sembled: and the measures, which will be proposed to you, Gentlemen, are designed for the commencement of a course, which, I confidently trust, may, in its progress, be eminently successful, and largely contribute to the augmented enjoyments of the innumerable people, subject to British sway abroad; and (with humility and deference be it spoken, yet not without aspiration after public usefulness,) conspicuously tend to British prosperity, as connected with Asia. SPECIMENS OF A MODERN GREEK THIS is a very old book: the title-page, printed in a nondescript type, is as follows : ̔Ομήρου Ιλιας μεταβληθεῖσα πάλαι εἰς κοινὴν γλῶσσαν. Ἐνετίῃσι παρὰ ̓Αντωνίῳ τῷ Πινέλλῳ. No date. Τὴν ὀργὴν ἅδε καὶ λέγε, Exordium. Description of the Grecian ὦ θέα μου Καλιόπη, καὶ Διὸς τοῦ πανσεβάστου army on its march, II. ii. ( ̓́Ηὔτε πῦρ ἀΐδηλον ἐπιφλέγει ἄσπετον ὕλην, κ. τ. λ.). Ωσπερ πῦρ λαμπρὸν μὲν καίει ἐν ταῖς κορυφαῖς ἀπάνω, οὕτως ἐκ τῶν ὅπλων τούτων τὴν πολὺν τοῦ βουνοῦ ὕλην VOL. XXVIII. ' Ι. ε. ἐποίησε. NO. LV. H ὥσπερ τῶν χηνῶν ἀγέλαι, καὶ τῶν κύκνων ἢ γεράνων, Conclusion of Book VIII. Ταῦτα ἔλεξεν ὁ ́ Εκτωρ μὲ μεγάλην καυχωσύνην. κ ̓ ἔρριψαν ὀμπρῶς τροφήν τους, From the omission of the simile of the moon in the last passage, the translator appears to have allowed himself as many liberties of omission as Hoole. The catalogue of the forces is dispatched in a single page, by the help of abridgment. But our readers are probably satisfied. We have presented them with these extracts, merely as a matter of curiosity. The metre is nearly the reverse of the common heroic measure of the modern Greeks, being (if the term may be applied to it) trochaic tetrameter acatalectic, or perhaps rather trochaic dimeter, without rhyme. 2. NOTULÆ, IN EURIPIDIS MEDEAM. No. 1. 1. Διαπτάσθαι. Dicitur pro ταχυναυτεῖν: Thucyd. vi. St. Quis nescit illa Homericana ἔπεα πτεροέντα et οὐκ ἄπτερος ἔπλετο μῦθος? Scholiastes ap. Phoenissas 1561. πτανὸν per ταχύτατον explicat. Αἱ μὲν ἔλαφοι, ὥσπερ πτηναὶ, ἥλλοντο πρὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν, mellitissimo Xenophonte in Cyropædeia narrante. Vid. Soph. Œd. Tyr. 16. 17. Et Aristoph. Plut. 575. Nostras Byronius in Childe Harold, i. 28. • Their winged sea-girt citadel.' From the ancient ἑστία. 2 1. ε. εἰς τὰ μάξια οι ἁμάξια (παρ ̓ ὀχέσφιν). 2. Κυανέας Συμπληγάδας. Κυανέαν Συμπληγάδα Iph. Τ. 241. Et cf. vs. 392. 422. Juv. xv. 19. Concurrentia saxa Cyanes.' 4. Πεύκη. ̓Απὸ (fs. ̓Αντὶ) τοῦ ποιοῦντος τὸ ποιούμενον, ut utar verbis Scholiastæ ad Hec. 1143. qui sic monet ad voc. κερκίδα. Hor. Epod. 'Contendit remige pinus.' Sic χρυσὸν huj. Tragœd. vs. 1190. pro, aurea corona: δρυός Soph. Trach. 768. pro, ara : κόχλους Iph. Τ. 303. et sane ubinam gentium non sunt talia? 5. 6. Δέρας μετῆλθον. Sic Iph. T. 14. ubi durior est Marklandi emendatio. Lege ibi Ἑλένης, ubi γάμους ̔Ελ. idem est ac Κλυταιμνήστρας λέχος Orest. 20. Homerus habet Ηλθε μετὰ χρεῖος, et plenius in Il. N. 247. μετὰ καὶ δόρυ χάλκεον ᾔει Οἰσόμενος. 