
oppression about the epigastrium; difficult to speak at times from want of breath

Hydrastis canadensis. Constant discharge of thick, white mucus from the nose; coryza, with profuse secretion of tears; tingling and smarting in the throat; hawking up of tenacious yellow or white mucus; rawness of the fauces; pain on swallowing as from excoriation; constant rough, hacking cough.

Phytolacca decandra. Drawing sensation above the root of the nose, with feeling as if a cold would come on. Flow of mucus from one nostril while the other is stopped; thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces; sensation as of a lump in the throat. This remedy is considered more useful in some acute disease of the throat, than ordinary catarrh affecting the bronchia.

Gelseminum. Watery discharge from the nose; sneezing with dull headache; tingling in the nose; bloody mucous discharge; dryness, irritation and soreness of the fauces; paroxysms of hoarseness, with dryness of the throat; weak voice; cough from tickling and dry roughness of the fauces; burning in the larynx and down in the chest when coughing. This is almost a perfect picture of an acute attack of bronchial catarrh.

Rumex crispus. Tenacious mucus in the throat or larynx; a constant desire to hawk; coughing and hawking worse at night; scraping in the throat; cough excited by tickling or irritation behind the sternum; cough attended with pain in the head; sudden change of voice at the same hour on consecutive days; change of voice at different times.

Cimicifuga racemosa. Horseness; unpleasant fullness in the pharynx; constant inclination to cough caused by a tickling sensation of the larynx in the evening; an attempt to speak is followed by an inclination to cough; dry cough caused by tickling; hoarseness in the evening; fluent coryza; lancinating pain along the cartilages of the false ribs on the left side, increased by taking a long inspiration; pain in the head followed by coryza, with sore throat, and gradual extension of the disease to the bronchia; fluent coryza of a whitish mucus during the day; aching pain in the head; pain in both eyeballs many times in the day; very profuse greenish and slightly sanguineous coryza; fullness of pharynx and constant inclination to swallow; pain in forehead and occiput; great sensitiveness to cold air.

Baptisia tinctoria. Thick mucus discharge from the nose; severe drawing pains along the nose; dull pain at the root of

the nose; roaring in the ears, with confusion of the mind; soreness of the throat; with scraping and burning; raw sensation in the pharynx, with large amount of viscid mucus; constant feeling in the throat; pinching sensation in the upper part of the pharynx; throat feels swollen and full; hoarseness to such an extent as to require the utmost effort to be understood; tickling in the throat; complete aphonia; tightness of the chest; feeling of want of power in the respiratory organs; sharp pains in the chest when taking a long breath; oppressed respiration.

Eupatorium purpureum. Flowing coryza; sneezing; hoarseness with roughness in the voice; hacking cough in the evening; cough with soreness and heat in the bronchia; difficult breathing; grating sensation in the chest at every deep inspiration.

Sticta pulmonaria. The proving of this remedial agent is imperfect, but clinical experience proves it to be one of our main stays in acute catarrh. It has dull sensation in the head with sharp darting pains through the vertex, side of face and lower jaw. Feeling of fullness at the root of the nose, and in the left hypochondriac region; dull oppressive pain in the cardiac region; slight oppression of the lungs; dull pain in the right hypochondrium; burning in the eyelids, with soreness of the balls on closing the lids or turning the eye; the proving is imperfect, but clinical experience quite considerable; I have used it with the best of success in acute bronchial catarrh.

Trillium pendulum. The proving is imperfect, but is recommended for chronic catarrah. I have never used it.

.Asclepias tuberosa. First dry, then fluent coryza during the first few days with much sneezing; discharge of blood from the nostrils; pain in the larynx; breath smells like pepper; disposition to inspire hurriedly, followed by sensation of oppression; asthma after eating or smoking; pain in right lung; pinching pain in region of the heart.

Cactus grandiflorus. Obstinate stertorious cough, worse at night; catarrhal cough with much viscid expectoration; spasmodic cough with copious mucous expectoration like boiled starch, and very yellow; dry cough from tickling in the throat; dry cough from itching in the larynx; continuous rattling of mucus day and night; oppression of breathing on going up stairs; impossibility of lying horrizontally in bed; difficulty of breathing; continued oppression and uneasiness, as if the chest was constricted by an iron band; feeling of constriction in the chest which pre

vents free speech; when forced to speak the voice is low and hoarse; constriction in upper part of the chest which hinders respiration, aggravated by motion; sensation of great constriction in the middle of the sternum, which compression produces oppression of the respiration. These are the symptoms of this remedy pointing to bronchial catarrh. I have used it in one instance when the cough and pain was accompanied by nervous palpitation of the heart. The patient being a lady twenty years of age. The case was pronounced hopeless by old school disciples, being, they said too far gone in consumption, caused by suppressed menses. With the continual use of this remedy, and occasional doses of sulphur and pulsatilla for three months, a perfect cure was effected. Discharged cured eight months ago, and remains in perfect health.


ARTICLE 105.-List of Officers, Delegates, Committees and Members.
106.-Report of the Washington County Homoeopathic Medical Society,

A. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held Jan. 15, 1868.
B. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society.

C. Tariff Bill for Professional Services.

By A. W. HOLDEN, M. D., Secretary.


List of Officers, Delegates, Committees and Members.


Drs. B. F. Cornell, President.

James Cromwell, Vice-President.

A. W. Holden, Secretary and Treasurer.


Dr. George W. Little, Dr. Geo. H. Beach, Dr. David H. Bullard.

Delegates to the State Medical Society.

Dr. G. W. Little,

Dr. G. H. Beach,


Dr. A. W. Holden.

Drs. D. H. Bullard, Glens Falls, Warren County.

James Cromwell, Caldwell,

A W. Holden, Glens Falls,

Geo. H. Beach, Sandy Hill, Washington County.

[blocks in formation]













The annual meeting of the Society is held on the second Wed

nesday of January.


Proceedings of the Washington County Homoeopathic Medical Society, comprising: A. Proceedings of Annual Meeting, held January 15, 1868.

B. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society.

C. Tariff Bill for Professional Services.

By A. W. HOLDEN, M. D., of Glens Falls, Secretary.



Pursuant to adjournment, the Homeopathic Medical Society of Washington and Warren counties, convened for its annual session at the office of Drs. Cornell and Little, in the village of Fort Edward, Wednesday, January 15, 1868.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. Bullard. The following members were present: Drs. Beach, Bullard, Cornell, Little, Rice, Sarle, Ward and Holden.

The records of the last meeting were submitted by the Secretary, and approved.

The Treasurer's report was read, accepted and ordered on file. Dr. James Cromwell, of Caldwell, Warren county, was proposed, and upon the recommendation of the Board of Censors, was duly elected to membership, and participated in the proceedings. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, In the proposed constitutional amendments presented by the Hon. S. J. Colahan, with a view to the advancement of medical science by elevating the standard of medical requirements, we recognize an instrumentality of great practical importance; therefore,

Resolved, That we hereby respectfully request the members of the Constitutional Convention to support said measure, and favor its adoption in the form of an amendment to the Constitution of the State.

Whereas, There is an act now pending in the Legislature of the State of New York, to authorize the erection of an Asylum for the Insane, to be placed under the supervision of the homoeopathic school of practice; therefore,

Resolved, That we cordially approve the proposal, authorizing the creation of the Susquehanna Asylum for the Insane, and earnestly urge and recommend the members of the Senate and Assembly representing these counties, to extend to this measure all the assistance in their power.

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