

1. On what title did William of Normandy claim the throne England?

2. Give some account of the Domesday Book.

3. What children had Henry I.? Under what circumstances did his grandson succeed to the throne?


1. Give some account of the last two years of the reign of King John.

2. Give a short account of the reign of Edward II.

3. What persecutions did the Lollards suffer in the reign of Henry V.?


Give some account of the following learned men; of the periods when they wrote, and of their writings:

1.-Lanfranc; William of Malmesbury.
2.-Roger Bacon; John Duns Scotus.
3.-Matthew Paris; Geoffry Chaucer.

English Grammar.


1. What is the number of the simple single elementary sounds in the English language, and of the elementary compound sounds? 2. Give the sounds of the letter a.

3. Enumerate the mute consonants, and distinguish between sharp and flat mutes.


1. What rule governs the formation of mute or whispering sounds? 2. By what change do mute sounds become vocal?

3. What are the three elements of every simple proposition? Illustrate its structure by an example.


1. Define, according to this analysis of a sentence, a noun.

2. Define, similarly, a common verb, and show that it unites the copula and the predicate.

3. Give an example of grammatical" apposition," and state the rules of Syntax to which this form of speech is subjected.


1. Give the meanings of the following Latin words, and annex to each the English words derived from it. "Foro," "Humus,"

"Jugum," "Ligo," "Opto," "Repto," "Spargo."

2. How many words are there in the Lord's Prayer not of Saxon origin; and what are they?

3. Parse the words printed in italics in the following passage:

""T is greatly wise to talk with our past hours,

And ask them, what report they bore to Heaven,
And how they might have borne more welcome news.
Their answers form what men experience call;

If wisdom's friend, her best; if not, worst foe."


Write a paraphrase of the above passage.

1. Draw a map of Europe.



2. What provinces compose Prussia? When was it erected into a kingdom? What is its population? How are their numbers divided between the Protestant and the Catholic Religion?

3. Give some particulars as to the state of agriculture in Prussia. What is its greatest manufacturing town? Where were Copernicus, Luther, and Rubens born, and what are the following cities remarkable for: Wittenburg, Tilsit, Aix-la-Chapelle?


1. By what nations has India been successively invaded? What have been the seats of empire, and who have been its most celebrated sovereigns?

2. When and under what circumstances did the British obtain possession of Bengal?

3. Of what chief provinces does the British empire in India now consist; and what principal States are under British protection?


1. What nations inhabit the West Coast of Africa?

2. What settlements of European nations are there on the West Coast of Africa?

3. Give some account of the Physical Geography of Africa,


1. Draw a map of the British possessions in North America. 2. Describe the towns of Quebec, Kingstown, and Toronto.

3. What is the history of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada? Of what classes of persons does their population at present consist? And what is their government?


1. Describe and explain the trade winds, and the monsoons of the Indian Ocean.

2. What is meant by the line of perpetual congelation? What is its height in our latitude, what, at the Equator, and what at the Poles?

3. What forms of vegetation would you expect to find succeeding one another in the Tropical regions of South America as you ascended to the region of Perpetual Snow?


1. Describe and explain the phenomena of the tides. Why does the time of high water vary?

2. Describe the phenomena of magnetic dip and variation.

3. In what manner, and for what purpose, is it ordered that the extremes of summer heat should be more nearly equable in different regions than their mean temperature?

Arithmetic and Mensuration.

N.B.-The use of any other rules of computation than the first four in whole numbers and fractions is to be avoided as much as possible, and the solutions are to be written out under the forms in which the student would seek to make them intelligible to a class in his school.


1. If 279 cwt. cost 946/. 17s. 14d., what will 2 cwt. cost at the same rate?

[blocks in formation]

1. By selling an article for 35 guineas, a tradesman lost 7 per cent.: what should he have sold it for to gain 12 per cent.?

2. A and B rent a field for 187.; A puts in 14 horses, and B 23 cows: what must each pay, supposing that 2 horses eat as much as 3 cows?

3. If 1000%. be due from London to Paris when 17. is worth 25 francs, how much must be remitted when a guinea is worth 27 francs?


1. Find the number of acres in a square field whose side is 4 chains.

2. What length must be cut off a board 6 inches wide that the area may be 1 square foot?

3. The circumference of a circle is 18.8496: what is its diameter ?


1. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are 6, 8, 10 feet? 2. How many standard rods of brickwork are there in a wall 72 feet 6 inches long, 19 feet 3 inches high, and 54 bricks thick?

3. Find the solid content of the frustrum of a cone the diameter of one extremity of which is 18 inches, and of the other 9 inches, and its height 14 inches.


1. The mean quarter girt of a tree 40 feet long is 8 inches: how many solid feet of timber are there in it?

2. A roof is 35 feet 8 inches long, and 18 feet 3 inches wide; it is to be covered with lead weighing 8 lbs. to the square foot: what will the lead cost at a guinea per cwt.?

