British Books in Print, Volumer 1-4J. Whitaker, 1986 |
Laroche Michel See Laroche Sandra LarocheMichel | 3795 |
Last Long Journey Cleeve D8 272 n e pbk 6 75 Univ Chicago P 6 | 3796 |
Language Teaching Projects for the Third World Brumfit M8 160 Ip 5 35 | 3797 |
D Your Forces and How to Use Them C8 332 n e 2 95 LN Fowler | 3798 |
Laszlo Ervin Bierman J Goals in a Global Community | 3799 |
Bridge J W Introduction to the Law and Institutions of the European | 3800 |
Language Teaching Texts Widdowson M8 362 figs Eng Studs S pbk 3 | 3808 |
Effects and Applications Duley M8 xiii427 65 00 | 3810 |
Towards a PostChomskyan Linguistics | 4719 |
Lasdun Susan Victorians at Home | 4720 |
Language Universals Explanations for Butterworth M8 288 d figs tabs | 4726 |
Last of Uptake SmithSimon Harcourt C4 80 III n e 10 00 | 4728 |
John Murray Forbes and Western | 4733 |
5d 24tabs 9M 40 00 Camb U P 7 | 4735 |
Wild Mountain Trail I G Edmonds C8 128 n i pbk 0 95 Target Bks 11 | 4740 |
Large Bulk Carrier Employment in the Eighties D4 152 8figs 135tabs spiral | 4742 |
Larson Carl E See Goldberg Alvin A Larson Carl | 3815 |
Theory and Experiments Bogart D4 158 III | 3821 |
etc Fundamental Duties | 3823 |
Reception and Responsibility IM8 350 3r e | 3827 |
An Econometric | 3828 |
Laplace Transforms Spiegel D4 261 III Schaum Outline S | 3830 |
Late Victorian Roses Beales sD8 32 15col ill Cotmancolor S pbk 100 Jarrold | 3832 |
Language Teaching Trends in Valdman M8 298 pbk 13 95 McGraw 10 | 3836 |
Programmes and Problems Stroud | 3839 |
Lasater Bonnie Ed One Dish Meals sD4 96 Col ill bds 3 95 Meredith Corpn | 3840 |
Practice and Procedure M8 440 47 50 | 3841 |
Latent Power of Culture and the International Judge Prott D8 350 pbk 15 00 | 3847 |
Language Tests Make Your Own Carroll Hall sC4 160 15ill 6 40 Pergamon | 3860 |
LaSor William S Handbook of New Testament Greek An Inductive Approach | 3864 |
Language the Learner and the School Barnes Douglasetc C8 176 | 3867 |
Lasater Martin L Taiwan Issue in SinoAmerican Strategic Relations M8 200 | 3871 |
Laplaces Equation Solutions of Bland D8 104 21ill Lib of Maths | 3875 |
5 | 3880 |
Larson Elaine Valaquez M Critical Care Nursing C8 352 24ill pbk 16 95 | 3881 |
LaSor William S etc Old Testament Survey M8 688 III tabs ch M 24 95 | 3883 |
Last Lunar Baedeker Loy Ed ConoverRoger L C8 420 III pbk 7 95 Carcanet | 3893 |
Larson Donna Rae Ed Guide to United States Government | 3899 |
Latent Variables in Socioeconomic Models Ed Aigner Goldberger M8 xiv 384 | 3904 |
Languages Spoken and Written Standard Ed Haas D8 xiii 192 | 3907 |
Laplanche J Pontalis J B Language of Psychoanalysis | 3911 |
Lark and the Laurel Willard D8 176 n e 5 95 Kestrel Bks 7 80 0 7226 5852 4 | 3915 |
Lasota A Mackey M C Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems | 3917 |
Biography of Sawai Man Singhji IIMaharaja of Jaipur Crewe | 3920 |
Languages of West Africa Migeod C8 828 1fldg M n e of 1911e 46 00 Gregg | 3925 |
