
VII.-Enoncez les règles des participes-présent et passé.
Traduisez en Français :


In every society, whether of animals or of men, violence characterizes tyrants, mild authority, kings. The lion and the tiger on the earth, the eagle and the vulture in the air, only reign by war, only rule by the abuse of strength, and by cruelty; whereas the swan reigns over the waters by every title which founds an empire of peace: greatness, majesty, gentleness, together with strength, power, courage, and the will not to abuse them, and to use them only for the purpose of defence. He knows how to fight and conquer, without ever attacking; a peaceful king over the aquatic birds, he braves the tyrants of the air; he awaits the eagle, without provoking and without fearing him he repels his assaults, by opposing to his weapons the resistance of his plumage end the reiterated blows of a vigorous wing, which serves him as an ægis; and often victory crowns his efforts.-BUFFON.

German Language.


I.-1. Was ist der geographische Umfang des deutschen Sprachstammes ?

2. Welche ist die älteste deutsche Mundart wovon geschriebene Ueberbleibsel bis auf uns gekommen sind? beschreiben Sie diese,-und wer war deren Verfasser?

3. Welche Mundart war die herschende zur Zeit Karl's des grossen?— 4. Zur Zeit der Hohenstaufen ?—

5. Wie nennt man die Dichter dieses letzern Zeitraums?—

6. Abstammung des Namens?—

7. Bedeutung des ersten Wortgliedes??

8. Wie heisst das Hauptepos jener Zeit und was ist dessen Inhalt?

9. Aus welchen Quellen schöpften die epischen Dichter den Inhalt ihrer Gedichte?

10. Welchen Einfluss übte Lessing über die deutsche Nationallitteratur aus, und welche sind seine Hauptwerke?—

11. Erwähnen Sie was Sie von deren Inhalt und Zweck wissen.

II. Uebersetzen Sie ins Deutsche :

1. I am heartily sorry for your misfortune.

2. I pity you; (dauern).

3. But for his companion he would have perished.

4. It is I who told you so.

5. I have been obliged (müssen) to go to the country.

6. They were so afraid of their enemies, that they hid themselves from


III. Uebersetzen Sie ins Englishe:

1. Er hat es Jhnen vorgemacht.

2. Die Augen gingen ihm über.

3. Wie wird mir?

4. Der König nahm sich seiner an.

5. Dann erst sah or lhn.

6. Ich habe doch Recht.

7. Doch ja-ja doch

8. Sagen Sie mir doch.

9. Er ist gelehrt und doch bescheiden.

IV. Der Unterschied auf Englisch Zwischen: Becher und Tasse,Dunst und Nebel,-Mütze und Haube,-verständig und verständlich,―adelig und edel,-Ast, Zweig und Reiss,--beten, bitten, betteln und flehen,Pferd, Ross, Gaul und Hengst,-Kühn und frech.

Uebersetzen Sie ins Deutsche :


An Arab had lost his way in the desert. For two days he found nothing to eat, and was in danger of dying of hunger. At length he fell in with one of those water-pits, at which travellers are wont to water their camels, and saw a small leather bag lying upon the sand. "God be praised," said he, taking it up and feeling it, "these are, I think, dates or nuts; how I will feast on them!" With this delightful hope he opened the bag, beheld what it contained, and exclaimed, full of sorrow" Alas! they are only pearls !"-LIEBESKIND.





1. Give the diagnosis in this case:- -The patient is an adult. There is emaciation, diarrhoea; a canine appetite; the abdomen is swelled and fluctuating. A network of varicose veins is spread over the surface of the abdomen, the epigastric, mammary, and intercostal veins being enlarged

and tortuous.

2. Give examples in both recent and chronic disease, of the subsidence of a valvular murmur while the disease of the valve remains.

3. Whether is ulcerative perforation of the intestine more likely to occur in acute or in chronic disease of the tube? Give the grounds of your opinion.

4. What are the symptoms that would indicate aneurism of the abdominal aorta when no physical signs of the disease can be found?

5. Give the diagnostics relied on between typhus and typhoid fever; and state how far they establish any essential difference between the diseases.



