
I preached on the banks to more than a thousand. The colonel and his officers, and Mr. B. were present. A pilgrim about 70 years of age, named Kishora-dasa, on his journey to Jugun

writes: "I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your liberal supply of Ooriya versions of the Scrip tures, and you will rejoice with me that I have obtained their admittance into the very temple of Jugunnat'ha.nat'ha, heard me, and immediately exMay their blessed light break through the intense darkness of this heathen land! I have distributed them among the principal persons belonging to the temple, and gave one to one of the Purichas, or head ministers of the Idol. I do not conceive it at all difficult to make a Hindoo believe with the understanding; but to do so with the heart, is of God, and not of man, and applies as generally to nominal Christians as actual unbelievers. Many of the tracts I have also distributed to the pilgrims, whom I met on the road to their God."

pressed his disapprobation of his wooden Jugunnat'ha and his approbation of the Gospel. He has been with us for the last week, and has voluntarily renounced his former connections by eating with us. He says that he has long been searching for salvation, and was advised to visit Jugnnnat'ha ; büt after hearing the Gospel he gave up all reliance on Jugunnat'ha. He is apt to learn. I have begun teaching him to read Bengalee."

The following is one out of several instances, which have come to the knowledge of the Missionaries, of the power of the Gospel, even although the individuals had not assumed the profession of Christianity.

"Brother De Motlo, on his way home, one day, saw a poor Hindoo lýing at the door of a hut, apparent

"August 4. On the 18th of last month Krishna and I went to Poorooha-pota, about two miles from this place, and preached Jesus from Romans i. 21, 22 and 23. It being the last day of the festival of Jugunnat'ha, more than a thousand persous were as-ly dying, and calling loudly on the sembled, and three cars of the god were dragged along. In the midst of this crowd I stood upon a chair and preached the everlasting Gospel. The people, almost to a man, left the cars, and surrounded me, and heard the word with attention; we sung three hymns, preached and prayed twice, and distributed fifteen Orissa N. Testaments and Psalms, and many tracts. One Ooriya was insulted by his countrymen for receiving a Testament; their derision, however, made no impression on him; he received the book and went his way. Mr. B. and several military officers with their ladies were present upon elephants; Mr. B. sent the day before the festival to enquire whether I would preach to the Ooriyas on this occasion."

Nov. 4. "I have the pleasure to inform you, that during the festival of Doorga, Krishna and I preached daily on the highways, at the doors of the principal worshippers. The day the goddess was consigned to the river

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name of the Lord Jesus. On going up to the man, he said that his relations had turned him out of doors, sick as he was, because he would not call upon Narayuna, Rama, and other gods, but would call on Jesus who had died for him. He had heard Sebukram preach, and had received a tract, which he then had with him. This poor perishing out-cast did not long survive the cruelty of his relations; but we hope, as another Lazarus, he was conveyed by angels into Abraham's bosom. The existence of the cast requires such great sacrifices, that it is highly probable many will be found, in that day, who died in the faith of Jesus, even in the houses of the heathen."

On the 20th of November, 1812, the number of children in the Benevolent Institution was 318 boys and 107 girls; and it is stated, that they were increasing not only in numbers but in knowledge.

From Digah, a central situation between Calcutta and the Upper Proving

ces, where a Mission has been estab-[] reach the side, but had he been a good lished, Mr. Moore, one of the Mission-swimmer he could not have got out, aries writes:

the stream was so rapid. I saw him struggle much before he sunk to rise no more a living man! I endeavored to impress on the people who attend, led him the heinousness of the crime they had perpetrated; but they only smiled at iny concern, and said they had merely complied with the wishes of the deceased, who, they added, had neither hands nor feet,"