Lark Rise Thompson Flora | 3927 |
Power of Prudence M8 260 13 50 | 3929 |
Lapland Marsden R6 184 Col ill Worlds Wild Places S 12 50 TimeLife | 3933 |
Lark Rise to Candleford Thompson Flora | 3941 |
Digital System Design Automation Breuer | 3943 |
Last Books of H G Wells WellsH G Ed Wells G P D8 84 Fr 2 00 H G Wells | 3945 |
The Use and Abuse of Language | 3947 |
Lascelles Gerald See CoxHarding Lascelles Gerald | 3956 |
Last Steam Locomotives of Spain and Portugal FoxMichael Jeremy | 3957 |
Lass Norman J Speech Language and Hearing | 3959 |
Last Man Shelley C8 352 n e pbk 3 95 Hogarth P 6 | 3963 |
LaPlante Jerry C Ed Photographers on Photography D8 128 20ill pbk 3 50 | 3964 |
Language Theories of the Early Soviet Period Phillips Katharine H | 3973 |
An International | 3983 |
Last Cattle Drive DayRobert IC8 224 8 95 Secker W 10 77 0 436 12555 2 | 3988 |
Last Starfighter Foster Alan Dean | 3989 |
Lantern Lecture and Other Stories Jones Adam Mars | 3992 |
Later Chinese Porcelain Jenyns R8 128 III some col 4r e Mon on Pottery | 4006 |
Lark Rise to CandlefordFlora Thompsons C8 101 Brodies Notes S pbk 1 25 | 4015 |
Comprehensive Bibliography | 4037 |
Last Supper GregoryO B C8 24 Col ill Read About it S pbk 0 50 Wheaton | 4039 |
Larson Elaine Eisenberg M S Manual of Admitting Orders | 4042 |
Lark Shall Sing Cadell M8 329 n e 5 00 Ulverscroft Large | 4047 |
Lastminute Sketches Macaulife Post8 53 pbk 0 90 KenyonDeane 12 | 4051 |
Story of the Emden Vat | 4053 |
Larkcom Joy Salad Garden 8½ x 82 168 Colill 8 95 Windward 484 | 4055 |
Symposium Proceedings | 4056 |
Lascelles Mary Shakespeares Comic Insight R8 Shakespeare Lect 1 00 | 4060 |
Larke J R Eye in Contact Lens Wear SR8 240 75ill 45 00 Butterworth 3 | 4069 |
Larkin Bruce D China and Africa 194970 Foreign Policy of | 4078 |
New Foundations for Realism | 4081 |
Last of the Confederate Privateers Hay Hay D8 192 10ill 7M 4 95 P Harris | 4082 |
Large David Round Frances Public Health in MidVictorian Bristol D8 23 III | 4085 |
Larkin Chris In Ragged Armour D8 16 Poetry Now pbk 0 95 | 4088 |
n e Abacus Bks pbk 2 75 Sphere 10 | 4096 |
Language Treatise on Johnson Alexander Bryan Ed Rynin David | 4097 |
Television and Child | 4109 |
12 50 Weidenfeld N 11 | 4120 |
Large Peter Somerville Coast of West Cork M8 216 III 2r e 10 95 Appletree | 4121 |
11d 12 95 Camb U P 6 | 4123 |
Large Peter Somerville Dublin | 4127 |
13ill 31 50 Univ Pennsylvania P 6 | 4132 |
Lasers in Medicine | 4133 |
Large Peter Somerville Grand Irish Tour | 4138 |
11d pbk 4 95 Camb U P 6 | 4140 |
Laporte Leo F Ancient Environments | 4143 |
The Family Besieged M8 230 | 4145 |
Large Barbara etc Ed How to be a Supersaver in the Home | 4147 |
Larson Gena Fact Book on Better Food for Better Babies and Their Families | 4150 |
Readings from Scientific | 4153 |
Language Two Dulay M8 332 12figs 40tabs pbk 6 00 Oxf U P 8 | 4156 |
Larner John Italy in the Age of Dante and Petrarch 12161380 | 4157 |
