Sports of the Field reprehended. They love the country, and none else, who seek For their own sake its silence and its shade. Delights which who would leave, that has a heart Susceptible of pity, or a mind Cultur❜d and capable of sober thought, For all the savage din of the swift pack, A corresponding tone in jovial souls! Well-one at least is safe. One shelter'd hare Has made at last familiar; she has lost The tame Hare. Much of her vigilant and instinctive dread, ; To thy straw couch, and slumber unalarm'd I knew at least one hare that had a friend. How various his employments whom the world Calls idle; and who justly, in return, Esteems that busy world an idler too! Friends, books, a garden, and perhaps his pen, Delightful industry enjoy'd at home, And nature in her cultivated trim Dress'd to his taste, inviting him abroad Various Employments. Can he want occupation who has these? When He shall call his debtors to account From whom are all our blessings; bus'ness finds The mind he gave me; driving it, though slack To its just point-the service of mankind That has a heart, and keeps it; has a mind That hungers, and supplies it; and who seeks A social, not a dissipated life, Has business; feels himself engaged t' achieve No unimportant, though a silent, task. د Pleasures of Retirement. A life all turbulence and noise may seem, To him that leads it, wise, and to be prais'd; Or dives not for it, or brings up instead, The morning finds the self-sequester'd man Fresh for his task, intend what task he may. Whether inclement seasons recommend His warm but simple home, where he enjoys, With her who shares his pleasures and his heart, Sweet converse, sipping calm the fragrant lymph Which neatly she prepares; then to his book, Well chosen, and not sullenly perus'd In selfish silence, but imparted oft As aught occurs that she may smile to hear, Or, if the garden with its many cares, Rustic Occupations. All well repaid, demand him, he attends But much performs himself. No works indeed Impair'd by age, his unrelenting hand Dooms to the knife: nor does he spare the soft |