
Brooklyn Ethical Association.


SEASON 1893-1894.

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Brooklyn Ethical Association.




The corporate name of this Society shall be



The objects of this Association are:

a. The scientific study of ethics, politics, economics, sociology, religion and philosophy, and also of physics and biology as related thereto.

b. The application of the results of such studies to the problems of practical philanthropy and statesmanship.

C. The procurement, preparation and delivery of popular lectures, expositions and discussions, and the circulation of the same, together with other printed matter relating to such subjects.

d. The promotion of unity and harmony among the friends of progress, by correspondence, friendly

intercourse and the application of the scientific method to social, religious and political reforms.

e. The maintenance of a library for the purpose of more effectually carrying out the objects of the Association.


a. The executive authority of the Association, as required by law, shall be vested in a Board of nine Trustees, who shall be elected annually, by ballot, and separately, as consecutively numbered, at the annual business meeting which shall be held on the Thursday after the second Sunday in May of each year.

b. The Trustees shall have the management and control of the affairs of the Association, and if a vacancy should occur in the Board, it shall be filled by a vote of the members of the Association, for the unexpired balance of the term, at the first Members' Meeting after due notice of the occurrence of such vacancy shall have been given, either at a previous meeting of the Association or by written or printed notification of the members.

C. Five members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no purchase, sale or mortgage of real estate shall be made unless upon the written consent of twothirds of the entire Board.

d. The Trustees shall select the subjects for discussion, and secure competent speakers and essayists. They shall have charge of any practical beneficent or

educational work which may be undertaken by the Association. They shall exercise a general supervision over the correspondence of the Association. They shall direct the disbursement of any funds in the hands of the Treasurer. They shall report their action on all matters of importance to the Association.

e. It shall be the duty of the Trustees, or a majority of them, in December of each year, to file in the office of the County Clerk of Kings County, a certificate stating the names of Trustees and Officers, with an inventory of the property, effects and liabilities, making affidavit of the truth of such certificate and inventory, and that the Association has not been engaged in any other business than such as is set forth in the original certificate of incorporation.


In order to secure harmony and efficiency in executive administration, the first Trustee, by virtue of his office, shall be the President of the Association; the second and third Trustees shall be its first and second Vice-Presidents; the fourth Trustee shall be its Recording Secretary; the fifth its Corresponding Secretary; the sixth its Treasurer, and the seventh its Librarian. Together with the eighth and ninth Trustees, these officers shall constitute the Board of Executive Control of the Association as before provided. The term of office of the Trustees and Officers of the Association shall commence on the day subsequent to their election, and shall expire on the day following the election of their successors.

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