
visit Wimbledon Common for the purpose of seeing the review far exceeded that number. To say that there were one hundred thousand people present, would be making a very moderate calculation.

The prince was dressed in a general's full uniform, and was distinguishable from those general officers who surrounded him by a blue sash across his right shoulder. Shortly before six, he left the ground, and proceeded to Lord Yarmouth's beautiful villa near Putney, accompanied by the Dukes of York, Kent, &c., where a sumptuous dinner was prepared for them.-The Duchess of York and the young Princess Charlotte were of the party at Lord Yarmouth's. His lordship is lieutenant-colonel of the Duke of Cumberland's rifle corps, and for the accommodation of the corps, marquees were fixed in the lawn fronting his house, underneath which were very chearful and plenteous boards, spread for the several members.

COURT OF KING'S BENCH.--The King v. George Manners.-This defendant was brought up for judgment, for the libel in the Satirist, against Mr Hallett. He personally addressed the court in mitigation of punishment. If the libel were to be considered by itself, unconnected with the general nature of the publication in which it appeared, he should admit, that it would merit the severest punishment; but he disclaimed all personal motives; and had not Mr Hallett become the patron of Miss Taylor, and the abettor of one of the foulest libellers that ever lived, no conduct of his should have been noticed by the defendant. He was certainly the editor of the Satirist, but numerous articles appeared in that publication without his knowledge. It had been proved, that of the first libel, only the head "Hallet's Humanity," was in the hand-writing of the defendant; and

the fact was, that the article was received by the publisher by the general post. Before he published it, the defendant used every exertion to ascertain its truth. The defendant then wished to refer to an authority, which, he observed, Mr H. ought to be the last man to question; but the court objected to his reading it, unless it really tended to mitigate the defendant's punishment. It was in vain for him to endeavour to shew there was no malice in the publications ; defamation imported malice; and he admitted he published the libels advisedly and upon enquiry.

This being a private libel, the court sentenced him to three months' imprisonment in the Marshalsea, and to find security for three years afterwards, himself in 500l., and two sureties in 2501. each.

15th.-CARLTON-HOUSE GRAND BALL.-This palace of enchantment was opened last night to the numerous persons of distinction who had been honoured with cards of invitation. Soon after nine o'clock the company began to arrive, and although the utmost order and regularity were observed, it was between twelve and one o'clock before the whole assemblage was formed. The illustrious family of the House of Bourbon entered through the gardens about ten, when they were ushered into the privy council chamber, where the Prince Regent was sitting under a crimson canopy of state, surrounded by the officers of his household, who, on their approach, immediately rose to receive them. The French Sovereign was introduced by the Earl of Moira as Comte de Lisle, her Royal Highness the Duchess d'Angouleme, by the Duchess of York, and the French Princes, by Lord Dundas. They were received not only with the utmost respect, but with every mark of affectionate regard. The amiable daughter of Lewis XVI. naturally at

tracted his chief attention, the exhilarating effect of which was clearly discernible on her pensive but interesting


each presented four brilliant patent burners, which spread a breadth of light not easy to describe. The interior struck the beholder with astonish

From this grand ceremonial the il-ment. lustrious strangers retired into the skyblue satin room that adjoined; the expensive suit of curtains of which were of the same colour, lined with white silk, and massily embroidered gold fringe, leaves, and tassels, and beautifully decorated with fleurs-de-lis—a marked and delicate compliment to the illustrious visitors.

The Prince Regent now passed through into the grand saloon, which was most brilliantly illuminated, and is confessedly, in every respect, the finest room in Europe. Here his royal highness now paid his respects to the noblesse, &c. crowded and assembled, in his very graceful and fascinating manner. The company were for some time naturally lost in amazement at the coup d'œil, which the views through two distinct suites of apartments so magically presented.

It would be a difficult task to de-scribe, in terms adequate, the effect produced by the profusion of magnificent objects, which, at every glance, conveyed an exalted idea of princely taste, national grandeur, and the fine arts, cherished in a state of perfection. The apartments were decorated with splendour perfectly new. The palace was a scene of enchantment, and every elegant female, clad in the attire of Cher native country, appeared the Armida.

