
the opportunity of seeing the furniture exhibition is something which will never be forgotten by those who are privileged to witness it.

The Convention follows close on the heels of the semi-annual furniture season. Grand Rapids is the world's greatest furniture center, because generation after generation of woodworkers have lived and wrought in the local shops, bequeathing their heritage of skill and craftsmanship from father to son and grandson. This, coupled with the fact that resident in Grand Rapids is a group of the greatest furniture designers in the world, explains the city's leadership. Gathered in the various exhibition halls will be hundreds of pieces of the most exquisite furniture which have been on display for the buyers from all parts of the country who have visited the city during the summer buying season. Impressive design and superb craftsmanship are the main features of the show.

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We have been assured that our visitors will have the privilege of seeing this display, and it is something worth while seeing. The ladies are promised not a dull moment during their stay with us. Mrs. Oscar Tandler and her committee will see to it that their part of the program is par excellence.

Do You Golf?

Photo-engravers number in their ranks many who chase the little white ball over the links of the various clubs. These gentlemen are invited to bring their sticks, because Grand Rapids boasts three fine clubs: the Kent Country, the Highland, and the new Cascade Country

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Club. The courses are not easy; they are sporty,-which delights any true golfer.

It has been suggested that a tournament be arranged, and if the time can be obtained for the staging of such an event, there will be nothing to it-the contest will be on. In Grand Rapids we have four players in our ranks who think they can beat any other quartette from any other city. A cup has been offered for competition. This may be the solution of the golf tourney. Will golfers write, taking up the challenge of the Grand Rapids players?

We are operating here in Grand Rapids under the daylight-saving system. We can play until eight o'clock in the evening. So for this small mercy we have to thank those who forced this saving (?) upon us.

The entertainment committee consists of Messrs. Cargill, Werry, and Hicks, and they are all dyed-in-the-wool golf enthusiasts; so if anything can be figured out that will not interfere with the business part of the convention, golfers can rest easy that something of more than mediocre interest will be staged.

Machinery Exhibit

Last year at Buffalo the experiment was tried of holding an exhibition of machinery. It was so successful that at Grand Rapids this year this feature of the Convention will be repeated. Two excellently situated rooms have been secured close to the Convention Hall, and here will be staged an exhibit that will be of inestimable value to photo-engravers.

Below is shown a diagram of the rooms, the size of the spaces and the cost to the exhibitor.

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Such an exhibition will tend to make the Convention more interesting, being beneficial to the craft as well as to supply people. Already much interest has been stirred up among the machinery houses. We are showing the floor plans of the two rooms, and would urge a speedy reservation of space if this has not already been done. At Buffalo last year the exhibition caused a better understanding and a feeling of greater mutuality between those who manufacture and those who buy the equipment. A continuance of this good feeling is desirable. A comprehensive and complete exhibition of photo-engraving machinery, equipment and supplies will save time and money, both for the manufacturers and dealers and the photo-engravers. The latter will have an opportunity to visualize without extra expense all that is new and progressive in the industry.

Why Not Spend Your Vacation in Michigan?

Why not combine business with pleasure? It is the right time of the year (July) to get away from the dust and grime of the city and seek the quiet rest of the country. Michigan as a Summerland needs no introduction. It is unique among the States of America; its exclusive character makes for its popularity as the nation's vast pleasure ground. Three lakes and their connecting waters form what is known as the Lower Peninsula.

Grand Rapids, where your Convention is to be held, lies thirty miles from Lake Michigan. It is one of the show points of Western Michigan,

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being known throughout the country as one or the best shaded and most "homey" cities of its class. Grand Rapids is perhaps best known as the world's greatest manufacturing and market city for medium and high-grade furniture; but it also has distinguished itself as the home of many varied business and manufacturing enterprises. It is the wholesale and distributing center for western and northern Michigan, and its active wholesalers' organization penetrates even to territory in eastern Michigan and northern Ohio and Indiana. Grand Rapids is the focal point of five steam railroads and three electric lines. At this point it is well to emphasize that it is easy to reach Grand Rapids without any difficulty. It is a main-line station. There is no need for anxiety as to having to make connections. It is readily accessible from New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Buffalo and Toledo. It is but a twelve or twenty-four hour ride in a comfortable Pullman. For those who live further away, close train connections are made at every principal railroad junction in the country.

We have endeavored to picture in this issue some of the beauties of Michigan, which will be at her best, garbed in her summer attire, and there is nothing finer to be found anywhere on this continent. Some of the illustrations, which have been selected at random, will confirm this statement which is without contradiction. For generations Michigan has been recognized as the great playground of the States. The chain of lakes surrounding Michigan are known as the great "Inland

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