
nish has attained the suitable degree of fluidity, it is suffered to stand a few days, and when it has become very clear, the varnish is to be decanted off.

This varnish is made without heat, is very clear and colourless, may be applied with equal success on pasteboard, wood, and metals, and may be worked and polished with care, indeed better than any known varnish. It may be used on paintings, and singularly heightens their beauty.

A new process for making a beautiful lake colour has been discover ed by a German chemist. On a quantity of cochineal pour twice its weight of alcohol, and as much distilled water. The mixture being infused for some days near a gentle fire, and then filtered, add a few drops of solution of tin, and a red precipitate will be formed. Continue two hours to add a little solution of tin till the whole of the colouring matter is precipitated, and then edulcorate the precipitate by washing it in a large quantity of distilled water. When the precipitate is dry, it is then ready for


The aloe, which has hitherto been considered only as a medical plant, has been recently applied to many useful purposes. In the East Indies its juice has been employed as a varnish to preserve wood, and even the skins of living animals, from the attacks of worms and insects. An aquatic solution of hepatic aloes has been found of great service to naturalists in preserving young plants from insects, and dead animals and vegetables from putrefaction. According to Perner, a simple decoction of aloes communicates to wood a fine brown colour. M. Fabroni of Florence has extracted a beautiful violet colour from the juice of the fresh leaves of

the aloe: exposed by degrees to the air, this colour resists the acids and the alkalies. At first the liquid becomes red, and at the end of a certain period turns to a beautiful purple violet, which adheres to silk by simple immersion without the aid of acids.

M. Degen, a watch-maker of Vienna, is said to have invented a machine by which a person may rise in the air. This contrivance consists of two parachutes of taffeta, which may be folded up or extended at pleasure, and the person who guides them is placed in the centre. M. Dagen is said to have risen by means of this machine to the height of 54 feet, in presence of numerous spectators in Vienna. This invention has directed the attention of some of our own countrymen to the construction of a machine for the same purpose. An account of their labours will be found in our next volume for 1810.

An instrument for throwing light into the interior of the animal body is announced in several of the foreign journals, as the invention of M. Bozzini. It is said to be composed of a recipient, containing the light of tubes for conveying the rays to the cavities which are to be enlightened, and of reflecting tubes for the purpose of transmitting the luminous rays to the eye of the observer. We are disposed to think, that if such a machine has been constructed, it cannot possibly answer the object of its inventor.

A new method of preparing the extract of opium, without any of that smell for which it is distinguished, has been successfully employed by M. Parmentier. Twenty-four ounces of opium being macerated for five days in rain water, boil it for a quarter of an hour with 2lbs. of pul verised charcoal, and after it is strain


ed and clarified with the white of an 12 ounces of extract will be obtained after suitable evaporation. A new travelling carriage, which forms a complete habitation, has been invented by M. Franconi. It consists of a body 15 feet long, 7 wide, and 6 high, elevated 3 feet from the ground upon the wheels of a common curricle. Racks are placed upon the four sides capable of feeding 16 or 20 horses, and the canvas which covers the carriage when in motion may be raised as a pavilion for the purpose of sheltering the horses. The interior of the machine is divided by a partition into two apart ments, and there is a gallery in front, to which the traveller can go with out alighting. Four horses are only necessary for travelling post with this carriage.

A new and simple method of filtering water has been applied on a large scale by M. Alexandre, for purifying the waters of the Garonne. It consists in merely conveying the fluid through the capillary tubes of a piece of half-worn-out cotton, which will allow the fluid to pass in a state of extreme limpidity.

The pyrolignous acid obtained from the distillation of wood has been applied, by M. Vitalis, to the dyeing of thread and cotton, and the process has been introduced into all the manufactories of Rouen, where black cottons for mourning, which were formerly procured from Holland, are now dyed in a cheap and substantial manner. The colour lasts very long, and is not liable, like common blacks, to turn rusty.

A new method of dividing astronomical and other instruments has been lately carried to great perfection by Mr Edward Troughton of London, one of the most celebrated

opticians of the present age. The division of the instrument is accomplished by ocular inspection. The usual tools for graduating are not employed, and the whole operation is so contrived that no error can take place, but what is chargeable to vision, when aided by the best optical instruments for viewing and measuring the most minute quantities. As we cannot convey to our readers a proper idea of this valuable invention, we must refer them to the Philos, Trans. for 1809, in which it is fully explained by its author.


A very simple, though a very great improvement in the construc tion of forcing frames for hot-beds has been made by T. A. Knight, Esq. In the common method the surface of the bed is made horizon. tal, but, to give some degree of elevation to the glass, the north end of the frame is made nearly twice as deep as the other, so that if the mould was, as it ought to be, of the same depth over the whole bed, the plant would be too far removed from the glass at one end of the frame, and want room at the other end. remove this inconvenience, Mr Knight proposes to place the hot-bed on an inclined plane of earth raised about 15 degrees, making the surface of the dung and mould parallel with it, and accommodating the shape of the frame to the surface of the bed. By this means, the plants on the mould of the hot-bed are more exposed to the rays of the sun, while the expence of the forcing frame is diminished. Mr Knight has used with great success a hot-bed of this description for forcing grapes. He places the bed three feet from the wall, to which the vines are trained, and introduces their branches into the frame through holes made at the

north end of it, as soon as the first violent heat of the bed has subsided. By this means a most abundant crop may be obtained.

