
Declaration of the English Council, placing the sub-
jects of the United Provinces on the footing of neu-
tral powers, not privileged by treaties.-Address of
the States of Groningen to the States-General, re-
commending the protection of commerce by con-
voys. Second Address of the States of the same
Province, proposing answers to the Memorials of
Sir J. Yorke.-The Province of Holland recom-
mends the acceptance of the invitation of Russia
to accede to the armed neutrality.

To the President of Congress. Paris, April 29th,


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Favorable effects of the resolutions of Congress for
cancelling the two hundred millions of dollars pre-
viously emitted on the currency.-New emission of
five millions.-Financial concerns of the confed-

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To M. Genet, at Versailles. Paris, May 17th, 1780, 101

Objections to General Conway's assertion, that the

alliance between France and the United States is un-

natural. Habits; language; religion.-These cir-
cumstances will rather tend to separate America
and England.-The commercial interests of Eng-
land and America different.-Boundaries will form
a source of dispute.

To the Count de Vergennes. Paris, May 19th,


The Assembly of Pennsylvania cut to pieces the great
seal of the Province.-American privateers.

To the President of Congress. Paris, May 19th,


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Address of the Bar at Dublin to Mr Grattan.-Reply
of Mr Grattan.-Extracts from the journals.-Let-
ter of M. de Sartine, concerning the treatment of
neutrals. Letter from the Count de Florida Blanca.

To the President of Congress. Paris, May 27th,


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