"Our native free-school has about forty boys, and I hope soon to increase it to one hundred. A worthy young friend in the army, who has spent his Sabbaths and spare time with us for nearly a year past, gave us fifty rupees towards a school room, which is now building for the native children. You would have felt much had you seen Vrindavuna yesterday, surrounded by "The following is the account of the servants of our two friends, W. B. Major K.:-"I have known a woman and Lieutenant P. and our own people, whose courage failed her on the pile, and the native scholars, talking to them bludgeoned by her own dear kindred. of the difference between his former This I have told to the author of The life as a Viragee, and his present one Vindication of the Hindoos.' I have as a Christian, and of the difference taken a Gentoo out of the Ganges. between Hindooism and Christianity. perceived him at night, and called out I lately sent to Serampore an account to the boatmen. 'Sir, he is gone; he of a religious murder which I witness- belongs to God.' 'Yes, but take him ed, and anothe given me by Major K. up, and God will get him hereafter.'of a poor woman, whose courage failed We got him up at the last gasp. I gave on the funeral pile, having been blud-him some brandy, and called it physgeoned to death by her own kindred; ic. O, sir, my cast is gone!' 'No, it also of another that he took out of the is physic. It is not that, sir: my fawater." mily will never receive me! I am an outcast!' What, for saving your life? Yes.' Never mind such a family!"


The following extract of a letter from Dr. Marshman, dated the 7th of February, 1813, concludes this number of the Periodical Accounts:

The account of Mr. Moore related to the drowning of a leper at Futwa, and is as follows:-On hearing the people belonging to the boat saying that a man was going to be drowned, I looked out, and saw on the bank of the river the poor creature without fin- "Brother Lawson makes great progers or toes, but in other respects ap-gress in the language, and is a man of parently healthy. He was eating very an excellent spirit. He is engaged in heartily, and surrounded by several cutting a fount of Chinese types for a people who appeared to have conduc-dictionary of the language, &c. The ted him to the spot. The bank be- word of the Lord seems evidently to ing high, I could not get out of the boat grow and multiply among us. Neartill we got a considerable distance from ly seventy have been added in the past the place where he sat. As I was run-year to the church at Serampore and ping towards the spot, I heard the peo-Calcutta; and the spirit which seems ple in the boat call out, "He is drown- to pervade them is peculiarly pleasing. ed! he is drowned !" His attendants, who apppeared to be his relations, had assisted him down the bank of the river; but whether they pushed him in, or whether he went in of his own accord, I cannot tell; but the bank was so steep that he could not possibly get out pain. He made great efforts at first to

Almost all the brethren at Calcutta are endeavoring, in one way or other, to recommend the Gospel to those around them. This I esteem a precious token for good. The native brethren at Serampore, too, are much stirred up to seek the salvation of their countrymen. Nearly every one capable of speaking, is out on a Lord's day in the

neighboring towns and villages. This ish; Chittagong, by De Bruyn; Orrisspirit, you may be certain, we encour-sa, by Peter; Kagoon, by F. Carey

and Keer; and Bombay, by Carapeit Chator Aratoon. O for the dews of Heaven to water these little hills of Zion! Q that the Lord may bless us indeed, and enlarge our coast; that his hand may be with us; and that he may keep us from evil, that it may not grieve us !"

General, and from his marked desire to promote the diffusion of the Scrip tures and of general knowledge, as it has been evinced by the cordial support he was accustomed to yield to all institutions formed for that object.