Mr Martin Furnass has invented a new air-tight door hinge, of which an account will be found in the Trans. of the Society of Arts.

An improved method of constructing muffles for chemical purposes has been invented by Mr Edmund Tur

rell. When formed in this new way, muffles are said to be both cheaper and stronger than when manufactured in the common way. See Trans. of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts.

A machine for closing boots and shoes in a standing posture has been invented by Mr A. Stass. A drawing and description of it will be found in the Trans. of the Society of Arts.

N. B. Well authenticated Facts for this branch of our Work will be thankfully received, and it is requested that Communications may be addressed under cover to the Publishers of the Register, at No. 48, Hanover Street, Edinburgh.





Jan. 17. FOR a process of setting blue lead, for corroding the same into white lead. To John Brierly, of River Bank, in the county of Flint. See Repertory of Arts, June 1809, p. 11. Jan. 23. For manufacturing a certain description of wooden boxes, called chip boxes, or pill boxes, of all the various sizes and shapes hitherto made. To James Goddart of Newman street, gent. See Repertory of Arts, July 1810, p. 73.

Jan. 23. For an improved method of hanging the bodies, and of constructing the perches of four-wheeled carriages, by which such carriages are rendered less liable to be overturned; and of constructing perchbolts and collar-braces. To Edward Stracy, of Parliament street, Westminster, Esq. See Repertory of Arts, April 1809, p. 289.

Jan. 23. Machine for casting printing types, by which three motions out of five, made in the ordinary method, are saved. To John

Peek, of Charlotte row, Fort Place, Bermondsey, Surrey, mill-wright.

Jan. 23. A method for the application of stamps, dies, and piercing tools, to the manufacturing of ears, handles, and bewels for culinary articles of every description, whether in wood, iron, brass, copper, tin, silver, or any mixed metals. To Samuel Whitfield, of Church street, Birmingham, brazier and scale-beam


Jan. 26. For a transcendant ordnance, or improved cannon, for either marine, fort, or field service. To Michael Logan, of Rotherhithe, civil engineer.

Jan. 28. For a method of casting metallic and other bodies, together or separately, in moulds, in the state of fluidity or softness, in order that the said bodies may preserve the figures thus obtained, when they shall afterwards become solid or consistent by cooling, or by any chemical or other change which shall or may take place

or be produced in the nature, order, or proportions, or quantities of the component parts or ingredients of the same. To Anthony George Eckhardt, of Berwick street, Soho. Jan. 29. Improvements on patent machinery, for cutting and placing paper; also certain machinery for the manufacture of paper by a new method. To John Dickinson, of Ludgate Hill, London, stationer.

Feb. 4. For certain methods of manufacturing various kinds of metal laces, so as to imitate gold and silver laces; and also of manufacturing gold and silver open laces. To George Finch, jun., of King street, Soho, orris weaver. See Repertory of Arts, July 1809, p. 65.

Feb. 4. For a new process of freeing tarred ropes from the tar, and rendering them fit for the use of the manufacturer. To Thomas Potts, of Hackney.

Feb. 7. For certain improvements upon a patent open stove, or apparatus for carbonising all sorts of raw fuel and combustibles, and reducing them into superior fuel or coke and charcoal, as well as for extracting and saving during the same process, the oil, tar, pyroligneous vegetable acid and ammoniacal coal liquors; and for extracting and refining all the inflammable air or gas, so as to deprive it of all disagreeable odour during combustion, and rendering the gas itself salutary for human respiration when properly diluted with atmospheric air. To Frederick Albert Winsor, of Pall-mall, Esq. See Repertory of Arts, Dec. 1810, p. 6. Feb. 7. For a mode of construction or arrangement for any building, so as to afford security against fire, with other advantages. To William Congreve, of Cecil street, Strand, Esq. See Repertory of Arts, Sept. 1810, p.981.

Feb. 7. Certain improvements on machines applicable to various kinds of spinning. To Archibald Thomson, of Manchester, engineer.

Feb. 7. For certain improvements in the manufacture of soap, to wash with sea water, with hard water, and with soft water. To William Everhard, Baron Doornik, of Old Lisle street, Leicester Square. See Repertory of Arts, Nov. 1810, p. 321.

Feb. 9. For a method of manufacturing cards which are employed in the carding and spinning of flax, tow, wool, cotton, and silk, so as to combine the quality of a fine card with the strength of a coarse one. To John Stead, card manufacturer, Leith Walk, Edinburgh.

Feb. 13. For a peculiar construction for the purpose of burning coke and lime, whereby the superfluous heat of the fire used in burning the coke is applied to burning the lime, and also whereby much fire may be rendered perpetual, and which is denominated the "Union and perpetual Kiln." To James Grellier, of Aldborough Hatch, in the county of Essex, Esq. See Repertory of Arts, Oct. 1809, p. 259.

Feb. 13. For a thermometer, or machine for ascertaining the heat of bakers' ovens and various other purposes. To Stephen Hooper, of Walworth, in the county of Surrey, gent. See Repertory of Arts, Nov. 1810, p. 324

Feb. 21. For a new method of manufacturing all kinds of boots, shoes, and other articles, by means of a substitute for thread made of hemp, flax, or other yarns. To David Meade Randolph, a citizen of Virginia, in the United States of America, but at present residing near Golden Square, in the county of Middlesex, merchant, who, in consequence of a communition made to him from his friend and

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