutely necessary to the health, the growth, and the strength of children.

The desire of exercise is coeval with life itself. Were this principle attended to, many diseases might be prevented; but while indolence and sedentary employments prevent two thirds of mankind from either taking sufficient exercise themselves, or giving it to their children, what have we to expect, but diseases and deformity among their offspring? The rickets, a disease which is very destructive to children, has greatly increased in Britain, since manufactures began to flourish, and people, attracted by the love of gain, left the country to follow sedentary employments in great towns. It is amongst these people that this disease chiefly prevails, and not only deforms, but kills many of their offspring.

The conduct of other young animals shows the propriety of giving exercise to children. Every other animal makes use of its organs of motion, as soon as it can; and many of them, when under no necessity of moving in quest of food, cannot be restrained without force. This is evidently the case with the calf, the lamb, and most other young animals. If these creatures were not permitted to frisk about, and take exercise, they would soon die, or become diseased. The same inclination appears very early in the human species; but as they are not able to take exercise themselves, it is the business of their parents and nurses to assist them. Children may be exercised in various ways, and the method we take to exercise them is shown in other parts of this work. It is a pity that men should be so inattentive to this matter: their negligence is one reason why females know so little of it. Women will ever be desirous to excel in such accomplishments as recommend them to the other sex; but men generally keep at such a distance from even the smallest acquaintance with the affairs of the nursery, that many would reckon it an affront were they supposed to know anything of them. Not so, however, with the kennel or the stables; a gentleman of the first rank is not ashamed to give directions concerning the management of his dogs or horses, yet would blush were he surprised in performing the same office for that being who is to be the heir of his fortunes, and the future hopes of his country.

'Arguments to show the importance of exercise might be drawn from every part of the animal economy. Without exercise, the circulation of the blood cannot be properly carried on, nor the

different secretions duly performed: without exercise the fluids cannot be properly prepared, nor the solids rendered strong or firm. The action of the heart, the motion of the lungs, and all the vital functions, are greatly assisted by exercise. But to point out the manner in which these effects are produced, would lead us into the economy of the human body, which is not our object. We shall therefore only add, that when exercise is neglected, none of the animal functions can be duly performed; and when this is the case, the whole constitution must go to wreck. A good constitution ought certainly to be our first object in the management of children. It lays a foundation for their being useful and happy in life; and whoever neglects it, not only fails in his duty to his offspring, but to society.

I am sorry to say, that many men have considered it quite beneath their notice, to have any thing to do with infant children, and consequently have permitted their children to be sent to what are called schools, and there to be placed on seats for hours, under the care of some person, who, in many cases, is no more fit to teach and instruct children, than I am fit to be a monarch. If any man will take his children into his garden or fields, and encourage them to ask questions on the glories, works, and first great Cause of nature, he will soon find out the importance of the thing, and the necessity of his own mind being well cultivated, to be enabled to answer their questions. Whatever men may think of this subject, they will find, ultimately, that the rising generation have never had a fair chance of becoming wise; because they have not had proper exercise, either for their minds or bodies.

While this is the case, let us not complain of weak and thoughtless children, or of weak and thoughtless servants; for the former owe it to the neglect of their parents and the public; and the latter to their not having been taught to think at all.


As I have said a few words on the necessity of proper bodily exercise for children, it may not be amiss to make some remarks on the subject of mental exercise.

Now, thinking, like every thing else, may be abused; and therefore there is the greater necessity for choosing masters for infant schools, possessing some degree of talent, and who are, in some measure, acquainted with the human mind; otherwise they may do that which was never intended, and thereby abuse the best of powers. For instance:-Intense thinking is so destructive to health, that few instances can be produced of studious persons who are strong and healthy. Hard study always implies a sedentary life; and when intense thinking is joined to the want of exercise, the conse

quences must be bad. We have frequently known, even a few months of close application to study ruin an excellent constitution, by inducing a train of nervous complaints, which could never be removed. Man is evidently not formed for continual thought, any more than for continual action, and would as soon be worn out by the one, as by the other. So great is the power of the mind over the body, that by its influence all the vital motions may be accelerated or retarded to almost any degree.

Thus cheerfulness and mirth quicken the circulation, and promote all the secretions; whereas sadness and profound thought never fail to retard them. Hence it would appear, that even a degree of thoughtlessness is necessary to health. Indeed, the perpetual thinker seldom enjoys either health or spirits; while the person who can hardly be said to think at all, generally enjoys both. Perpetual thinkers, as they are called, seldom think long. In a few years they generally become quite stupid, and exhibit a melancholy proof how readily the greatest blessings may be abused. Thinking, like every thing else, when carried to extreme, becomes injurious; and therefore those who have charge of children must endeavor not to go into the opposite extreme, but allow the children proper recreation, that they may return to thinking the better, and not by endeavoring to do too much, deprive themselves of the power of doing any thing. It will be seen, therefore, that discretion is a very essential quality in a master; for, if instruction be not managed with judgement, the child becomes like a ship without a rudder, or like fancy without judgement, all sail and no ballast.


There is nothing so delightful as the hearing and speaking of truth. For this reason there is no conversation so agreeable as that of the man of integrity who hears without any design to betray, and speaks without any intention to deceive: this admitted, we should strive to our utmost to induce children to speak the truth. But our success, in a great measure, will depend on the means we take to accomplish that end. I know that many children are frightened into falsehood by the injudicious methods adopted by those persons who have the care of them. I have known a mother promise her child forgiveness, if it would speak the truth, and, after having obtained confession, has broken her promise. A child, once treated in this manner, will naturally be guarded against a second such deception. I have known others who would pretend not to punish the child for confession, but for first denying it, and afterwards confessing. I think that children should not be punished on any account after having been promised forgiveness; truth being of too great importance to be thus trifled with; and we cannot wonder if

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