3. A cutting 40 feet wide at the bottom, and having slopes of 1 in 3, is to be made through an elevated piece of ground, the heights of points in whose surface, about the level of the bottom of the cutting, taken at distances of 40 feet from one another, are respectively 0, 7, 11, 13, 29, 18, 15, 10, 3, 0 feet; the material taken out of it is employed to form an embankment of a uniform height of 12 feet, 40 feet wide at top, and having slopes of 1 in 3; what length of embankment will it supply material for?



1. A train weighing 50 tons is to be drawn along a horizontal railroad at the rate of 20 miles an hour: at what horse-power does the engine work, friction being estimated at 8 lb. per ton?

2. How many bushels of coals must be consumed in a day of 24 hours to raise 150 cubic feet of water per minute from a depth of 100 fathoms, with an engine doing 60 millions duty?

3. A shaft 10 feet in diameter is to be sunk 130 fathoms through chalk whose specific gravity is 2.315: in how many days of 8 hours can two men raise the material, working with a windlass, and yielding each 2500 units of work per minute?


1. What strain will a bar of iron bear in the direction of its length, its section being a square whose side is 1 inches; the tenacity of the iron being estimated at 25 tons the square inch?

2. What traction must a horse exert to draw a load of 19 cwt. up a hill whose rise is 3 feet in 100, and what to draw it down the hill, the co-efficient of friction being th?

3. A shaft full of water, whose horizontal section is 40 square feet and depth 100 feet, is to be pumped dry: how far must the level of the water be sunk before the work is half done, no water being supposed to flow into it?


1. What is the pressure upon each pivot of a flood-gate 12 feet wide and 36 feet deep when the water reaches to the summit?

2. An embankment of brickwork, 30 feet high, 4 feet wide at the top, and 12 feet wide at the bottom, presents its inclined face to the water, and is vertical externally: will it be overthrown when the water reaches its summit?

3. A piece of cork weighs 20 lbs. in air, and a piece of granite being fixed to it which weighs 120 lbs. in air and 80 lbs. in water, the whole is found to weigh 16 lbs. in water: what is the specific gravity of the cork?


1. The evaporating power of an engine is 75 cubic feet per minute, the area of the piston is 5000 square inches, and the steam is cut off at third foot of the stroke: how many strokes must the engine make per minute so that the pressure of the steam upon the piston, before the communication with the boiler is closed, may be 34 lbs. on the square inch?

2. The load of steam upon the piston in the last example is 19 lbs. per square inch, and the elasticity of the steam in the condenser 14 lb. per square inch at what period of the stroke will the velocity of the piston be the greatest?


3. The whole length of the stroke in the last example is 11 feet; what would be the horse-power of the engine if nothing were lost by friction?


1. A stream discharges 100 cubic feet of water per minute with a velocity of 20 feet per second: what would be the horse-power of an undershot wheel erected on this stream and having a modulus of '6?

2. A train weighing 20 tons is travelling on a horizontal line at the rate of 20 miles per hour: how far would it run on if the steam were suddenly shot off, and if the breaks were not applied, and there were no resistance of the air? The resistance of friction is 8 lb. per ton.

3. Two balls, each weighing 1 cwt., fixed at the extremities of a horizontal rod, are employed, by means of a screw, to drive a punch; it is found that when made to revolve with a velocity of 26 feet per minute they will just carry the punch through a quarter of an inch plate what mean pressure do they exert upon it? The friction of the screw is neglected.


1. There is a cubical mass of stone, each of whose edges is 14 feet in length, and each cubic foot of which weighs 160 lbs.: what is the least force by which it could be drawn up an inclined plane of the same stone whose inclination is 30°; and what is the least force by which it could be drawn down the plane, the limiting angle of resistance being 35°?

2. Explain fully the principle on which the curved float-boards in Poncelot's undershot water-wheel are constructed.

3. Investigate a method for determining the point of rupture in an arch; and this point being found, show how the general conditions of the stability of the arch may be determined.



Illustrate by means of diagrams

1. The seasons.

2. The phases of the moon.

3. The stationary and retrograde motions of the planets.


1. Show that the elevation of the Pole is equal to the latitude of the place of observation.

2. On the 3rd May, 1842, when the sun's declination was 15° 39′, the true meridian alt. of the sun's centre, to the southward, was found to be 58° 23': what was the latitude?

3. What corrections must be applied to an observed altitude of the sun's upper or lower limb to determine the true altitude of its centre.


1. Explain what is meant by parallax, and show that the fixed stars are at an immeasurable distance from the earth.

2. From what observations is it known that there is an apparent annual motion of the sun through the ecliptic?

3. The number of revolutions of the earth upon its axis is one less than the number of days: why is this?

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