
ply of oil or other combustible fluid to feed the wick or burner thereof, by a fountain in a perpendicular direction from a reservoir beneath the flame, having the quality of burning or consuming the whole of the oil or other combustible fluid applied thereto. To John Barton, of Argyle street, Westminster, gent. See Repertory of Arts, February 1810, p. 131.

Nov. 6. For certain improvements in the construction of wheel carriages of every description. To David Meade Randolph, a citizen of Virginia, in the United States of America, but now residing in Warwick court, Holborn, merchant. See Repertory of Arts, March 1810, p.


Nov. 9. To Edward Griffith of Birmingham, optician, for his newinvented air-tight agitable lamp.

Nov. 14. For a method of making and manufacturing shives or shivers, and pulley wheels of every description, and various other articles, from certain materials or compositions of earths and minerals, which render the said articles more durable than such as are made in wood or metal. To James Hall, of Newbold, Astbury, in the county of Chester, bookbinder. See Repertory of Arts, Sept. 1810, p. 217.

- Nov. 21. For certain improve ments in the construction of hafts or handles for razors. To Robert Wass, of Sheffield, cutler.

Nov. 21. For certain improvements in the casting of iron roofs for houses, warehouses, and other buildings, and in covering them with slate. To John Cragg, of Liverpool, Esq.

Nov. 21. For various improvements in the construction of machines,

for making cards for carding wool, cotton, flax, silk, and all substances capable of being carded. To John Towel Ruff, of Basinghall street, London, John Tretton, of St Andrew's Hill, and John Webb, of Clapton, in the county of Middlesex.

Nov. 28. For certain improvements on a machine or press for letter press printing, and also for printing various ornaments and figures, part of which improvements may be applied to presses now in use. Το John Brown, of Mile-End town, in the county of Middlesex, stationer.

Nov. 28. For a method whereby heated water, steam, or air, can be rendered serviceable, and more serviceable for new purposes, and every purpose for which they have ever been applied, with less expence of fuel than is now used, especially for the purpose of working the steam. engine, and of warming and heating buildings and stoves, and also vessels and coppers for all purposes, by which water, steam, and air (heated) may be applied to many purposes hitherto unknown. To William Cornelius English, of Twickenham, in the county of Middlesex, Esq.

Nov. 28. For a rotative pump or engine for raising and forcing air, water, and other fluids. To Thomas Herbert, officer of the customs ar the port of Malden, in the county of Essex.

Dec. 5. For improvements on the apparatus used for rollers for windowblinds, maps, and other similar objects. To James Barren, of Well street, in the county of Middlesex, brass-founder. See Repertory of Arts, March 1810, p. 211.

Dec. 5. For apparatus and machinery for the support and excercise of the human frame, and for the pre

vention of bodily deformity. To George Ware of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, gent.

Dec. 9. For a botanical or medicinal preparation, being a remedy for gravel and stony concretions, which is denominated mucilage of marshmallows. To Samuel Felton, of Berwick street, Soho, in the county of Middlesex, botanist.

Dec. 9. For a new sort of instrument or machine for preparing and cutting cotton and linen candlewicks. To John Jones of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, cotton-spinner.

Dec. 11. For an improved lock for guns and pistols. To John Manton, of Dover street, in the county of Middlesex, gun-maker. See Repertory of Arts, March 1810, p. 217.

Dec. 14. For a portable stove or furnace, which may be made of cast iron, forged or plate iron, or of other metals or materials, by which a current of air is heated and discharged, so as to distribute the heat more equally than by stoves such as are in common use, and avoid the unpleasant smell which they produce; and which air, if necessary, may be brought from the external atmosphere, so as to produce ventilation as well as warmth. A stove of this construction may be usefully applied in warming and ventilating churches, public rooms, halls, stair-cases, and,

by means of tubes connected with it, the apartments of houses; and will also be useful for ventilating and heating ships and manufactories, dry. ing different articles of manufacture, ventilating mines, and for other purposes. To John Murray, of Nicholson's street, Edinburgh, Esq., and Adam Anderson, of South Bridge street, Edinburgh, tin-plate worker.

Dec. 14. For an invention communicated to him by a foreigner, of snuffers on a new and improved construction. To John Dufi, of Great Pulteney street, in the county of Middlesex, cutler. See Repertory of Arts, February 1810, p. 145.

Dec. 14. For an improvement on chain and hand pumps, and a new-invented fire-extinguishing engine and steam engine. To Mark Noble, of the parish of Battersea, in the county of Surrey, Esq. engine-maker.

Dec. 20. For an improvement in the manufacture of woollen stockingpieces, by raising and producing on his improved manufacture a nap or pile in resemblance of kerseymere and broad clothes; and also an improvement on the manufacture of kerseymere and broad cloths, by means of transverse elasticity given to his manufacture, equal in use from its ease in the woollen manufactures. To Charles Frederick Davis, of the parish of Ilchcombe, in the county of Glocester, clothier.


FOR 1809.

THERE is perhaps no branch of natural science which has been cultivated with less ardour and success than that of Meteorology. The imperfect nature of the instruments employed to measure the variation in the gravity, temperature, and dryness of the air, and the inattention of observers to many of the more important, though perhaps the less obvious phenomena of the atmosphere, are two of the leading causes of the slow progress of Meteorological Science. The observations on the barometer, thermometer, and hygrometer, at stated times of the day, are by no means fitted to exhibit the changes which are so frequently going on in the atmosphere, and therefore afford us a very trifling assistance in discovering their cause. The most correct meteorological journals indeed do not even contain data for deter. mining the mean state of the atmosphere; nor could we place any confidence in the average results, though the observations were greatly multiplied, and repeated after the shortest intervals, Hence it is an important desideratum in meteorology to have an instrument which shall record, as it were, at every instant, the changes in the atmosphere; and point out, at the end of any required period, the sum of all the changes, or the mean


state of the air, during the period which is fixed for this purpose. We expected to have had it in our power to lay before our readers an instrument of this kind, but as it has not yet obtained the sanction of experience, we must reserve the description of it for our next volume.

In measuring the quantity of rain which falls upon the earth, no attention has yet been paid to the different heights above the level of the sea at which the guage is placed, though it is a curious fact, that the higher we ascend, the quantity of rain diminishes. A great degree of attention should likewise be paid to the size of the drops at different altitudes;-to the angle at which they fall;-to the force and direction of the wind at different heights in the atmosphere;-to the nature and the certainty of mists and fogs, one species of which obstructs the passage of the most refrangible rays, while another transmits the light in its natu ral state;to the transparency of the atmosphere, and to the undulations and changes in its refractive power, which often produce optical illusions of the most singular kind. The height and the nature of the clouds when the moon is surrounded with halos and luminous rings, ought also to be carefully marked, together with

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phere at Edinburgh and London during the year 1809.

The Meteorological Journal for Edinburgh, which is the most valua ble and correct that has yet been made in Scotland, was kept in the house and under the superintendance of a philosopher of distinguished eminence, to whom the writer of the present article is indebted for the liberty of making it public. It contains the height of the barometer to the thousandth part of an inch at 9 o'clock in the morning;-the state of the thermometer attached to the barometer at the same instant ;-the height of the mercury in the thermometer at 8 o'clock in the morning, 12 o'clock noon, and 10 o'clock in the evening;

the force and the direction of the wind; and the state of the weather, both in the forenoon and in the evening of each day.





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