
6. COURT Application of the Gill engraving company for preliminary injunction against the New York photo-engravers' union and the allied printing trades council denied. In American photo-engraver. v. 6. p. 232235, 274, 275. Chicago. June, July 1914.

Decision by Justice D. J. Hough.

CALIFORNIA. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMISSION. Report of decisions under the workmen's compensation, insurance and safety act, 1913. v. 1. nos. 1-24. San Francisco. 1914. CANADA. Recent legal decisions affecting labour. In Labour gazette. v. 14. p. 850-854, 1003-1006, 1106-1110, 1234, 1238, 1357-1362, 1478-1482; v. 15. p. 140-142, 319-322, 414-416, 520-522, Ottawa. 621-624, 744-746. Jan.-Dec. 1914.

FRANCE. Recueil de documents sur les accidents du travail. Paris. Ministère du Travail et de la Prévoyance Sociale. 1914. 3 v. No. 46. 456 p.

No. 47. 137 p.

No. 48. 108 p.

A collection of documents on industrial accidents in France published by the French bureau of labor and social providence. Volumes 1 and 2 report decisions rendered in the various courts of France from 1902 to Nov. 1913, in cases under the industrial accident law. Volume 3 gives statistics of accidents.

GERMANY. Statistik der Tätigkeit der gewerbe

und Kaufmannsgerichte im Jahre 1913. Sonderbeilage zum Reichs-Arbeitsblatte, July 1914. Berlin. Kaiserliches Statistisches Amt, Abteilung für Arbeiterstatistik. 1914. 23 p.

A statistical report of the activity of the industrial arbitration courts during 1913, prepared by the section for labor statistics of the German imperial statistical office and issued as a special supplement to the imperial labor journal for July, 1914.

GOLDMARK, Josephine. New York nightwork law for women upheld. In Survey. v. 32. p. 450. New York. Aug. 1, 1914. GREAT BRITAIN. Legal cases affecting labour. In Board of trade labour gazette. v. 22. p. 25, 26, 65, 66, 105, 106, 144, 145, 184, 185, 226, 227, 265, 266, 305, 306, 343, 344, 451. London. Jan.-Sept., Dec. 1914. The Indianapolis street car settlement. In Square deal. v. 14. p. 163, 164. Battle Creek, Mich. Mar. 1914.


Decision rendered by the public service commission of Indiana in the dispute between the Indianapolis traction and terminal company, Feb. 11, 1914.

Judgment affirmed in the Danbury hatters' case. In Square deal.

v. 14. p. 41, 42. Battle Creek, Mich. Feb. 1914.

Decision rendered by the United States circuit court of appeals.

KUPER, Theodore F. The rule of assumption of risk. In Outlook. v. 108. p. 435-437. New York. Oct. 21, 1914.

LAIDLER, Harry W. The closed shop and the
labor boycott. In Survey. v. 32. p. 304,
305. New York. June 13, 1914.
MERRITT, Walter G. Combinations to main-
tain the open shop are legal. In Square
deal. v. 15. p. 113-116. Battle Creek,
Mich. Sept. 1914.

Michigan supreme court sustains industrial
accident board in two important cases. In
National compensation journal. v. 1. no.
1. p. 23-27. Lansing, Mich. Jan. 1914.
NEW YORK. Six day labor law upheld in New
York. In Survey. v. 32. p. 172. New
York. May 9, 1914.
NEW ZEALAND. Recent legal decisions.


Journal of the department of labour. v. 22. p. 1-17, 73-81, 153-163, 245-262, 317328, 397-402, 465-479, 541-551, 621-640, 687-694, 731-735, 787-794. Wellington. Jan.-Dec. 1914.

Rights of free labor upheld. In American industries. New York. Sept. 1914. p. 21.

Decision of the United States district court granting an injunction to the American steel foundries company of Granite City, Ill., against the Tri-City central trades council prohibiting the union from picketing and interfering with the operation of the plaintiff's plant.

UNITED STATES. Court decisions affecting labor. In American employer. V. 2. p. 365-369, 429-434, 493-497, 557-560. Cleveland, Ohio. Jan.-Apr. 1914.

Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor 1913. Bulletin of the United States bureau of labor statistics. whole no. 152. Labor laws of the United States series, no. 4. May 14, 1914. Washington. 304 p.

Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. Bulletin of the United States bureau of labor statistics. whole no. 148. Labor laws of the United States series, no. 3. Apr. 10, 1914. Washington. 2473 p. In 2 parts.


Agricultural cooperation and rural credit in Europe. Information and evidence secured by the American commission, consisting of delegates from different states in the United States and different provinces of Canada, assembled for the purpose of investigating in European countries cooperative agricultural finance, production, distribution, and rural life; and the United States commission, appointed in 1913 "To cooperate with the American commission assembled. . . for the betterment of rural conditions." United States senate doc. no. 214. 63d cong. 1st sess. Washington. Superintendent of Documents. 1914. pt. 2. Bibliography. 79 p.

Pt. 1 was published in 1913.

Agricultural cooperation and rural credit in

Europe. Report of the American commission, consisting of delegates from different states in the United States and different provinces of Canada, assembled for the purpose of investigating in European countries cooperative agricultural finance, production, distribution, and rural life. United States senate doc. no. 261. 63d

cong. 2d sess. Washington. Superin

pt. 1.

tendent of Documents. 1914. Observations. 29 p. Agricultural credit. Report of the United States commission to investigate and study in European countries cooperative land-mortgage banks, cooperative rural credit unions, and similar organizations and institutions devoting their attention to the promotion of agriculture and the betterment of rural conditions. United States senate doc. no. 380. 63d cong. 2d sess. Washington. Superintendent of Documents. 1914. 3 pts. in 2 papers. Pts. 1 and 2. Jan. 29, 1914. Land-mortgage or long-term credit. 73 p.

Pt. 3. Mar. 13, 1914. Personal or shortterm credit. 32 p. AUSTIN, Charles B. and WEHRWEIN, George S.

Co-operation in agriculture, marketing and
rural credit. University of Texas bulletin
no. 355. Extension series no. 60. Austin.
University of Texas. Aug. 25, 1914. 100 p.

The Belgian congress in Liège. In International
co-operative bulletin.
7th year.
no. 8.
p. 242, 243. London. Sept. 1914.

Proceedings of 3d annual co-operative congress, held at Seraing, Liège, July 26 and. 27, [1914.]

BELGIUM. La coopération en Belgique. In
Revue du Travail. 19th year. p. 87, 224,
225, 372-377, 496, 761, 762. Bruxelles.
Jan. 31-Apr. 30, June 30, 1914.

Statistics of co-operative societies established or dissolved in Belgium, Dec. 1913-May 1914. Statistics for 1913, with comparisons for 18751913 are given in the Revue du travail for Mar. 31, 1914, p. 373-377.

BENNETT, E. N. Problems of village life. London. Williams & Norgate. 1914. 256 p. BOURNE, R. S. Experiment in coöperative

living. In Atlantic monthly. v. 113. p. 823-831. Boston. June 1914. BROOKS, John G. Co-operation in the United States. In New republic. v. 1. p. 17-19. New York. Dec. 5, 1914.

Limits of co-operation. republic. v. 1. p. 20-22.

Nov. 28, 1914.

In New New York.

CANADA. Co-operative statistics for 1912.
In Labour gazette.

v. 14. p. 1311-1313. Ottawa. May 1914.

CANCE, Alexander E. The farmers' cooperative exchange. Amherst. Massachusetts Agricultural College. 1914. 34 p.

"A guide to farmers desiring to form cooperative societies for buying. or selling,


CARPENTER, C. Industrial co-partnership.
London. Co-partnership Pub. Co. 1914.
51 p.

CARVER, Thomas N. How to use farm credit.
Farmers' bulletin no. 593. Washington.
Superintendent of Documents. 1914.
14 p.

CHAPMAN, Edward M. Rural coöperation.
In Yale review. new series. v. 3. p. 520-
535. New Haven, Conn. Apr. 1914.
Co-operative credit: a selected bibliography.
Russell Sage foundation library. Bulletin
no. 5. New York. June 1914. 8 p.
Crédit populaire. 17me congrès du crédit
populaire, Avignon, le 16-19 octobre, 1913.
In Le Musée social. Annales. Paris.
Jan. 1914. p. 32-42.