Large Brian Martinu D8 250 III 24 00 Duckworth 5 | 4161 |
Last Supper and Lords Supper Marshall I Howard | 4164 |
Languages Teaching Modern Partington Luker D8 80 III | 4165 |
Lantern Network Allbeury | 4166 |
Yeats and the Idea of Woman Kline M8 204 | 4171 |
Last Courts of Europe Finestone D4 256 315ill 14 95 Dent 10 | 4179 |
Laponce J A Left and Right IM8 284 29 75 Univ Toronto P 1 | 4185 |
Lasers Electronic Transition Ed Steinfeld | 4186 |
Later Collected Verse Service R8 490 4 95 Benn 2 | 4191 |
Lascivious Scenes C8 176 pbk 2 25 Star Bks 7 | 4193 |
Laporte Robert See Burki Shadid Javed Laporte Robert | 4197 |
Development | 4205 |
Last of the Dragons and Some Others Nesbit | 4213 |
An Introduction for Accountants D8 viii74 | 4215 |
Lass of SilverLad of Gold Darby | 4222 |
Last Dance with You Ingoldby D8 160 9 95 M Joseph 286 | 4224 |
Community P 9 | 4225 |
Lapow Harry Coney Island Beach People suR6 144 138ill pbk 6 00 Dover | 4229 |
Later Greek Literature Ed Winkler Williams M8 344 Yale Class | 4233 |
Larson Gerald James etc Ed Myth in IndoEuropean Antiquity | 4242 |
Last of the Lairds Galt Ed Gordonlan A D8 192 n e 5 50 Scot Academic | 4246 |
Apprenticeship in Antiques D8 234 7 95 | 4250 |
Recollections of a Planters Son Percy | 4252 |
Lasker Emanuel Common Sense in Chess IC8 139 34d n e pbk 3 00 Dover | 4263 |
Way to Enlightenment C8 128 r e Stagbooks | 4271 |
See WelchJL LappC | 4285 |
Larson Glen A Hill Roger Knight RiderHearts of Stone sC8 176 III | 4288 |
Conference Proceedings | 4291 |
Later Heidegger and Theology Ed Robinson James M Cobb John B M8 xii | 4293 |
Realities of Ageing CoxHarold ID6 374 31 00 PrenticeHall 6 | 4299 |
Languages to Adults for Special Purposes Teaching D8 100 | 4308 |
Latest News Craig Sprague D8 72 50ill pbk 1 50 Journeyman P 1 | 4311 |
Languages Working in Careers Occupational Information | 4317 |
Lasker Gabriel Ward Surnames and Genetic Structure M8 148 d tabs 15 00 | 4320 |
Lapp Shamanism Studies in Backman Hultkrantz IM8 128 figs pbk 5 70 | 4322 |
Languages Working with D8 pbk 0 35 Inst of Linguists | 4325 |
Lamer Joseph Intermediary Metabolism and Its Regulation D8 400 pbk 9 75 | 4326 |
Lappe Frances Moore Collins Joseph Food First | 4332 |
Lassen Richard Currency Management D8 168 17 50 WoodheadFaulkner | 4335 |
Langue de Yaudi Dion D8 viii509 pbk 10 75 Canadian Corpn for Studs | 4337 |
Lapp Nancy L Ed See LappP W LappNancy L Ed | 4339 |
Lantero Erminie Continuing Discovery of Chiron D8 190 ll pbk 7 50 Weiser | 4341 |
Langue des Francais Watson John R See Author entry | 4343 |
H Ed ElasticPlastic Fracture Mechanics suR8 527 lll d ch 52 | 4351 |
Lasser J K Business Management Handbook Ed Greisman Bernard IM8 770 3r | 4360 |
F Ed See Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry | 4370 |
Lasers in Nuclear Physics Bemis Carter M8 522 39 50 Harwood Academic | 4377 |
17 75 Sage Pubns 4 | 4378 |
Lamer Joseph Pohl Stephen L Methods in Diabetes Research | 4379 |
Laroche Charles Arab Media Book | 4386 |
