
pointed to attend the cattle and sheep in the field, in order that he might not be shocked by the language and profane songs of the other peasants. This request was complied with, but I cannot say whether he has become reconciled to his situation. He is a singular but at the same time evidently a very sincere enthusiast.

The conversation about this poor man has naturally produced a variety of stories bearing a resemblance more or less to his case. The following is one of these anecdotes. Some years ago a peasant, named Peter, ran away from Krasnoe, and was not heard of for three years, when one day a man was brought by the police as the runaway. Some doubt was expressed by various people as to the identity of the new comer, but he insisted that he was Peter; the fact was confirmed by his wife and father, as well as others who had known him formerly, and the point was at last admitted. The man lived at home with his wife for about a fortnight, but he behaved so ill, that it was determined to make a soldier of him,—a most severe punishment to a Russian peasant. Before, however, the threat could be carried into effect, the man again absconded, and was not seen for about a month, when he had the impudence to appear at Krasnoe at a village feast, to share in the amusements of the day. In the mean time his real character had been discovered, namely, that he was a deserter from the army, and had become acquainted with a brother

of the runaway peasant in prison, where he had learned some particulars of his history; and also that he was in person somewhat like himself; on the strength of which information he had grounded his imposture. When, therefore, he appeared at the feast he was immediately apprehended, and the next morning sent off to prison. He, however, said he had escaped out of gaol a dozen times before, and should do so again. Whether he kept his word I do not know; but it is a singular fact, that the true Peter returned home the same night that the impostor went to prison: how far he was pleased to hear of the temporary usurpation of his conjugal and domestic rights is somewhat doubtful..


The Blessing of the Waters-Visit to Grouzine-Visit to VelmogieGreyhounds and harriers-Wolf hunting-Hare hunt-Russian sporting-Varieties of the hare-Overturn in a gig-Hay harvestCorn harvest-Agricultural implements.

Krasnoe, September 1st, 1837.

SINCE I wrote to you last, we have been paying some visits, of which you will probably like to have an account. I will, however, begin my letter by relating a curious ceremony, that of blessing the waters, which we witnessed here, and which is performed every where in Russia on the 13th, (or, according to their style, the 1st,) of August and the 18th, or, as they consider it, the 6th of January. The ceremony on the 1st of August is in commemoration of the death of the Virgin Mary, and a fast of fourteen days commences with the month.

About ten o'clock in the morning, at the conclusion of mass in the church, the priest, followed by the congregation, came down to the piece of water below the garden. He himself bore the cross, and two banners belonging to the church, with sacred

devices, were also carried at the head of the procession. A service was then performed: that part of the fifth chapter of St. John, which relates to the pool of Bethesda, was read as a lesson, and the priest, standing upon a small platform, reverentially dipped the cross three times in the lake, after which he sprinkled the people around with the water thus consecrated, and the procession then returned to the church. The greater part of the people, however, remained at the edge of the water, which, from their proceedings, it might have been supposed, was now endowed with the miraculous virtues of the pool of Bethesda. Horses were brought down from every side, and compelled to swim in the lake; women dipped their babies in the water; young men, girls, and boys dashed in, and swam about in every direction, all except a few little children retaining their clothes. The girls appeared to swim quite as well as the boys. The day was luckily bright and fine for the exhibition of this singular scene.

On the 14th we went to spend two or three days at Grouzine, a place some thirty miles hence, belonging to an uncle of M-, General Constantine Poltoratzky, from a second visit to whom we only returned two days ago. I was introduced to Constantine Markitch, as he is called in Russian phrase, who is one of the most universally popular men I ever met with, and one of the most agreeable and amusing. His lady and his son were old acquaintances, as we

had dined with them in Petersburg a few days after our arrival. The former was a Princess Galitzin,

and descended, through her mother, from the kings of Georgia, her great-grandfather having been the last who sat upon the throne, from which he was driven by the Russians. His son, Madame Poltoratzky's grandfather, attempted to regain his crown, but was overcome and thrown into prison, where he died, and his grandson, her uncle, enjoys the title of Prince of Georgia, with large estates in Russia, given to the family in lieu of their lost dominions.

The house is large and handsome, though it might be better arranged in the interior, and the garden upon which it looks is extensive and prettily laid out, with a piece of water running through it. Here we spent two days much as they might have been spent in a large English country house, except that we dined at four instead of half-past six, and supped at eleven. The whole establishment is on a very handsome footing, with all appliances for making a visit in the house agreeable. Nothing could exceed the kindness of our reception; we repeated our visit the following week, and before we came away, promised our host and hostess when we leave Krasnoe, which will be in about a fortnight, to spend some time with them at Yaroslav, of which province the general is military governor.

On the 23d we went to visit another uncle, about sixty miles hence, at a place called Velmogie. We

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