Deliver him, Deist, if you can. To live on terms of amity with vice, où rich Exhausted, he resorts to solemn themes They gain at last his unreserved assent; Of lust, and on the anvil of despair, He slights the strokes of conscience. Nothing moves, Or nothing much, his constancy in ill; Vain tampering has but fostered his disease; "Tis desperate, and he sleeps the sleep of death. How lovely, and the moral sense how sure, Directly to the FIRST AND ONLY FAIR. Spare not in such a cause. Spend all the powers = Grace alone can do it. Be most sublimely good, verbosely grand, Till it out-mantle all the pride of verse.- The eclipse, that intercepts truth's heavenly beam, Who calls for things that are not, and they come. That turns to ridicule the turgid speech And stately tone of moralists, who boast, The respective Merits of And he by means in philosophic eyes Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause Bled nobly; and their deeds, as they deserve, Receive proud reompense. We give in charge Their names to the sweet lyre. The historic muse, Proud of the treasure, marches with it down To latest times; and sculpture, in her turn, Gives bond in stone and ever-during brass To guard them, and to immortalize her trust: But fairer wreaths are due, though never paid, To those, who posted at the shrine of truth, Have fallen in her defence. A patriot's blood Well spent in such a strife may earn indeed, And for a time ensure, to his loved land The sweets of liberty and equal laws; ။ Patriots and Martyrs stated. But martyrs struggle for a brighter prize, And win it with more pain. Their blood is shed Our claim to feed upon immortal truth, To walk with God, to be divinely free, Yet few remember them. They lived unknown And chased them up to heaven. Their ashes flew And history, so warm on meaner themes, He is the freeman whom the truth makes free, * See Hume. Happy Freedom of the Man With as much ease as Samson his green wyths. He looks abroad into the varied field Of nature, and though poor perhaps, compared His are the mountains, and the vallies his, And by an emphasis of interest his, ? Whose eye they fill with tears of holy joy, Whose heart with praise, and whose exalted mind. |