Larsen Earnest Love is a Hunger IC8 141 III pbk 4 25 CompCare PubnsU | 4395 |
Laron Zví Psychological Aspects of Balance of Diabetes in Juveniles F4 132 | 4412 |
Larson Glen A Hill Roger Knight RiderMirror Image C8 176 pbk 1 60 | 4421 |
Mormon Desert Conquesta | 4428 |
Lasers in Urologic Surgery Ed SmithJ A F4 194 100ill 29col | 4431 |
German Tanks 194445 Auerbach sC4 64 120ill pbk 3 95 | 4436 |
Lappin Shalom SortsOntology and Metaphor M8 173 d 21 00 De Gruyter | 4439 |
pbk 2 50 B B C 10 | 4440 |
Later Life Transitions Older Males in Rural America Ed Powers IM8 193 27 | 4445 |
Laronne J B Mosley M Paul Ed Erosion and Sediment Yield M8 III 55 00 | 4446 |
n e New Portway Large Print Bks 8 95 Chivers P 9 | 4454 |
Reindeer Herders of Lapland James Alan C4 48 III some col d M | 4455 |
Saga of Everyday Life Aboard Radio Caroline Noakes | 4461 |
Lasers Solid State and Semiconductor Modelocking in Demokan M8 240 I | 4468 |
A Socioeconomic Analysis M8 xii99 tabs 16 50 | 4470 |
Henry Starr Shirley IC8 208 pbk 4 95 Univ Nebraska | 4473 |
549 7 | 4476 |
Lapwood E R Ed Ordinary Differential Equations IM8 xii208 33ill | 4481 |
7 95 Severn Ho Publrs 4 | 4494 |
Last Term at Malory Towers Blyton | 4501 |
Lasers Industrial and Their Applications Luxon Parker M8 248 | 4509 |
Laserson Max M See Shotwell James Thomson LasersonMax M | 4518 |
Last Testament of Oscar Wilde Ackroyd | 4523 |
Larson Harold J Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference | 4530 |
Drawings and Photographs suR6 80 | 4533 |
Large R Passenger Tramways of Pontypridd D8 52 17ill Locomotion Pprs | 4549 |
Larson Harold J See Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences | 4550 |
Large Stephen S Organized Workers and Socialist Politics in Interwar Japan | 4556 |
Later Magic Hoffmann Professor D8 554 221ill n e pbk 6 95 | 4563 |
Last of the Wild Horses Harbury R4 160 125ill 95col 16 95 Sidg J 10 | 4564 |
Last Things The Ladd IC8 120 pbk 3 95 Eerdmans Pub Co U S 12 | 4566 |
9 95 Century Pub Co 5 | 4581 |
From St Louis to Luther Waley D8 218 | 4582 |
Lasser J K Ed Handbook of Tax Accounting Methods M8 xii897 n e of 1951e | 4588 |
Lasdun Denys Architecture in an Age of Scepticism 10 x 10 256 400ill 25 00 | 4593 |
A Masterpiece Revealed C4 112 | 4596 |
Last of the Windjammers Lubbock | 4599 |
11th16th Centuries Grierson D8 392 III 20 00 | 4601 |
Large Animal Anaesthesia Riebold D4 154 53figs 5tabs pbk 13 75 lowa State | 4613 |
Later Middle Ages in England 12161485 Wilkinson D8 436 III M | 4616 |
Large Animal Surgery Atlas of Kersjes Nemeth suR6 160 600colill 50 00 | 4623 |
Last Years of the English Slave Trade Liverpool 17501807 Grieve D8 xii332 III | 4642 |
C8 236 | 4646 |
Large Animal Surgery Techniques in Turner A Simon Mcllwraith C Wayne | 4652 |
3BC n e Lions S pbk 1 50 Armada Bks 3 | 4658 |
Larson J A O Representative Government in Greek and Roman | 4663 |
pbk 2 50 Sheldon P 6 | 4671 |
Conference Proceedings Ed Ingall | 4677 |