The Conservatory was one of the most distinguished objects in the splendid arrangement. The building, of the Gothic order, appeared to be the most perfect and beautiful specimen of that style executed in modern times. It presented, at one glance, the fine effect of a lofty aisle in an ancient cathedral. Between the pillars, candelabras were suspended twelve feet above ground;

The grand table extended the whole length of the Conservatory, and across Carlton-house, to the length of two hundred feet. Two feet of space was allotted each guest in the original calculation. Along the centre of the table, about six inches above the surface, a canal of pure water continued flowing from a silver fountain, beautifully constructed at the head of the table. Its faintly-waving artificial banks were covered with green moss and aquatic flowers; gold and silvercoloured fish were, by a mechanical invention, made to swim and sport through the bubbling current, which produced a pleasing murmur where it fell, and formed a cascade at the outlet. At the head of the table, above the fountain, sat his Royal Highness the Prince Regent on a throne of crim son velvet, trimmed with gold. The throne commanded a view of the company. The most particular friends of the prince were arranged on each side. They were attended by sixty serviteurs; seven waited on the prince, besides six of the king's and six of the queen's footmen, in their state liveries, with one man in a complete suit of ancient armour. At the back of the throne appeared Aureola tables, covered with crimson drapery, constructed to exhibit, with the greatest effect, a profusion of the most exquisitelywrought silver-gilt plate, consisting of fountains, tripods, epergnes, dishes, and other ornaments. Above the whole of this superb display, appeared a royal crown and his Majesty's cy pher, "G. R." splendidly illumined. It is almost unnecessary to add, that his royal highness gave all the gran deur and honour of this brilliant fete to his royal parent. The lesser waxlights in silver, placed on the table,

were correspondent with the whole mass of elegance. The sides of the Conservatory were hung with variegated lamps. The arches were also illuminated with lamps springing from the pillars. Down the centre from the roof were suspended several beautiful chandeliers and lustres; and the whole raised in the minds of the spectators the most exalted ideas of the prince's taste and liberality.

The supper was the most superb, in spectacle arrangement, that perhaps ever was exhibited in this country. The state-table of the Prince Regent was ranged along the Conservatory, the west end of which (being the head) was hung semi-circularly with a crimson silk ground, covered with transparent muslin, drawn into a variety of apertures, for the splendid display of numerous gold vases, urns, massy salvers, &c. &c., embossed by admirable workmanship, and the whole surmounted by a most superb ancient urn, captured in the reign of Elizabeth from the Spanish admiral, who commanded what was so presumptuously styled the "Invincible Armada." The whole from the design and directed under the superior taste of Messrs Rundell and Bridge: the service of this table was in gold. Adjoining to this, were tables running through the library and whole lower suite of rooms, the candelabras in which were so arranged, that the regent could distinctly see, and be seen, from end to the other. Along those tables, the royal family of England, and that of the Bourbons, and the noblesse, were seated conformably to their respective ranks. On the right hand of the Prince Regent was placed the Duchess d'Angouleme on his left, the Duchess of York. From the library, and room beyond, branched out two great lines of tables under canvas far into the gardens, each in the shape of a cross, all richly served with silver plate, and covered with every delicacy that the

season could possibly afford. When the whole company was seated, there was a line of female beauty more richly adorned, and a blaze of jewellery more brilliant, than England probably ever displayed before.

The Prince Regent sustained the royal host throughout with all the dignified and unabating courtesy that so arduous a character requires. The Prince of Wales has long been regarded the most finished gentleman in Europe; and his graceful demeanour, enlivened by the heartiness of English hospitality, never appeared to greater advantage.

The Prince Regent wore a fieldmarshal's uniform, with his hair in a long queue, the cordon blue, and a superb brilliant star, a large diamond loop and button in his hat and feather, wearing a sabre, the handle and scabbard of which were most richly studded with jewellery. His looks and graceful deportment throughout the night were in perfect unison with his princely costume.

The library and the council-room displayed the greatest state. The latter was appropriated to dancing, and the floors chalked in a beautiful style. In the centre appeared "G.R. III.” with the crown, supporters, and blazonry. The external decorations were equally grand and pleasing. The aisle opposite the grand conservatory was furnished with large mirrors, girandoles, and candelabras. It formed a superb promenade, rendered delightful by garlands and festoons of roses, pinks, carnations, and the finest flowers of every species. Orange-trees, fruits, and flowers, also bloomed along the banks, growing in a state of nature. Four handsome marquees were pitched on the lawn of Carlton-house, with a che vaux de frize to guide the company in their promenades. Bands of music were stationed in the tents; and when dancing commenced, the gay throng stepped over floors chalked with mosaic

devices, and moved through thickets of roses, geranium, and other fragrant sweets, illumined by variegated lights, that gleamed like stars through the foliage. In the course of the night a brilliant discharge of fire-works took place, which gratified an immense body of spectators. The company sat down to supper about one o'clock; and after they had taken some refreshments, they returned to the festive dance, which continued till the blush of morn warned the gay throng to retire. A vast concourse of persons continued near the prince's residence until the fete, which was, perhaps, the grandest entertainment ever witnessed in this country, ended.