12. Ὧν ἀφίκετο χθόνα. Præpositio, de qua pendet vox ultima, est intelligenda. Sic Virgil. 'Devenere locos:' et 'Averteret [ad] oras.' Sic nostrates Shakespearius et Miltonus: hic in Parad. Perd. 'Till he arrive The happy isle;' ille in Coriolan. ii. 2. 'And now arriving A place of potency.' Quandoque plena usurpatur locutio: et Homerus in Od. N. habet συβώτην εἰσαφικέσθαι. Nescio an dici possit τὴν χώραν καταδρομαῖς, Thucyd. viii. 41. ubi Editor vult καταδραμών. Præpositio cum accusativo aliquando vertitur in genitivum: ut Thucyd. i. 108. Σικυωνίους ἐν ἀποβάσει τῆς γῆς μάχῃ ἐκράτησαν. 13. Τε. Malim δὲ, ut respondeat τῷ μὲν in vs. 11. cesserant alii. Sed præ Vid. Juv. 21. 22. 'Heu quoties fidem... Flebit,' Horat. xiii. 31. Ἔμβαλλε χειρὸς πίστιν Soph. Phil. 813. σοι τὴν ἐμὴν, καὶ λαμβάνω τὴν σὴν δεξίαν, Χen. Cyrop. Hutchins. p. 311. Cf. Virg. iv. 307. vi. 613. Suidam vs. συνθήκη, et nostrum Spenserium, Faery Queene, i. 9. 18. 9. 22. Θεοὺς μαρτύρεται. Μάρτυρας δὲ τῶνδε δαίμονας καλῶ Phœn. 501. 24. Cf. Hom. Od. 4. 788. 27. Horat. Od. iv. 5. 14. 'Curvo nec faciem littore dimovet.' Cf. Virg. vi. 469. 35. Iph. A. 490. Ἐσεῖδον οἷον ἦν κτείνειν τέκνα. In tali locutione idem recidit num negativa particula adsit an absit. 45. Ἐκ τρόχων πεπαυμένοι. Vide Scapulam et Classicum Diarium Vol. v. p. 73. Cf. Virg. viii. 378. 47. Aliter tamen loquitur in Iph. A. 1244. 5. Νέα : vid. Heyn. ad Pind. Ol. ii. 78. Laudandus Heynius, ubi lectorem suum haud moratur, et insulse in admirationem bellarum locutionum non erumpit. 48. ̓Αρχαία λάτρι Hec. 607. Οἴκων : sic δώματα, δόμοι, οἴκια (Od. M. 4.) 51. Cf. Soph. Aj. 511. Elect. 813. In Iph. Α. 671. μόνη μονωθεὶς ἀπὸ πατρός: ubi nil opus est Marklandi emendatione. Μονομάτωρ habet Eurip. in Phœn. 1533. 53. 54. 1. ε. τὰ δεσπ. κακ. πιτν. [ἐστὶ] ξυμφορὰ χρ. δούλοις, καὶ Φρένων ἀνθάπτεται. Sic Æsch. Theb. 161. Δέξασθ ̓, ὡς [ἔστε] Φιλοπόλεις, μέλεσθέ θ' ἱερῶν. 756. Soph. Trach. 63. Eur. Iph. A. 4. 5. Iph. T. 1414. 5. Tacit. Agric. 38. ' Datæ ad id vires, et præcesserat terror.' Hinc non videtur esse quare cum Brotier. 'atque' apud Orat. 19. omittamus. 59. Thuc. v. 105. Μακαρίσαντες ὑμῶν τὸ ἀπειρόκακον, οὐ ζηλοῦμεν τὸ ἄφρον. Vid. Blomfield. ad Prom. 338. 62. Μὴ φθόνει φράσαι. Ne recuses dicere. Sic Od. T. 348. Prom. V. 603. Æn. viii. 509. Hinc Trach. 1214. Φορᾶς γε τοὶ φθόνησις οὐ γενησέται. Cf. Spenserium nostrum F. Q. i. 9. 1. 6. ii. 7. 8. 4. 63. Thucyd. iii. 40. Μὴ μεταγνῶναι ὑμᾶς τὰ προδεδογμένα. 68. Θάσσουσι. Solent sedere. Sic μαντεύομαι Phœn. 854. κίδναται Hec. 904. 71.72. Vult Porsonus τάδε. Sic bene probosque Sanadon et Bentleius in Hor. Ep. ii. 41. 74. Εἰ καί.. Invertunt Latini. 82. Κακός γ ̓ ἂν ἁλίσκεται. Ὧν post ἀλοὺς omittitur Aristoph. Plut. 168. Locutionem mutat Xen. Cyrop. 174. ἐλεγχθέντα ὅτι ψεύδομαι. 87. El. Quid mirum' supplet Barnesius. Idem supplet Lubinus, nec immerito, ap. Juv. xiv. 51. 