Larson James A Data Base Management System Anatomy R8 204 50figs 70tabs | 4686 |
Laszlo Ervin Kurtzman J Eastern Europe and the New International Economic | 4693 |
Lassey William R Fernandez Richard R Ed Leadership | 4699 |
Language Understanding Process of DArcais Jarvella IM8 356 III 34 10 Wiley | 4700 |
Last of the Zinja Shea | 4708 |
The Search for an Explanation | 4712 |
Lashbrooke E C Taxexempt Organizations M8 416 tabs 62 | 4747 |
5d 24tabs 9M pbk 13 95 Camb U P 7 | 4757 |
Larson Maurice A See Randolph Alan D LarsonMaurice | 4760 |
Larkin Philip North Ship IC8 48 n e pbk 2 95 Faber 1 | 4769 |
Life in a Puerto Rican Community obM8 168 | 4780 |
Computer | 4781 |
Larose J Ed See New Beacon Reviews | 4783 |
Efficient Energy Utilization Plant Design and Analysis | 4790 |
Laseau Paul Graphic Problem Solving for Architects and Builders | 4798 |
Lanphere Marvin A See Dalrymple G Brent Lanphere Marvin | 4799 |
Lashedlug Boat of the Eastern Archipelagoes Horridge D4 76 22ill pbk 3 00 | 4802 |
Laszlo Ervin etc Obstacles to the New International Economic Order M8 170 | 4813 |
Larvae of the North American Caddisfly Genera Trichoptera Wiggins M8 414 | 4816 |
Larcombe T Mathematical Learning Difficulties in the Secondary School C8 128 | 4819 |
Studies in English Working Class History 18321982 Jones | 4820 |
Laszlo F A Ed See Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism | 4821 |
III 4CDE 6 95 Cassell 42 | 4823 |
Languedoc Wine Trade Crisis in the Faludy D4 38 6tabs pbk 3 00 J L Noyce | 4825 |
pbk 4 95 | 4826 |
Laseau Paul See CroweNorman Laseau Paul | 4828 |
Your Diet from | 4829 |
Lardner Kym Sad Little Monster and the Jelly Bean Queen D4 30 Col ill 5 95 | 4830 |
Laszlo John Antiemetics and Cancer Chemotherapy M8 200 17ill pbk 24 00 | 4831 |
A Survey of Current Practice Birt D4 24 | 4834 |
Larwood to Lillee From Bailey Trevor Trueman Fred | 4836 |
Larkin David Ed Fantastic Kingdom M4 96 40col ill n e pbk 5 95 Ballantine | 4849 |
Chinese Common Soldiers 191137 D8 177 | 4850 |
B See Krompecher LaszloM | 4851 |
Lardner Ring Best of Ring Lardner Ed LodgeDavid IC8 240 Everyman Fiction | 4854 |
Last Voyage of Thomas Cavendish 159192 Cavendish Ed QuinnDavid Beers | 4864 |
Problems of Multilingualism with Special | 4865 |
Langville Alan R Modern World Rulers D8 362 22 00 Scarecrow P 2 | 4866 |
Langworth Richard Mustangs 196473 IF4 144 160ill 9 95 Motor Racing 1 | 4874 |
n e pbk 1 95 Sphere 10 | 4883 |
Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials Ed WhiteC W PeercyR S | 4885 |
Lansdell Avril Occupational Costume M8 32 II 2r e pbk 0 95 Shire Pubns | 4886 |
An Autobiography as Told to Fredrik Barth Barth IC8 200 | 4898 |
Ed Guide to the Construction Industry D4 9r e 30 00 | 4899 |
Lasslo Andrew Ed Blood Platelet Function and Medicinal Chemistry C4 xviii 324 | 4903 |
Lansdell G See King A Lansdell | 4911 |
Large Deviations and Applications Varadhan sC4 82 II 11 50 | 4917 |
Lanham Hedy Guisti Dodi Andrea Cuisine of Venice C4 366 | 4925 |
