The Cricket, a Harbinger of Good. II. Thus thy praise shall be exprest, While the rat is on the scout, And the mouse with curious snout, Ev'ry dish, and spoil the best; Frisking thus before the fire, Thou hast all thine heart's desire, III. Though in voice and shape they be Form'd as if akin to thee, Thou surpassest, happier far, Belinda and her Parrot. IV. Neither night, nor dawn of day, Puts a period to thy play: Sing then-and extend thy span Far beyond the date of man. Wretched man, whose years are spent In repining discontent, Lives not, aged though he be, IV. THE PARROT. I. IN painted plumes superbly drest, A native of the gorgeous east, By many a billow tost; Poll gains at length the British shore, Part of the captain's precious storeA present to his toast. Belinda's Parrot made a Wit. II. Belinda's maids are soon preferr'd But 'tis her own important charge And make him quite a wit. III Sweet Poll! his doating mistress cries, Sweet Poll! the mimic bird replies, And calls aloud for sack. She next instructs him in the kiss; 'Tis now a little one, like Miss, And now a hearty smack. IV. At first he aims at what he hears; And, list'ning close with both his ears, Just catches at the sound; But soon articulates aloud, Much to th' amusement of the crowd, And stuns the neighbours round. Belinda and her Bird a well matched Pair. V. A querulous old woman's voice His hum'rous talent next employs He scolds, and gives the lie. And now he sings, and now is sick— Here Sally, Susan, come, come quick; Poor Poll is like to die! VI. Belinda and her bird! 'tis rare To meet with such a well match'd pair, The language and the tone, Each character in ev'ry part Sustain❜d with so much grace and art, And both in unison. VII. When children first begin to spell, And stammer out a syllable, We think them tedious creatures; But difficulties soon abate, When birds are to be taught to prate, Он, happy shades-to me unblest! How ill the scene that offers rest, II. This glassy stream, that spreading pine, III. But fix'd unalterable care Foregoes not what she feels within, Shows the same sadness ev'ry where, And slights the season and the scene. |