who treated the Bible as an Imposture.
What shall the man deserve of human kind, Whose happy skill and industry, combin'd, Shall prove (what argument could never yet) The Bible an imposture and a cheat? The praises of the libertine, profess'd
The worst of men, and curses of the best, Where should the living, weeping o'er his woes ; · The dying, trembling at the awful close;
Where the betray'd, forsaken, and oppress'd, The thousands whom the world forbids to rest ; Where should they find, (those comforts at an end The scripture yields) or hope to find a friend? Sorrow might muse herself to madness then
And, seeking exile from the sight of men, Bury herself in solitude profound,
Grow frantic with her pangs, and bite the ground.
Thus often unbelief, grown sick of life,
Flies to the tempting pool, or felon knife. The jury meet, the coroner is short,
And lunacy the verdict of the court.
Scripture the Consolation of the Afflicted.
Reverse the sentence, let the truth be known,
Such lunacy is ignorance alone.
They knew not, what some bishops may not know, That scripture is the only cure of woe.
That field of promise, how it flings abroad Its odour o'er the Christian's thorny road! The soul, reposing on assur'd relief, Feels herself happy amidst all her grief, Forgets her labour as she toils along,
Weeps tears of joy, and bursts into a song.
But the same word, that like the polish'd share, Ploughs up the roots of a believer's care,
Kills, too, the flow'ry weeds, where'er they grow, That bind the sinner's Bacchanalian brow. Oh, that unwelcome voice of heav'nly love, Sad messenger of mercy from above!
How does it grate upon his thankless ear, Crippling his pleasures with the cramp of fear! His will and judgment at continual strife, That civil war imbitters all his life:
Sinners unthankful for heavenly Promises.
In vain he points his pow'rs against the skies, In vain he closes or averts his eyes,
Truth will intrude-she bids him yet beware; And shakes the sceptic in the scorner's chair. Though various foes against the truth combine, Pride above all opposes her design;
Pride, of a growth superior to the rest, sm The subtlest serpent, with the loftiest crest, Swells at the thought, and, kindling into rage, Would hiss the cherub mercy from the stage.
And is the soul, indeed, so lost ?-she cries; Fall'n from her glory, and too weak to rise? Torpid and dull, beneath a frozen zone,
Has she no spark that may be deem'd her own? Grant her indebted to what zealots calli Grace undeserv'd-yet, surely, not for all! Some beams of rectitude she yet displays, Some love of virtue, and some pow'r to praise; Can lift herself above corporeal things, And, soaring on her own unborrow'd wings,
The Soul equal to Exertions to secure Mercy. ·
Possess herself of all that's good or true, Assert the skies, and vindicate her due. Past indiscretion is a venial crime;
And, if the youth, unmellow'd yet by time, Bore on his branch, luxuriant then and rude, Fruits of a blighted size, austere and crude, Maturer years shall happier stores produce, And meliorate the well concocted juice. Then, conscious of her meretorious zeal, To justice she may make her bold appeal; And leave to mercy, with a tranquil mind, The worthless and unfruitful of mankind. Hear, then, how mercy slighted and defied, Retorts th' affront against the crown of pride. Perish the virtue, as it ought, abhorr❜d,
And the fool with it, who insults his Lord. Th' atonement a Redeemer's love has wrought Is not for you the righteous need it not. Seest thou yon harlot, wooing all she meets, The worn-out nuisance of the public streets;
The most profligate may be reclaimed.
Herself, from morn to night, from night to morn, Her own abhorrence, and as much your scorn! The gracious show'r, unlimited and free, Shall fall on her, when heav'n denies it thee. Of all that wisdom dictates, this the drift- That man is dead in sin, and life a gift.
Is virtue, then, unless of Christian growth, Mere fallacy, or foolishness, or both? Ten thousand sages lost in endless woe, For ignorance of what they could not know?
That speech betrays at once a bigot's tongue- Charge not a God with such outrageous wrong Truly, not I-the partial light men have, My creed persuades me, well employed, may save; While he that scorns the noon-day beam, perverse, Shall find the blessing, unimprov'd, a curse.
Let heathen worthies, whose exalted mind
Left sensuality and dross behind,
Possess, for me, their undisputed lot,
And take, unenvied, the reward they sought,
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