12ill 6 95 Ashgrove P 3 | 4936 |
An Antitextbook | 4937 |
Apologies and Remedial | 4940 |
How Infants Change | 4941 |
Last One Home is a Green Pig Hurd F4 64 III 2AB I Can Read S bds 4 95 | 4942 |
Language Variation Papers on Ed Shores Hines M8 336 22 05 Univ Alabama | 4946 |
Lanz Kurt Around the World with Chemistry M8 421 III some col 18 95 | 4951 |
Lassman Frank M etc Early Correlates of Speech Language and Hearing C4 872 | 4955 |
Last Walk Home Page | 4959 |
Later Palaeologan Coinage 12821453 Bendall Donald D8 272 259ill | 4967 |
Last Waltz Zaroulis | 4968 |
Cargo and Container Restraint Ed Cole Anthony R Law Peter R | 4970 |
Last One is a Rotten Egg Kessler D8 64 Col ill I Can Read S bds 4 95 Worlds | 4980 |
Large Group Dynamics and Therapy Kreeger Post8 344 n e Maresfield Lib | 4981 |
Language Varieties and Change Pomphrey sF4 32 d pbk 1 25 Camb U | 4982 |
A Parents Guide to Understanding and Tackling | 4985 |
Lanier Mary Day Ed See Lanier Sidney Poems | 4996 |
Latanision R M Ed See Advances in the Mechanics and Physics of Surfaces | 5005 |
Its Role in Mammalian Nutrition and Homoeostasis Wrong | 5010 |
Last Orders and Other Stories Aldiss | 5011 |
Lask Bryan See Lask Judith Lask Bryan | 5017 |
Large Molecules in Solution Introduction to Physical Properties of RichardsEG | 5024 |
Larkin David Ed Rousseau M4 96 40col ill pbk 5 95 Ballantine Bks 10 | 5027 |
Lansell Ross Ed See Australian Motion Picture Yearbook | 5028 |
A Personal Narrative D8 vi328 7ill facsim | 5038 |
Latcham Jack See Birch Derek W Latcham Jack | 5040 |
The Destruction of a Family 18421942 Clare | 5064 |
Latchaw R E Ed Computed Tomography of the Head Neck and Spine D4312 | 5072 |
7 | 5079 |
Lask Judith Lask Bryan Child Psychiatry and Social Work | 5085 |
Course Lectures Ed Facchetti M8 xii 322 | 5091 |
Lardy Nicholas R Economic Growth and Distribution in China M8 356 41tabs | 5093 |
Last Days of Peterborough Monastery Ed Mellows D8 civ 155 III 4 50 | 5094 |
Large Pine Weevil and Black Pine Beetles Forestry Commission | 5103 |
Large Print Book and Its User Bell Lorna J IM8 326 tabs pbk 14 75 Library | 5113 |
A Study of Literary Influence | 5124 |
Larousse Encyclopaedia of Music Ed Hindley D4 576 III some col n e | 5129 |
Lansky Melvin R Ed Family Therapy and Major Psychopathology M8 431 III | 5140 |
H Carpender J W J Ed See WachsmannF Barth G Movingfield | 5142 |
Oral History of the Holocaust M8 III pbk 5 95 | 5148 |
Last White Class Piercy Wood D8 96 pbk 4 95 Crossing P U S 2 | 5155 |
Later Pleistocene Cultural Adaptations in Sudanese Nubia ElAmin | 5156 |
Laser Velocimetry and Particle Sizing ThompsonH Doyle IM8 566 tabs ch 49 75 | 5158 |
Play Leonard D8 36 pbk 1 00 Evans | 5160 |
Laser Welding Cutting and Surface Treatment D4 vi58 III 9 90 | 5168 |
Larkin David British Rail Standard Freight Wagons 8½ x | 5170 |
Late Awakening Herbert Nan C8 288 n e Linford Romance | 5174 |
mus exs n e of 1898e 20 95 Greenwood Press London | 5175 |
