
charge against him and all those others that had been ill instruments in that vile action. This was not long a doing, they having the materials ready in their hands, and brought it to the house, and the house turned into a committee to hear it. And so well it was handled, that the longest and largest part fell to Nicholas Ferrar, who though he was long above an hour, the abundance of matter that he had to deliver requiring it, yet he' with that eloquence of speech, solid matter, and every way most pleasing substance, as the house liked him so well, as many said when he had ended, they wished he had as much more to say: so great contentment and delight he gave to their ears. And from that time forth every parliament man was very willing 2 to be acquainted with him; for then he was fully even in his abilities. In brief, his charge stuck so fully home upon the treasurer, that it was said, it laid such load as it helped much to sink him at that time. He was put out of the house of lords, fined, &c. Many desired to have his speech, but he craved pardon. The Virginia business was close followed and put on sir Edwin Sandys and Nicholas Ferrar by that parliament; and the parliament so sensible of the great benefit and happiness that might in short time happen to England in many respects, and what an affrightment the Spaniard took at the then reputation of the action,

1 Supply [spoke].

2 Lords' Journ. May 13, 1624.

that the house resolved to take all into their consideration, and the lords joined in the business, and they would have confirmed the company and plantation by act of parliament. But king James then sent them a message', that he had and would take it into his serious consideration and care, and by the next parliament they should all see it, he would make it one of his masterpieces, as he said it well deserved to be. And thus the matter then stood: but God knows, these were but fair words, as the event shewed, for all was let loose and to go to six and seven, as the proverb is, which requires a long story, not here to be inserted.

19. But Nicholas Ferrar, before the Quo Warranto came out3,—foreseeing the storm, as he feared they would cause all the court-books, registers, and all writings, instructions, letters, &c. to be taken from the company's hand,—did fairly copy out all the court-books, registers, &c. (which cost him £50), carried them to the noble earl of Southampton and gave them him3.

1 See Commons' Journals, Apr. 29 (779 a, ad fin.), May 25 (794 b).

2 Stith's History of Virginia, 298 seq. On the roth of November, 1623 (Bancroft's Hist. of the Un. States, 77, Edinburgh, 1848).

3 See Peckard, 154 seq. "The copy, having been purchased by a Virginian, was consulted by Stith, and gave to his history the authority of an original record."-Bancroft, u. 8. who refers to Burk, i. 274, Hening, i. 76.-Baker adds "Then



Anno 1625. The great plague then began rage in the city. On Whitsun-eve 1625 he came to his mother, told her the danger he conceived of any further stay', then presently to depart; sent for a coach, and that night, she and her family, son John, &c., went to their house at Hertford, twenty miles from London, and so on Whitsun-Monday away to Bourne in Cambridgeshire, to her daughter Collett's.

21. He (N. F.) stayed behind to settle his affairs, and his brother John Ferrar's business, and as soon as may be would go to Gidding, giving order to his brother John Ferrar to make some chambers and lodgings ready. His brother (J. F.) repaired to Gidding (a lordship that his mother had bought a year before), there to make up lodgings, for the house was no better than all ruinated, and unfit every way to be dwelt in.

22. After this Nicholas Ferrar comes to Gidding, and after him his mother, who sends for her whole family to come from Bourne to her, her beloved daughter Collett and soon after all her children.

follows. With the loss of £3000 he freed his brother John Ferrar out of troubles and dangers, he was involved in:-and then a prayer of thanksgiving." The prayer is given from Peckard in the Appendix.

1 The plague was in the next house. Peckard, 169. See Hacket's Life of Williams, ii. 13, Clarke's Lives, &c. (ed. 1677)

400, 401.

23. Anno 1626. N. F. at this time grew to a full resolution and determination of that thing and course of life he had so often wished for, and longingly desired. And that week before Whitsunday gave himself to a very private retirement, both in his thoughts and in his person, and was observed to fast much, eat sparingly, and sleep little, and on Whitsun-eve he was up all night in his study; but having at other times often used the like, he was not much regarded in it by any. N. F., without acquainting any of his friends (fearing that they might be a hindrance to his determination), having some time before only made his tutor, dean Linsell, acquainted with his mind, who was ravished with joy to hear the determination now to take effect, that he had so long wished and prayed for.

24. In Trinity Sunday early in the morning he went to his tutor, and so they two went to Westminster chapel, his tutor having before spoken with bishop Laud', then, as I take it, bishop of St. David's, to beseech him to be there, and to lay his hands8-upon him to make him a deacon. For he

1 This is omitted in Laud's Diary. Laud and Linsell had a common patron (bp. Neile), and were close friends (Heylin, Cypr. Angl. 55, 69, 215, and the index to Prynne's Canterburies Doome, s. v. Lindsey).

A far greater distinction was then made between the priesthood and diaconate than there is now: e. g. Herbert retained his sword and silk clothes until he was ordained priest; not till then did he tell his wife, "You are now a minister's wife.”—Walton, xlvii.

told his tutor beforehand, he durst not presume to step one inch higher or further. So a deacon he was made. When all was done, his tutor told the bishop he would much joy in the future, that he had laid his hands on such a man, whom he assured him he never had done, nor believed ever should in the future; and much more he was pleased to


25. Towards evening N. F. came home to his mother, and prayed her to hear him read what he had to shew her written in vellum, which he drew forth of his breast, which read was the solemn vow he had therein made to God, written and signed with his own hand, and the effect was: Seeing God had so often heard his most humble petitions, and had delivered him out of many most eminent dangers of soul and body, and now had brought his family out of most desperate calamities, whereinto they might have fallen if His mercy had not been infinite, he should now set himself to serve Him in such a calling, &c. His mother (and other friends that stood, but were long time silent) then falling upon his neck, most tenderly weeping and kissing him, most affectionately and devoutly blessed him, most heartily praying to God to give him long life, and that he might be filled with God's Holy Spirit daily more and more, to His greater glory, and good of her and his family; adding, I will also, by the help of my God, set myself with more care and diligence than ever to serve our good Lord God, as is all our duties to do, in all we may.

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