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Origin of M. Sabouroff's letter-Mode of reckoning property-
Whence derived-Rights of the serfs-Their customary privi-
leges-Their appellation-Character of the peasant-His habits
of life-- His conduct to the priest-Anecdote-Description of
an estate-System of cultivation-Allotments to peasants—
Nature of produce-Mode of using the straw-Oxen used for
transporting goods-Whence imported - Distempers which
they introduce-Difficulty of naturalizing foreign breeds—
Success of Merino sheep- Horses; belonging to the nobles-
Pains bestowed in breeding-Peasant's horse utterly neglected
-Breed deteriorated-Why-Prospect of improvement-Pea-
sants' live-stock-His improvidence in abundant years.—An-
nual course of husbandry-Produce of the land, per Russian
- Occasional superabundance of produce-Reasons for


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