

Education of Schoolmasters and Mistresses, and Grants in aid of their Salaries.

Exhibitions on behalf of successful Pupil Teachers to Normal Schools -Employment of certain of them in the Public Service. Grants

in aid of Expenses of Normal Schools, and of the Salaries of Masters and Mistresses educated therein.

THE Committee of Council on Education had under their consideration their Lordships' Minutes as to the apprenticeship of pupil teachers in elementary schools.

It appeared further expedient to their Lordships, that the Lord President should authorize one or more of Her Majesty's Inspectors, together with the Principal of a normal school under inspection, to submit to his Lordship, from among the pupil teachers who had successfully terminated their apprenticeship, a certain number of those who, upon competition in a public examination, to be annually held by such Inspectors and Principal in each Inspector's district, might be found most proficient in their studies and skilful in the art of teaching, and concerning whose character and zeal for the office of teachers the Inspector of the district could give the most favourable report.

That the Committee of Council on Education, on comparison of the testimonials and examination papers of these apprentices, should award, for as many as they might think fit, an exhibition of 201. or 251. to one of the normal schools under the inspection of Her Majesty's Inspectors.

That the pupil teachers to whom such exhibitions should be awarded should be thenceforth denominated "Queen's Scholars."

That the exhibition should be liable to be withdrawn if the Principal of the training school should be dissatisfied with the conduct, attainments, or skill of the "Queen's Scholar."

Their Lordships were also of opinion, that it might be useful to offer further incentives to exertion and good conduct among the pupil teachers, by opening to such of them as might not display the highest qualifications for the office of schoolmaster, but whose conduct and attainments were satisfactory, an opportunity of obtaining employment in the public service, under such regulations as may be hereafter adopted.

Their Lordships hope that the grant of an exhibition of 201. or 251. to the most proficient pupil teachers, to enable them to enter a normal school, may diminish the difficulty experienced by the trustees and managers of such institutions of maintaining them in efficiency. In order still further to reduce the burden of such establishments, their Lordships will award to every normal school subject to inspection a grant for every student trained therein

concerning whose character and conduct the Principal shall give a favourable report, and concerning whose attainments, skill in teaching, and general aptitude for the vocation of a schoolmaster, it shall appear to the Lord President, at the close of each of three years of training, from the report of one or more of Her Majesty's Inspectors, and from the examination papers, that a certain standard of merit has been attained. Such grants shall be 207. at the close of the first year, 257. at the close of the second, and 301. at the close of the third year's course of instruction. This standard of acquirement shall not be so ordered as to interfere with the studies pursued in any normal school, but shall be adapted to those studies, so, however, as to apply impartially to all such normal schools an equal incentive to exertion, by requiring efficiency in a sufficient number of the studies pursued in them.

Their Lordships will further grant, in aid of the salary of every schoolmaster appointed to a school under their inspection, and who has had one year's training in a normal school under their inspection, 15. or 201. per annum; and in aid of the salary of every such schoolmaster who has had two years of such training, 201. or 251. per annum; and of every such schoolmaster who has had three years of such training, 251. or 30l. per annum; provided he has upon examination obtained the proper certificate of merit in each year on the following conditions:

1. That the trustees and managers of the school provide the master with a house rent-free and a further salary, equal at least to twice the amount of this grant.

2. That the trustees and managers annually certify that his character, conduct, and attention to his duties are satisfactory.

3. That the Inspector report that his school is efficient in its organization, discipline, and instruction.

On the same conditions their Lordships will grant, in aid of the salaries of schoolmistresses appointed to schools under their inspection, who obtain similar certificates in a normal school, twothirds of the sums to be awarded to schoolmasters for each year's certificate of merit.

Retiring Pensions to Schoolmasters and Mistresses for long and efficient Services.

That a retiring pension may be granted by the Committee of Council to any schoolmaster or schoolmistress who shall be rendered incapable by age or infirmity of continuing to teach a school efficiently.


Provided that no such pension shall be granted to any master or schoolmistress who shall not have conducted a normal or elementary school for 15 years, during seven at least of which .such school shall have been under inspection.

That in all cases of application for pensions a report shall be required from the Inspector, and from the Trustees and Managers

of the schools, as to the character and conduct of the applicants, and the manner in which the education of the pupils under their charge has been carried on.

The amount of the pension shall be determined according to such report, but shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the average amount of the salary and emoluments annually received by the applicant during the period that the school has been under inspection.

A minute of the grant of every such pension, and of the grounds on which it has been awarded, shall be published in their Lordships' Minutes.


