
The annual meeting is held on the first Tuesday in May; the semi-annual on the second Tuesday in October.


Clinical Report-A Characteristic. By R. E. BELDING, M. D. July 15, 1867, Madame S, æt. 24, came to me for medical advice. She is slender but short, blonde complexion. For several years has had much distress, during and before menstruation. Much pain and soreness in left hypochondrium, going through to the lower border of right scapula; worse when lying on left side, and during menstruation, which is generally regular as to time, occasionally a little late, blood dark, thick, lasting four days, proceeded by headache, (frontal,) accompanied by profuse, watery, dark-colored diarrhoea; cutting colic before stool; chilliness, bearing down and drawing pains in the limbs, and soreness of the hips; much thirst at night, with dry mouth; takes cold very easily; sleep broken from 12 to 2 A. M; appetite poor. Cool, dry weather best agrees with her. Every summer is subject to urticarious eruptions.

Up to the 1st of September, she had phosphorus 200, belladonna 200, and rhus tox.200, with slight benefit.

A more careful examination, at that time, developed these additional symptoms, viz: Frequent dreams of robbers in the house, and on waking will not be satisfied until her husband has searched the house for them; also, "has frequent cold sores on upper lip, looking like pearls or white blisters." These symptoms characterized natrum muriaticum, one dose of which, in the 200th potency, afforded restoration of normal menstruation, freedom from pain, diarrhoea, or other untoward symptom.



List of Officers, Delegates, Committees, and Members.

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The annual meeting of the Society is held the third Wednesday

in October.

The semi-annual meeting the first Wednesday in June.

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ARTICLE 93. List of Officers, Delegates, Committees, and Members. 94. Clinical Report. By T. DWIGHT STOWE, M. D.

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The annual meeting is to be held at Oswego city on the second Tuesday of June. The semi-annual meeting is to be held at such place within the county as may be designated by vote of the Society upon adjournment; but change of place may be made upon request of two or more members, by order of the President, to whom such request must be presented.


Clinical Report. By T. Dwight Stow, M. D., of Fulton.

Cephalalgia.-E. D- -, aged nineteen years; hair, dark brown; eyes, grey; complexion, sallow; height, five feet nine inches; weight, 133 lbs.; a moulder by trade. When seven years of age suffered from an attack of cephalalgia, which had, up to the time of making my prescriptions, some time in July, or August last, continued at intervals of two or three months, and lasting, variedly, from three days to three weeks. He had been treated allopathically a considerable portion of the time, but finally becoming disgusted, quit all medication.

Symptoms.-Intense pain over right eye and seemingly through the supra-orbital foramen; pains as though a needle were pushed through into the brain, pressure from without inward; appetite disordered; sometimes mad delirium; nausea and vomiting. Eyes red, swollen and protruding.

Characteristics.-Coming on in morning, at or near nine o'clock, generally stopping at two P. M. Aggravated by noise, washing hands in cold water, dropping the head forward, stepping heavily. Amelioration, by soft pressure, lying on back and heat.

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Treatment.-Gave ignatia amara.ce one dose; sac. lac. twelve powders. Within two hours pain entirely gone, and up to February 6th, 1868, had no return. What is better, he was never in better health.


February 1st, was called to see Miss E. A-, an unmarried lady of nineteen. Complained of soreness in throat, chills, lameness, headache, dysphagia, tongue coated completely with a thick, dirty, yellow fur. Had in the onset a heavy chill and afterwards fever and vomiting. On examining the fauces found bright redness, with swelling of tonsils, velum pendulum palati and uvula. Tonsils, uvula and palatine arch thickly covered with a tough, greenish yellow diphtheritic deposit. Her hands and feet were cold and inclined to be purple, face deep purplish red. Second and third days breath so offensive as to nauseate bystanders.

Characteristics.Soreness and pains in fauces commenced in left side and extended to right. Swallowed fluids best; empty deglutition almost impossible. Worse in the morning and on waking from sleep. Sensation as of tumor in throat. When swallowing pain extended to left ear.

Treatment.-Lachesis 200, cured the case in four days. No other remedy used. Administered the medicine every three and five hours,

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