Larkin David Edmund Dulac M4 48 II Coronet Bks pbk 2 50 | 5178 |
Lanier Sterling E Menace Under Marswood C8 256 pbk 1 95 Grafton | 5181 |
The Midwifes Role D8 x 106 pbk 5 95 Churchill | 5191 |
Lanier Sidney Mims sD8 vii386 ni 11 50 Kennikat P 8 68 0 8046 0314 6 | 5197 |
Lanka Vaclav Vit Zbysek Amphibians and Reptiles M8 224 | 5207 |
Later Poems See under Author | 5208 |
Lankester Edwin Ed See Ray John Correspondence | 5215 |
Late Baroque and Rococo Architecture Schulz M4 416 514ill n e 25 00 | 5216 |
Last Days of Sioux Nation Utley M8 xiv314 24ill M n e W Americana S | 5226 |
Late Beginner Napier C8 260 III n e pbk 5 95 H Hamilton 1 86 0 241 11745 3 | 5246 |
Lanky Jones Cookson sC8 144 n e Carousel Bks pbk 0 85 | 5248 |
Last Orders Please Study in the Use and Abuse of Alcohol Crowe D8 24 | 5250 |
Plasmas and Semiconductors Sodha | 5254 |
Last Seen on Hoppers Lane Stegeman sC8 224 4CDE pbk 1 50 Hippo | 5265 |
A Sevenyear Manual for | 5268 |
Last Shootout Hopson D8 200 Large Print e 3 25 Chivers | 5278 |
Lanners Edi Lanners Ruth Fin PawHand | 5285 |
Larrabee F Stephen Balkan Security C4 44 Adelphi Pprs pbk 3 50 | 5288 |
Last Shuttle to Planet Earth Rankine IC8 192 6 95 Dobson 6 80 0 234 72200 2 | 5292 |
Later Roman Britain Johnson Stephen | 5293 |
Last Spring in Paris Herlin M8 336 8 95 Deutsch 385 | 5312 |
Church in the Days of the Apostles | 5331 |
Lao Tzu Treatise on Response and Retribution | 5347 |
Larkin Edgar J Memoirs of a Railway Engineer C4 200 III 9 95 Mechanical | 5351 |
Lao She and the Chinese Revolution Vohra M8 E Asian Mon 16 95 Harvard | 5356 |
Large Scale Systems Ed Haimes M8 xii 184 33ill 7tabs Studs in Mgmt Sci | 5362 |
Kaen Playing and Mawlam Singing in Northeast | 5364 |
Larrabeiti Michael De Borribles The sC8 288 M n e Piccolo Bks pbk 1 95 | 5371 |
Modelling and Control Jamshidi M8 xx524 93ill 13tabs | 5386 |
Basic Guide to Punctuation | 5402 |
Lasko Peter Two Ivory Kings in the British Museum and the Norman Conquest | 5408 |
Later Works Beardsley | 5410 |
Lanson Lucienne From Woman to Woman C8 xvi442 III 2r e pbk 3 95 | 5420 |
Larson Raymond Ed See Plato Symposium | 5422 |
89 00 Pergamon P 12 | 5424 |
Large Scale Systems Handbook of Engineering Applications Ed Singh Titli | 5431 |
Larkin Emmet James Larkin 18761947 Irish Labour Leader D8 352 I 10 50 | 5439 |
Larkin Emmet Making of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland 185060 M8 xxiv | 5464 |
Larkin Emmet Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and the Fall of Parnell 188891 | 5471 |
2r e Minibks | 5473 |
Lanners Edi Lutz Noldi Eyes IM6 40 III 3BCD bds 3 50 Black | 5480 |
A Photographic Portrait | 5482 |
Language Variety Reader on Ed Butler Christopher S HartmannR R K D8 | 5499 |
Ed GolubevGN Biswas Asit K suR8 vi 158 49figs pbk 13 95 Tycooly | 5504 |
Selected Essays 194874 Hockett sC4 348 pbk 29 45 | 5507 |
Large Sieve Roth suR8 Inaug Lect pbk 0 50 Imperial Coll 1 69 0 85287 001 9 | 5519 |