90. Πέλαζε : i. e. ποιῆσον, ἔασον πελάζειν. Non decem post hunc versus effluxerint, quin hæc ipsa vox intransitivum sensum exprimat. Πᾶς τις, ut Euripides supra dixit, bene novit multa verba sic suam variare significationem. Transitive utitur Noster τῷ ἔσκηψαν vs. 1330. πόρευσον vs. 182. ὁρμήσασ ̓ Phœn. 1080. ἐπισκήπτοντα Hec. 828. πορθμεύων Iph. Τ. 1445. Sequentia admirationem magis movent: ἔβασεν Med. 212. ἔπλευσαν Iph. Τ. 409. Sic καθίσας Thuc. v. 7. ἐνέδυε Χen. Cyrop. p. 464. 1. 1. Hinc talia oriuntur qualia ὁρμηθεὶς, συθεὶς, ἐπισταθεὶς, πελασθεὶς, &c. 91. ̓Αποταυρούμενος, θρασυνόμενος Suid. Respicit Euripides taurorum oculos: quos sane 'fulmina' quandoque dixerunt Veteres. Cornua forte respexit Horatius, in illis satis decantatis: Sic tauriformis volvitur Aufidus.' 93. Tiva edidit Elmsleius, sed τινι in margine exhibuit. Hoc vult Blomfield. in Æsch. Pers. 520. 98. Κινεῖ κραδίαν, κινεῖ δὲ χόλον. Χόλον καρδίας νς. 590. Scholiastes in Apol. Rhod. iii. 754. Πυκνὰ δέ οἱ κραδίη στηθέων ἔντοσθεν ἔθυεν, illud ἔθυεν explicat per ὥρμα, ἐκινεῖτο. Nos libentius dicimus, Let his anger be moved, quam, Move his anger. 102. 3. Æsch. Prom. 192. ̓Ακίχητα γὰρ ἤθεα καὶ κέαρ ἀπαράμυθον. 105. 6. Fortasse constructio hujusmodi est: δῆλον δ ̓ ὡς τάχ ̓ ἀνάψει μείζονι θυμῷ (ἡ Μήδεια) νέφος οἰμωγῆς ἀρχῆς ἐξαιρόμενον. Elmsleius. At, si talem structuram receperis, necesse alia ratione quam quæ a viro docto initur interpungas: tali sc. more: δῆλον δ ̓, ἀρχῆς ἐ. ν. οἰμωγῆς ὡς τ. ἀ. Si vulgatam rationem servaveris, ἀνάψει intransitivum erit : ut κρύπτοντα Phœn. 72. δοὺς 21. ἔβαψεν Orest. 698. ἔγειρ' Iph. Α. 624. ἀείρει Æsch. Theb. 756. Et eo modo totam sententiam vertes, quo in sequentibus locis adhibetur: Thucyd. i. 93. Δήλη ἡ οἰκοδομία ἔτι καὶ νῦν ἐστὶν ὅτι κατὰ σπουδὴν ἐγένετο. Tac. Or. 16. Ipse satis manifestus contrarium accingi.' ̓Ανάψει porro pro ἀνάξει plenissime firmatur a simillimo loco ap. Phœn. 257, 8. ̓Αμφὶ δὲ πτόλιν νέφος ἀσπίδων πυκνὸν φλέγει. Illud ἐξαιρόμενον explicabitur per Hippol. 172. Στυγνὸν δ ̓ ὀφρύων νέφος αὐξάνεται. Ceterum, quod ad ἀναστροφὴν attinet in ἀρχ. ἐξαις. mirabiliora invenias. Λιγνύος διάστροφον habes in Soph. Trach. 796. Sed in tali syntaxi omnes facillime exsuperat (at non in omnibus rebus primæ partes sunt maxime laudabiles) Asini Aurei αὐθαδέστατος ille scriptor. 108. 9. Μεγαλόσπλαγχνος ψυχή. Talia quærentibus ubique fient obvia. Sic ὑψηλόφρων θυμὸς Iph. Α. 919. ἐκθύμου φρενὸς Æsch. Pers. 378. qui quodammodo variat rem in vs. 773. Φρένες αὐτοῦ θυμὸν ᾠακοστρόφουν. 111. 2. "Αξια, quæ flagitant. Cf. vs. 1121. ̓Αξιόθρηνος Alc. 889. ἀξιόθρηνος Hippol. 1463. 119. Seneca Med. 494. Gravis ira regum est semper.' 120. ̓Αρχόμενοι, imperio coacti. Thuc. iii. 46. Æsch. Pers. 595.881. 122. Ζῆν. De accentu hujus vocis vide Scott. Un. Gram. p. 213. 125. Blomfieldius hæc ad Æsch. Prom. 348. advocat, sed fluctus in simpulo movet: nam τὰ . . σ' pro σε ponitur. Πρῶτα μέν. Vide eundem ad Pers. 864. Δεύτερον tamen postea supplendum est: ut in Il. B. 74. Od. K. 155. |