THEIR Lordships had under their consideration Reports published in their Minutes on Schools of Industry.

Resolved, That when the managers of schools apply for aid to enable them to hire a field garden for the instruction of the scholars, or to erect workshops in which handicrafts may be taught, or to provide a school, wash-house, or kitchen for the instruction of girls in domestic economy, their Lordships will be disposed, on the following conditions, to grant assistance towards the promotion of these objects.

1. School Field-Gardens.

If their Lordships are satisfied with the position of the field in relation to the school;

With the rent;

With the regulations for the management of the garden;

And with the competency of the master to superintend the work and give the requisite instruction,

Their Lordships will consider whether it may be expedient to make an annual grant, not exceeding one-half the rent, so long as the Inspector may report that the field is skilfully and industriously cultivated;

To make a grant towards the purchase of tools in the first year;


To grant a gratuity to the master in each year in which the instruction in industry is successful.

2. Workshops for Trades.

In schools situated in the denser parts of great cities, and intended to attract from the streets vagrant youths who are there trained in criminal pursuits, or accustomed to begging and vagrancy, if their Lordships are satisfied

With the site, plan, and specifications;

And with the regulations for the management of the workshops,

especially as respects the character of the persons selected as master workmen, the share the scholars have in the produce of their labour, and the disposal of their work,

They will, in the case of each application, consider the propriety of making grants for the erection of workshops.

They will also be disposed to contribute towards the purchase of tools in the first year.

In cases in which it may be desirable, in the first instance, to avoid the outlay required for the erection of workshops, their Lordships will entertain applications for assistance towards the hiring of a suitable building on the foregoing conditions, so long as the inspector shall report that the handicrafts are successfully taught therein.

They will also consider the propriety of granting a gratuity to the master for every boy who, in consequence of the skill acquired in the workshop, shall have become a workman or assistant in any trade or craft whereby he is earning a livelihood.

3. School Kitchens and Wash-houses.

If their Lordships are satisfied

With the site, plan, and specifications;

With the competency of the schoolmistress to give the requisite instruction;

And with the regulations for the management of the school of industry

They will be disposed to make a grant towards the erection of these buildings.

They will also consider the propriety of granting a gratuity to the mistress, in every year in which the Inspectors may report that the girls are successfully instructed in domestic economy.

In all cases of applications for grants to establish schools of industry, it will be required that the schools shall be subject to inspection, and that the general system of instruction shall be found to be in conformity with the Minutes by which the distribution of the Parliamentary Grant towards the erection of school buildings has hitherto been regulated.


THEIR Lordships had further under their consideration the measures required to carry into execution the suggestions of the Secretary of State for the Home Department, for the establishment of normal and model schools for the training of masters of schools for pauper and for criminal children.

Resolved, That a building be erected for the normal school,

providing accommodation for a principal, vice-principal, two masters, and for 100 candidate teachers.

That it be referred to the Lord President and Secretary of State for the Home Department, to cause plans to be prepared for this purpose.

That, as two years must elapse before this building can be ready for occupation, premises be in the mean time procured, in which the normal school may be temporarily conducted; and that these premises be situated, if possible, near some workhouse or other school, which may serve as a practising school during the interval.

That, in connexion with the normal school, a model school of industry be erected, for the pauper children of some of the London Unions, who may be received into this school, either on contract by a steward with the Unions, or by letting the building to a district of Unions for the reception of children, under the direction of a Board of management, according to the provisions of the 7 and 8 Vict. c. 101.

That, in connexion with this normal school, but distinct and separate from the school for pauper children, a school be erected for criminal children, and that plans of buildings for the school of industry for pauper children, and for this separate penal school, be prepared and submitted to the Secretary of State for the Home Department.

That it be referred to the Lord President and Secretary of State for the Home Department, to cause regulations to be prepared for the management of the normal school, and of the practising schools as connected with it, as well as for the pauper school of industry and the penal school.

That an area of at least 10 acres is desirable for the normal school, 10 acres for the pauper school, and 10 for the penal school, in order that training in gardening, and the management of a cottage farm may be successfully pursued.

That the following general estimate of outlay on the buildings, and of annual expenditure, be approved :

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That it be referred to the Lord President and Secretary of State for the Home Department to direct the selection of the buildings required for the temporary management of the normal school, and to determine the number of officers which may be required during the gradual growth of the establishment.

That the qualifications of the candidates for the offices of teachers in these schools be subjected to a careful examination,

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