Résumé of the proceedings of the 17th conference of peoples' credit associations, held at Avignon, Oct. 16-19, 1913.

Credit Unions and Co-operation.

DENMARK. Deltagelsen i Landbrugets Andelsforetagender den 15 Juli 1909. In Statistisk Aarbog, 1914. Kjöbenhavn. Statistiske Departement. 1914. p. 134, 135.

Statistics of agricultural credit associations in Denmark as of July, 1909, prepared by the Danish statistical department.

Forbrugsforeningerne i Aaret 1914. In Statistisk Aarbog, 1914. Kjöbenhavn. Statistiske Departement. 1914. p. 136.. Statistics of retail co-operative societies in Denmark, 1911, prepared by the Danish statistical department.

DESJARDINS, Alphonse. The co-operative people's bank. New York. Russell Sage Foundation, Division of Remedial Loans. 1914. 42 p.

Reviewed in Labour gazette, v. 15, p. 580582, Ottawa, Nov. 1914.

Exposition internationale urbaine, Lyon, 1914. Les sociétés coopératives polonaises de crédit, leur développement et leur état actuel. Lemberg. Gubrynowicz et Fils. 1914. 101 p.

The international rural exposition held at Lyons, 1914. A study of the development and present status of Polish co-operative credit associations.

FAY, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad:
a description and analysis. London.
P. S. King & Son. 1914. 434 p.
FRANCE. Les associations ouvrières de pro-

duction et les sociétés coopératives de
consommation et de crédit en France au
1er janvier 1914. In Bulletin du ministère
du travail et de la prévoyance sociale. v. 21.
p. 606-612. Paris. Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1914.

Statistics of workingmen's retail co-operative societies and credit associations in France on Jan. 1, 1914. Published in the bulletin of the French ministry of labor and social providence.

Le crédit agricole mutuel de France. In Le Musée social. Annales. Paris. May 1914. p. 167-170.

Résumé of report of the minister of agriculture on agricultural mutual credit associations of France in 1911 and 1912.

Le crédit au petit et au moyen commerce et à la petite et la moyenne industrie. In Le Musée social. Annales. Paris. Jan. 1914. p. 22-24.

Credit in retail trade and the minor industries.

GREAT BRITAIN. Co-operative congress, Dublin, June 1-3, 1914. Proceedings of 46th annual congress. Manchester, Eng. Cooperative Union. 1914. xxxvi, 730 p. plates.

CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETIES LIMITED. Annual 1914. Manchester, Eng. 1914. viii, 407 p. plates.

Industrial co-operative societies in the United Kingdom in 1913. In Board of trade labour gazette. v. 22. p. 359, 360. London. Oct. 1914.

Industrial directory of the United Kingdom for 1914. London. Wyman & Sons. 1914. 295 p. [Cd. 7483.]

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HERRICK, Myron P. and INGALLS, R. Rural credits, land and cooperative. New York. Appleton. 1914. 519 p.

INDIA. Cooperative-credit movement in India. In United States daily consular and trade reports. 17th year. no. 209. p. 12861288. Washington. Sept. 5, 1914. International co-operative bulletin. Official

organ of the international co-operative alliance. London. 7th year, nos. 1-11. Jan.-Dec. issued in 1914. IRELAND. Agricultural credit in Ireland.

Report of the department of agriculture and technical instruction. London. Wyman & Sons. 1914. xvi, 407 p. [Cd. 7375.1

Credit Unions and Co-operation.

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A study of co-operative associations in the Netherlands, issued as publication no. 10 of the central bureau of social information.

NEW YORK. Manual on co-operation. Albany. Department of Agriculture. 1914. 33 p. OHIO. CUNNINGHAM, John and BROWN, William M. Report on rural credits and co-operation. Columbus. Heer. 1914. 84 p. Bibliography. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. BOOMER, J. F. Loans to small farmers. In United States daily consular and trade reports. 17th year. no. 266. p. 720. Washington. Nov. 12, 1914.

POPE, George. The new unionism. In Square

deal. v. 15. p. 37-40. Battle Creek,

Mich. Aug. 1914.

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