age to the utmost. Indeed, the word is spread over such an extent of country, that I sometimes stand still and admire the hand of God therein. Nearly 500 have been baptized in these 12 years, and they are spread over an extent of more than 1000 miles in length. The extension, during the past year, amidst all our afflictions, has been We are much concerned to perceive greater than in any former year. Four in the pamphlet before us, symptoms new stations have been occupied, and || of a disposition on the part of our Inpromise to be effective, of which we dian Government and its servants to had scarcely any idea at the beginning harass the Missionaries and interrupt of the year; viz. Patna, Columbo, their labors. We trust, however, that Chittagong, and Bombay. as soon as the mind of the British Par"At Patna, Thompson is laboring, liament on this subject shall be known of whose spirit you can form some idea || in India, a different tone will be given from his journals. At Columbo, broth- to the proceedings of the public funcer Chater has found an abundant en- tionaries. We are disposed, also, to trance for the word. I had an affec-|| hope for much from the known libertionate letter from him about a fort-ality of Earl Moira, the present Gov. night ago. He and sister Chater seem quite happy in their work, which rejoices us. At Chittagong, about 300 miles from us, in the east of Bengal, || and on the borders of the Burman empire, brother De Bruyn is employed. Within three days of his arrival, the Catholic clergyman came to hear him, and seeing he had not seats, sent for the benches out of his church. A few days after, a respectable woman there brought twenty to hear him, and offered him a piece of ground on which to erect a place of worship. At Bombay brother Carapeit is arrived. We have received a letter from him, the "I sit down to write with a mind so spirit breathing in which will cheer disturbed with different kinds of feelyour heart when you get it. Besides ings, that I scarcely know how to ex• the situation of our brethren in the ar- press them. Last year we had to my, Mahratta, and Java, and the Isle mourn over a most heavy calamity by of France, there are now fourteen sta- fire, which we suffered in this month. tions, and only three of them oc- This year we had set apart a time at cupied by brethren sent out as Mis-the expiration of twelve months to resionaries from England; namely, Se-view the dealings of God with us since rampore, Digah, and Columbo. All that calamitous event; when the very the rest are occupied by the men rais-day before our meeting, we received ed up in India, as Agra, by Peacock letters from Government, ordering our and Mackintosh; Patna, by Thompson; brethren Robinson, Johns, and LawDinagepore, by Fernandez; Goamal-son home to England. I can assign ty, by De Cruz; Cutwa, by W. Carey no reason for this measure: certainly Jessore, by Petruse; Daca, by Corn-nothing on the part of our brethren,

Lord Minto commenced his government in India by interdicting the public preaching of the missionaries (an interdiction which after a time was re laxed :) he has closed it by a proceed ing still more arbitrary and vexatious,

The following extract of a letter from Dr. Carey, dated March 25, 1813, will explain its nature.

Iras been, or can be, alledged by them as a reason. Indeed the sweeping clause of the Charter, which requires all Europeans not in the service of the King orCompany to be sent to England is the alledged reason. It is an imperious duty of all who love the Lord Jesus, to labor in all proper ways with the Legislature to obtain leave for Missionaries to settle in India, and travel from place to place, or to settle in any of the provinces, without control, unless they are guilty of civil crimes or misdemeanors."

It appears that on the arrival of Messrs, Johns and Lawson, who had gone out by way of America, previous application to the Government having been made on their behalf, they were allowed to continue in the country till the will of the Directors should be known; and on the ground of this allowance, Mr. Johns was appointed, by the Governor-General in council Acting surgeon of Serampore, and Mr. Lawson was permitted to reside at the Mission-house, where he assisted in the improvement of the Chinese types.

In January last, letters passed between the Public Secretary and Dr. Marshman, the result of which was an acknowledgment on the part of the latter, that the Missionaries came out without leave of the Directors.

one of the two ships then under despatch. Dr. M. alledged that they had not been made acquainted with the order twenty-four hours, and that they had not been able as yet to make any arrangement respecting either themselves or their infant families: and, further, that it was their intention to make a respectful application to Government on the subject; and though they would cheerfully sign a promise to comply with the will of Government, it yet seemed peculiarly hard to compel them to sign an engage ment, which, when sent in to Govern ment, might tend to lessen the effect of a subsequent application. It would make them appear inconsistent, to be praying for relief from an order which they had solemnly pledged themselves to perform. This, however, had no effect on the magistrate, who, on Mr. Lawson's hesitating to sign the engagement, immediately committed him to custody, and sent him under an escort of Seapoys to prison, where he continued some hours, till, on Dr. M's having applied to the public Secretary, an order was immediately sent to the Police Magistrate to release him. He was, however required to appear again before the Police Magistrate which he did, and signed a promise to obey the orders of Government. A similar order was sent to Mr. Johns, which he also signed. Mr. Robinson was gone to Java a few days before the order was issued.

