




REMEMBER-It Must Satisfy
You or Your Money Back


The Edes Manufacturing Co.




R. Mohr & Sons

150 Post St.


Wm. A. Field Co.

638 Federal St.

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$3.00 the Year

Issued on the 15th of the month

30 Cents the Copy


Contains an article on the subject of "Open Price Associations"
which will prove interesting. You will find additional material to
advise you of the latest developments in the photo-engraving industry.

[blocks in formation]

Cover Design and Plates by Bierman Engraving Company, Charlotte, N. C.

Out in Front...



Oscar F Kett

At the February meeting of the Executive Board the Publicity Committee was authorized to lay out plans, to be placed before the Grand Rapids Convention next July, for the publicity of the photo-engraving industry for the years 1922 and 1923.

Your Publicity Committee has contracted with the Shepherd Publicity Service, of Milwaukee, for the laying out of this campaign. Considerable study and thought have been given for some time as to whom to contract with for this service, and we feel that in Mr. Thomas Shepherd, who has considerable experience in association advertising, we have the right man.

The first gun for publicity to be fired is in this issue of THE PHOTO-ENGRAVERS' BULLETIN, as you will note on page 3, for a proper slogan for the photo-engraving industry. Slogan contests of this kind are not new, but all of them have been most successful in that they have aroused great interest, and the more interest we can arouse in our industry the better for the industry.

This contest is not only for those outside of the industry, but is also for those within the industry, except the officers of the American Photo-Engravers' Association, and every photo-engraver and every man and woman connected with the photo-engraving business should make an effort to try to win one of these prizes and also call attention of their clients to these prizes. Everyone should put his shoulder to the wheel and give this contest as much publicity as possible.

The American Photo-Engravers' Association will award $500 in 18 prizes for the 18 most appropriate Slogans of not more than 8 words each suitable for advertising the Photo-Engraving industry (compound words. like Photo-Engraving counted as one word).

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In the event of two or more persons submitting the Slogan selected as best, second best, etc., each will receive the full amount of the prize tied for.

Preference will be given to slogans which most tersely suggest that forceful influence which Photo-Engraving Service renders to advertised products of every kind; for instance: "Photo-Engraving demonstrates service in products;" "Picture your products by PhotoEngraving, they talk;" "What's an 'ad' without Photo-Engraving?" NOTE: - An industrial slogan may be described as a product of selling psychology in the form of a printed brevity, calculated to stimulate and encourage human interest in such a way that the demand for the service which that industry supplies may be multiplied. Say it with flowers," - the florist's slogan, is an excellent example.

Read These Conditions Carefully

1. Anyone, except the officers of the A. P. E. A., may compete.

2. Competitors must write their attempts plainly on slips of paper 3 inches by 6 inches. Nothing but the slogan on one side, and nothing_but name and address on the other. Each attempt must be on a separate slip.

All prizes will be paid even though none of the attempts are considered appropriate for service as an Industrial Slogan.

All attempts must be enclosed flat (not folded), in an envelope, and must be mailed not later than Monday, June 12th, 1922, to

Advertising Editor, Photo-Engravers' Bulletin

863 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO

Prize winners will be notified, and checks sent to them as soon as possible after that date.

This advertisement will not appear again—so act immediately. Remember the last date for mailing-June 12th.


The American Photo-Engravers' Association's Standard Cost System

As previously announced, the Standard Cost System, prepared by the American Photo-Engravers' Association, is now completed and a copy of the Manual and Forms connected therewith has been mailed and is now in the possession of every manufacturing photo-engraver in the United States and our members in Canada. A careful reading of the material referred to will disclose the fact that the Standard Cost System will answer every requirement from a business, economical, cost accounting and legal point of view. You will also realize that the Standard Cost System represents a considerable expenditure of money on the part of the American Photo-Engravers' Association, the funds being provided by its members through the payment of dues.

On another page in this issue you will find a price-list of electrotypes, printed forms and other materials necessary in the operation of the Standard Cost System. Further information on this subject will be mailed to all photo-engravers in the near future.

The Officers of the American Photo-Engravers' Association feel that this organization has rendered a very important and distinct service to the photo-engravers of this country. The mere publication of the Cost Finding Manual and Forms, however, serves no purpose other than to place in your hands, and at your disposal, the best cost system that can be created for your particular use. This work and the benefits to be derived therefrom will not be completed or obtained, until such time that every photo-engraver installs and maintains the Standard Cost System in his own institution.

We want to warn you against the error of glancing over the Standard Cost System Manual and Forms and laying it aside to be taken up for serious consideration at some future and indefinite period. The amount of money and labor represented by the Standard Cost System will be a total loss, unless it is put into early and practical use.

Fortunately, the American Association has reached a stage of development where the photo-engravers in all of the leading cities, at least, have formed local and sectional organizations, which are conducted in a businesslike manner. It is a comparatively simple matter for the members of these local and sectional organizations to consider the installation and use of the Standard Cost System, collectively, at their local and

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