


THESE Exhibitions were founded in the year 1842 by the Dublin Academic Association, and are open to any School to which no other Exhibition is attached, upon payment, by the Principal of such School, of the subscriptions required by the Rules of the Association. Pupils educated in any such School for at least three years immediately before Entrance into Trinity College, Dublin, will be admissible to the Examination for these Exhibitions; provided also, that at either the October or November Entrance last preceding they shall have obtained within tenth place inclusive, or shall have been re-examined for first place. Principals of Schools wishing to present Pupils for these Exhibitions are required to transmit the proper Certificate, filled up and signed by them agreeably to these conditions, to the Secretary of the Association, by whom a list of the eligible Candidates will be sent forward previously to the Examination for Exhibitions.

The Exhibitions on this foundation amount to at least £15 per annum each, and, subject to the same conditions as the Royal Scholarships, as far as regards the requisite Collegiate honors and censures, are tenable for two years and a half. The Academic Exhibitions of the Royal Scholarships are under the same regulations with respect to the period of payments, the time, place, and subjects, for Examination; and, by order of the Board of Trinity College, they have been placed on the same footing with those of the Royal Schools, as regards academic rank and costume.

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THE Honorable the Irish Society of London for the Plantation of Ulster have instituted five Exhibitions at £30 a year each, to be enjoyed for five years by such Pupils of the Derry School as shall have entered the University with sufficient credit, after having been previously educated for three years at Foyle College, Londonderry.

On the application of the Trustees, the Board of Trinity College have permitted the Students from this School to be examined along with those from the Royal Schools, in the same course, and a re


turn to be made to the Trustees in the same manner as to the Commissioners of Education, viz., reporting on the positive merit of the Candidates, and arranging them according to their answering, without distinction of Schools. This Examination to be the test, and the most meritorious Derry Candidate on the face of the Return to obtain the Exhibition.

A power is reserved by the Trustees of suspending or diminishing the Exhibitions if sufficient merit has not been shown by the Candidates.

These Exhibitions are to be obtained by such Students only as shall have been three years, or at least (under very particular circumstances, subject to the consideration of the Trustees) one year and a half previous to their entrance into Trinity College, Pupils in Derry School, and shall have remained at it till the Entrance Examination immediately preceding that for the Exhibition.

Students, when appointed to these Exhibitions, may retain them for five years from the time of their election, provided that, proceeding regularly with their respective Classes, they obtain in each year of their Undergraduate Course one Honor of the First Rank, or two Honors of the Second Rank; a power of dispensing with this condition being reserved to the Trustees, when satisfied with the effort and positive merit of the person holding the Exhibition. An Exhibition to become forfeited by the holder of it incurring any heavy collegiate censure, such as public admonition or rustication.

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THE Exhibitions to which Students are appointed by the Board, without a preliminary Examination, are as follows:

Erasmus Smith's Exhibitions.
First Class (number variable).

15 Do. Second Class.

10 Stearne Exhibitions.

5 Downes Exhibitions. 12 Worrall Exhibitions. 2 Crowe Exhibitions.

2 Avary Exhibitions.

1 Clanbrassil Exhibition. 1 Span Exhibition.

1 Parsons Exhibition.

1 Yelverton Exhibition.

1 Griffith Exhibition.
1 Briggs Exhibition.

Erasmus Smith's Exhibitions.-These Exhibitions were founded by the Governors of Erasmus Smith's Schools, and the foundation was confirmed by Act of Parliament (10 Geo. I., A. D. 1723). The Erasmus Smith's Exhibitions are tenable until the Student becomes

of Master's standing. The annual value of a first class Erasmus Smith's Exhibition is £7 7s. 9d., and of a second class do. £5 108. 9d.

Downes Exhibitions.-The Downes Exhibitioners are selected, in accordance with the will of the founder, from those Students in Divinity who have distinguished themselves at the Divinity Professor's Examination. The annual value of each Exhibition is £10 Irish, or £9 48. 8d. present currency.

Worrall Exhibitions.-The Worrall Exhibitioners, in accordance with the will of the founder, are chosen by the Board from among the Students who are sons of Clergymen of the diocese of Dublin, or sons of freemen of the city, regard being had to the poverty of the Student. The annual value of each Exhibition is £9 48. 8d. When an Exhibition is declared to be vacant, the Tutors are invited to state to the Board the names of their pupils, having the qualifications required by the founder's will, and such other circumstances as may guide the Board in their selection.

Crowe and Clanbrassil Exhibitions.-These Exhibitions are limited to Students nominated by the representatives of the founders. The annual value of each of the former is £13 16s. 11d., and of the latter £7 7s. 8d.

Span and Avary Exhibitions. These Exhibitions are specially limited by the wills of the founders to poor Students. The annual value of the former is £46 3s. 1d., and of each of the latter £4 12s. 4d. The period for which the Span Exhibition may be held is indefinite, and the Exhibitioner is selected by the Board from general collegiate merit. The Avary Exhibitioners are nominated by the Provost from among the Sizars.

The Stearne, Parsons, Yelverton, Griffith, and Briggs Exhibitioners are selected by the Board from general collegiate merit, the preference being generally given to Scholars on the foundation. The annual value of each is £4 12s. 4d.

All the foregoing Exhibitions (except the Span Exhibition) are vacated when the holders arrive at Master's standing.



Decreed by the Board, Saturday, October 29, 1836.

1. THAT all Fellow-Commoners and Pensioners under the standing of A. M., and holding chambers in the College, be uniformly charged, in addition to the chamber-rent now paid to the Registrar of Chambers, a certain specified sum per week for certain portions of the year; and that the sums thus accruing be considered as contributions to a Commons Fund.

2. That these charges be, for each Fellow-Commoner, seven shillings and six pence per week, and for each Pensioner five shillings; said charges to be levied for all the solid weeks intervening between the last day of ordinary Examinations and the last day in each Term; or for so many of those weeks in any Term as the Student holds chambers without actually giving up the keys of the same to the person entitled to receive them.

3. That these charges be made by the Clerk of the Buttery Books, from the quarterly chamber-rent list furnished by the Registrar of Chambers, against all persons liable to the same; and be introduced in the half-yearly accounts payable to the Junior Bursar, among the incidentals of the past half-year, under the name of Commons Fund. All persons, however, to whom chambers may be granted within any of the periods above specified, are not to be considered liable to these charges until the ensuing Term.

4. That the weekly sums thus charged be allowed in the regular Commons Charge to each Student, and the remainder, or variable part of the Commons Charge, be payable to the Clerk of the Buttery Books.

5. In all cases and for all times not included amongst those above specified, the former Commons Regulations are to continue in force [viz., that all Students holding chambers in the College, and below the degree or standing of A. M., shall be subject to a fine of five shillings per half-week, if their names be not on the Commons List].


THE Museum has been considerably increased; many valuable donations have been received, and much progress has been made in its arrangement. It is open to the Provost and Fellows at all times, and on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 3 o'clock, to persons producing orders from any of the Fellows or Professors.

On the days above named Masters and Scholars, and Students in their gowns, are admissible, and may introduce their friends.

Strangers visiting Dublin, on presenting their cards, may obtain admission at any convenient time.

All visitors are requested to enter their names in the Museum Book.

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