1. Enumerate the causes of Psoas Abscess; its characteristic signs; the diseases with which it may be confounded, and the means of distinguishing it from them.

2. Describe the characters of dislocation of the bones of the forearm backwards at the elbow. Mention the injuries most liable to be mistaken for it, and the means of establishing the differential diagnosis.

3. Describe a case of Concussion of the Brain which passes through the three stages mentioned by Abernethy, to a fatal termination; and give an account of the post-mortem appearances. Mention also the symptoms considered most characteristic of the affection by Sir Astley Cooper, and describe the mode of treatment you would adopt in each stage.

4. Give a description of the disease termed Ranula, and of the operations proposed for its cure.

5. Describe the operation for Fistula in Ano. Mention the local and general conditions which contra-indicate its performance; and give an account of the after-treatment of the case.



1. Describe the mode of charging and discharging a Leyden jar, and explain the principle on which the accumulation of the electricity is produced by it.

2. What are the two rival hypotheses as to the origin of the galvanic current; and what, upon each theory, are the respective functions discharged by the metals and fluid which constitute the ordinary Voltaic circle?

3. Describe the methods of insulating chlorine and iodine, and of obtaining the compounds of these elements with hydrogen; also, the action of same elements on a solution of caustic potash.

4 Write the formula for Urea, and explain how it may be separated from the renal secretion, and the metamorphosis which it undergoes when urine experiences the putrefactive fermentation.

5. State the conditions, and (in symbols) the products of the vinous fermentation. Write also the formula for the ethers of which mention is made in the "Dublin Pharmacopoeia;" and give the old theory of etherification; that which is at present generally taught; and the facts inconsistent with the truth of the former.



1. State the various modes of cell-multiplication.

2. Describe the structure and mode of growth of the stem in Monocotyledones as contrasted with that of Dicotyledones.

3. Describe the structure of the ovule, and the phenomena of impregnation in Phanerogamia.

4. Give a tabular view of the natural classification of Plants; and state the characteristics of the principal sub-types.

5. State the characters of the natural orders:-Rosacea, Umbelliferæ, Conifera, and Gramineæ.



1. Give the diagnosis between aneurism of the abdominal aorta and malignant tumour in the abdomen.

2. What are the diseases, general and local, which have been found to exist in complicated pericarditis, and the circumstances which should guide the physician in the selection of remedial measures?

3. What are the secondary diseases which may occur in the course of Bright's disease?

4. Enumerate the varieties of peritonitis, and state the mode of treatment you would have recourse to in the different forms of the disease.



1. What notable change has taken place in the treatment of disease in this country in latter years?

2. What is the cause of this change?

3. What is the state of opinion in this country as to the relation between Typhus and Typhoid Fever?

4. What is the explanation of the dropsy in Bright's disease?

5. What is Liebig's theory of Animal Heat?



1. The classes into which mineral waters have been divided, and the chief specimens of each-first, in Ireland; second, in Europe?

2. Required the diagnosis and prescription for the following case, viz. A girl, aged ten years, with intense dyspnoea, a shrill sound at the larynx in inspiration. Percussion of chest natural; the vesicular murmur overpowered by the sound propagated from the larynx through the tubes. Voice hoarse; pulse 120, sharp; lips sublivid. Lies with her face upward, and mouth open. Duration, ten hours. Attributed to cold.

3. Required the antidotes to opium-first, chemical; second, physiological.

4. Required any instance in which it appears that a medicine has acted chemically in the living body on a medicine previously administered. 5. Required the natural families of plants, in which the fruit contains respectively one, two, three, four, or five seeds.



1. What is the essential difference between accidental and unavoidable puerperal hemorrhage, as regards their cause, diagnosis, and management? 2. Describe the axes of the pelvis, especially in their relation to the mechanism of labour.

3. Describe the history, symptoms, and treatment of puerperal pelvic cellulitis and abscess.

4. Describe the mechanism of natural labour.

5. What part of the child's head ought to issue first from the pelvis, in all cases where the head presents; and, secondly, in cases where inferior extremities present, or pass first, as, for instance, after turning?

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