On the 12th of March the Missionaries received a communication from the Public Secretary, in the name of the Right Honorable the GovernorGeneral in Council containing a letter The Missionaries, though with but to Dr. Marshman, requesting him to little hope of success, resolved to peinform Messrs. Johns, Lawson, and tition the Governor General. The Robinson, that they were ordered to Commissioner for Serampore also unreturn to Europe by the fleet then undertook to lay Mr. Johns' case before der despatch, and a letter addressed his Lordship. It being represented to by the public Secretary to each of the Governor-General, that Mr. Lawthem, to the same purport. This was son had begun a fount of Chinese succeeded the same day by an order types, which was not completed, this from the police Magistrate at Calcutta, plea operated in his favor; but no atto each of them, requiring them to ap-tention was paid to the applications on bear before him the next day. This the part of Mr. Johns. On the conMr. Lawson did, accompanied by Dr. trary, an order for his return was perMarshmam; when the Magistrate insis-emptorily confirmed, and he was given ted on Mr.Lawson's signing an engage- to understand, that if he did not imnt positively to embark on board ||mediately take his passage, he would

be apprehended, and carried on board the ship. The public Secretary also said, that Mr. Robinson would be sent home from Java.

On the 29th of March, after being solemnly commended to God, and to the Christian sympathy of their brethren in England, Mr. and Mrs. Johns, with their little one, took leave of the brethren at Serampore and went down to the ship the next day. They have şince arrived in England.


progressive prosperity of that Institu tion to the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which we are happy to acknowledge as our venerable Parent, We are also directed to transmit you the accompanying copy of our Provisional Constitution, &c. for the inspection of your Committee, the favor of whose correspondence we solicit, to assist us in promoting the object of our Association. The English Bible Society have far Dr. Carey adds as follows:ther charged us to beg that you will "The state of India, as to religion, have the goodness to convey the exis widely different to what it was twen-pressions of their heart-felt gratitude ty years ago. Then a christian could to your beneficent Committee, for the scarcely be found: now you can seasonable supply of 250 Bibles, and scarcely go any where without meet-1000 New-Testaments which they ing with some, either Europeans or na- have generously, presented to our Intives. The greatest number of these fant Institution. in the provinces, however, are destitute of the means of grace, unless a native, or country-born minister visit them. There is a general spirit of inquiry about the Gospel all over the country; and this inquiry increases more and more. Five natives of high cast, not far from Serampore, have lately been baptized, who have been brought to a knowledge of the truth without any communication with us They met with Bibles and tracts, and God wrought by them. These men had begun to sanctify the sabbath, and meet for Christian worship, before we knew them. They have boldly owned the Saviour, and meet the persecutions of their idolatrous relations like Christians."

This liberal donation will be as acceptable to those for whom it is ultimately designed, as it is honorable to the bountiful Donors. It will gladden the hearts of many who were denied the opportunity of procuring the Scriptures in their vernacular tongue, while they possessed the means of paying for them, and who are now destitude of these means; while that opportunity is restored.

The Committee of the English Bible Society, at whose disposal the said Bibles and Testaments were placed, immediately forwarded 75 Bibles and 150 Testaments to Rotterdam, and 25 Bibles and 50 Testaments to the Hague, where they were most joyfully received by the British Clergymen, entrusted with their distribution among the poor of their respective flocks. Of your abundance we are daily administering to the indigent Members, connected with the English Church in this place; and we shall not fail to supply the scriptural wants of your countrymen in the remaining cities round about Amsterdam, and in all the reHis Royal Highness the Hereditarygions of the United Netherlands be Prince of Orange, &c. &c.

Extracts of Important Communications lately received by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society.


Dear Sir,


yond the Maas.

If circumstances, over which they THE ENGLISH BIBLE SOCIETY in had no control, prevented the inhabitHolland have instructed us to request ||ants of this country, till the eleventh you to announce the formation and the hour, from participating in that strife

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