Large Sparse Sets of Linear Equations Ed Reid John Ker M8 284 III 29 50 | 5527 |
Later Years of Metropolitan Steam Casserley 8½ x 82 96 III 6 95 | 5539 |
The Diary of a Ten Year Search for | 5541 |
Laos Contemporary Ed FoxMartin Stuart D8 345 19 95 Univ Queensland | 5546 |
Essays | 5554 |
Larson Roland E Hostetler Robert P Brief Calculus with Applications | 5561 |
Tr fr Lao P Vannithone B S Klausner IM8 320 100ill pbk 6 95 Prospect | 5566 |
Laslett Peter Family Life and Illicit Love in Earlier Generations | 5567 |
Larson Roland E Hostetler Robert P College Algebra | 5573 |
Properties of Organic Compounds for Dye Lasers Maeda M8 335 | 5578 |
Larson Roland E Hostetler Robert P Precalculus C4 638 College S 28 05 | 5607 |
Larrick Nancy Teachers Guide to Childrens Books Pott8 336 | 5613 |
Lasso Orlando Dí Seven Penitential Psalms with Two Laudate Psalms | 5621 |
Last Stand for the King Childrens Version of Siege of Colchester 1648 | 5623 |
Larkin Greg Working Writing M6 480 pbk 19 95 Merrill 6 | 5630 |
Larkin John A Pampangans Colonial Society in a Philippine Province M8 xvii 340 | 5636 |
Largeaux Claude See ParentMichel Largeaux Claude | 5638 |
Network 12 | 5661 |
Larks in the Popcorn Smith Harry Allen M8 256 II n e of 1948e 20 95 | 5663 |
Larson Roland E Zook Dianna Algebra and Trigonometry R6 638 College | 5671 |
7ill 7 95 Hutchinson 8 | 5672 |
Lassus Roche D8 64 mus exs Oxf Stud of Composers pbk 4 95 Oxf U P 4 | 5678 |
Larkin Patricia Backer Barbara Problemoriented Nursing Assessment | 5679 |
Largest Theatre in the World Thirty Years of Television Drama | 5682 |
Laslett Peter World We Have Lost | 5704 |
Last Days of Steam in Gloucestershire Ashworth C4 136 208ill 1M 9 95 | 5707 |
Larson Roland E etc Calculus C4 1225 II 3r e 39 95 D C Heath 12 | 5718 |
15 50 Pergamon P 8 | 5724 |
Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa from 1865 to His Death | 5729 |
Laourdas Basil Makaronas C Ed Ancient Macedonia sC4 lxxxiv436 17 50 | 5730 |
Larkin Patrick John English Economic and Social History D8 448 III pbk 5 | 5732 |
Last Decade of Great Western Main Line Steam Williams Thomas Edward 8½ x | 5735 |
Sutton M8 160 | 5750 |
n e pbk 7 95 Blackwell 11 | 5755 |
Laslett Robert Effective Classroom Management | 5756 |
Last Ditch The MacNeice IC8 52 facsim of 1940e 7 50 Irish U | 5758 |
Laser 558 Lid Off Rusling | 5764 |
Larrissy E William Blake | 5765 |
An Historical Overview | 5766 |
Last Edwardian at No 10 Impression of Harold Macmillan Hutchinson George | 5768 |
Lasley John F Genetics of Livestock Improvement D8 482 3r e 44 90 Prentice | 5769 |
Larry Best of Larry Ed Parkes Terence D8 128 250ill pbk 2 95 David C | 5771 |
Selected Studies M8 278 | 5772 |
Laser Handbook | 5774 |
Lasner Mark Samuels Ed See Siddal Elizabeth Poems and Drawings | 5776 |
Large Print Hymn Book D8 236 n e 2 50 Ulverscroft Large Print Bks 1 | 5777 |
Lap Portables Userfriendly Guide to Redman Stanford M8 250 14 95 | 5779 |
Opphavsrett | |