FASHIONABLE HOAX.-A lady of high quality called one morning lately on an eminent vender of modes at the west end of the town. The female merchant received her noble customer under such evident agitation of spirits, that the latter demanded the occasion of her concern; when the other, with well counterfeited grief and alarm, told her story; that she had received an assortment of prohibited goods, to the value of some thousand pounds; that an information had been lodged against her at the Custom-house; that persons were in waiting to see that no parcels were sent out; and that the officers were coming to seize as soon as they could get the necessary warrants. She concluded, with imploring her noble customer to save her from utter ruin, by taking the dangerous package in her carriage to a place of safety, which she pointed out, and which her ladyship very graciously and condescendingly consented to do. Under the protection of a coronet, the goods went perfectly safe to the place of their des tination; but they might have gone equally safe in a hackney coach, from any interruption they would have met with from the Custom-house; being in fact British manufactures, and the

story of the afflicted dress-maker a mere invention to give a reputation to her goods. It may be observed the inven tion took; and the whole of the goods were sold in the course of very few days, on the faith of this story that they were foreign. The above fact may, perhaps, serve to wean some of the la dies of fashion from their over-fondness for foreign commodities.

19th. EARL BERKELEY.-On Friday, the question which has so long oc cupied the House of Lords, respecting the Berkeley peerage, was determined: their lordships agreed, nemine dissen tiente, that the claimant had not made out his claim to the dignities of Earl Berkeley, Viscount Dursley, and Ba ron Berkeley. This decision will be considered in the house on Tuesday, and the question will then be finally determined. Upon the death of the Earl of Berkeley, which took place a year ago, it became a question, which of his lordship's sons was entitled to be call. ed to the House of Peers, as successor to his dignities. The eldest son of the late earl and the present Countess of Berkeley, who was then member for the county of Glocester, and sat as Lord Viscount Dursley, claimed, as heir apparent, to succeed to the earl dom of Berkeley, and the other titles and dignities of the late earl. This claim was opposed, on the ground that the marriage between the late earl and the present countess did not take place for many years after the birth of the claimant, and that consequently he was not the eldest legitimate son of the late earl. On the other hand, it was contended, that, though the public marriage between the claimant's father and mother did not take place till 1796, consequently long after his birth, yet that a private marriage was solemni zed between them in March, 1785, at Berkeley, which was antecedent to his birth, he being born in December, 1786. The decision of the Committee of Pri

vileges was against the claimant, and consequently the marriage in 1785 has not been proved to the satisfaction of their lordships. The evidence which has been given discloses facts of the most singular and extraordinary nature: it is very voluminous; the minutes contain nine hundred folio pages. Lady Berkeley is the daughter of Mrs Glossop, of Osburnby, Lincolnshire, (formerly Mary Cole.) The old lady has always lived in obscurity herself, but her three daughters have risen to a remarkable elevation in society. One is the present Countess of Berkeley; another married a gentleman, who, dying, left her possessed of 70001. a-year, and she is now the wife of a nephew of the late Sir F. Baring; and the third is married to a general in the army, at present in an important command in America.

This morning, about nine o'clock, a dreadful fire broke out at the warehouse of Mr Davies, oilman, in Burystreet, St Mary Axe. No water could be got till near eleven: it spread on both sides of the way into Bury-court, and to the end of Jeffery-square. It burnt with great fury, and had consumed ten houses at twelve o'clock. All the engines at last got a plentiful supply of water, which was fortunately the means of its being prevented from spreading further. The Jews' Synagogue was on fire at twelve o'clock. All the street is inhabited by Jews. 22d.-ADMIRALTY COURT, DOCTORS' COMMONS. THE SHIP FOX The judgment of the court in this important case was delivered yesterday morning; it had been delayed in consequence of an expected official communication of the revocation of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, upon which the British Orders in Council were founded, as it was under those orders that the ship in question was captured.

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The Fox sailed from Boston, in the United States, on a voyage to Cher

burg; in the prosecution of which, she was captured, on the 15th November last, by the Amethyst frigate, under the command of Sir Michael Seymour. A claim was given by the owners as neutral subjects, and on the 30th of May last, the case came on for hearing.

It was contended, on behalf of the captors, that as the vessel was bound for a port in France, she was violating the British Orders in Council of the 26th of April, 1809, and under those orders was clearly liable to condemnation.

This was opposed by the claimants' counsel upon two grounds: first, that the Orders in Council had ceased to exist, because the French decrees, upon which they were grounded, had been revoked; and next, that if even those decrees could be considered as still in existence, the circumstances of equity which distinguished this case, would justify the court in relieving the claimants from the penalty imposed by the Orders in Council.

Judgment being moved for yesterday, Sir W. Scott observed, he could not, in justice to the captors, further postpone the final judgment of the


There was no evidence of revocation produced beyond that of the declaration made to America, of the grounds upon which France would consent to such an event, which were, that England should relinquish the rights her maritime superiority gave her, or that America should make herself respected. The general policy of England made it evident that she would never consent to a proposition depriving her of rights sanctioned by the acquiescence and general usage of Europe; and the other proposal was nothing less than requiring America to join France in a hostile confederacy against this country, which, from her conduct, was also evident had not taken place. The Orders in Council must,

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