
JUNE 15, 1869.


Louise Colet. "M. Mignet admirably expressed the
personal and seductive charm of the man, and
which was especially exerted in familiar conversa-
tion; this word 'familiar' does not express M.
Cousin's conversation. His dash carried you away.
There was a magnetic power in his glance, in his
ardent dreamy eye, before which seemed incessantly
to pass the forest of philosophical systems; and his
delicate mouth, with depressed corners, looked like
a bow bent to dart the eloquent arrow which pierces
the soul. He added to what he said an actor's
gesticulation, which he managed with great art,
even when he seemed to forget himself most.
cannot, despite myself, think of M. Cousin and the
effect he produced by these external means without
remembering a defunct professor of music (M.
Colet), who possessed an admirable Provençal
head, black as Othello, although he had not the
latter's temperament. He had known M. Cousin,
and involuntarily aped his oratorical pantomime."
You know what ridiculous letters M. Victor Hugo
writes. They are not only ridiculous, they are
criminal, for they encourage the ambitious dreams
of poetasters who, without this encouragement,
would earn their living by trade. He encourages
them, not out of good nature, but from calculation,
to enlist new recruits in his army of flatterers. A
"low comedian," named Hamburger, has written
a sort of low jest-book called "Les Ajaxticides."
He sent a copy of it to M. Victor Hugo, and received
this letter of thanks: "Sir, I have received your
book. I have read it. I thank you for it. You are
too humble. Laughter, when it attains these propor-
tions, is great. There are grotesque passages in
Shakspeare. To laugh is to act. Aristophanes
laughed, Rabelais laughed. Voltaire's langh is
cold. Your laugh is frank. It consoles. Laugh.
At your age Molière wrote 'Le Docteur Amoureux.'
The beam announces the effulgence. The shep-
herd's song at dawn precedes the laborer's chorus
in daytime. You will write your Misanthrope. I
am with you.

Laromiguière's lectures flew the spark, which seem to exclude the exertion of any influence. It is lighted in his mind that perpetual flame before notorious that M. Cousin was intimate with Mme. which all the systems conceived by the most admirable geniuses have passed during fifty years, and which has lighted up all of them with its bright light. He said: 'That day decided my whole life. It ravished me from my first studies. I am not Malebranche; but I felt, in hearing M. Laromiguière, what Malebranche is said to have felt on opening, by accident, one of Descartes's treatises.' He went from the agreeable lessons of this first master to the grave teaching of his second master. M. Royer Collard, in whom France was soon to find one of its generous orators, and the most statesmanlike supporter of its reviving liberty, was, in 1814, Professor of Modern Philosophy. An intellect even more powerful than extensive, profound rather than prolific, having learned enough and thought a great deal, M. Royer Collard conceived with vigor, spoke with imposing authority, wrote with austere éclat. He bound questions tightly in the cable of his dialectics, and struck, rather than swept away, by a laborious and magnificent eloquence, in which the imagination gave relief to reason, and taste was always visible in strength. Having taken under his haughty patronage the sure truths of common sense as the observant and circumspect genius of Reid discovered, M. Royer Collard explained them in his professor's chair, confirming, but not extending Reid's doctrines. A third master, the sagacious observer of the phenomena of the will, M. Maine de Biran, who explored the depths of the soul so far, taught M. Cousin to detect in all our knowledge, and even in the simplest phenomena of consciousness, the share of voluntary activity, of that activity in which our individuality resides and manifests itself. He passed most of his time in his library, formed with such skilful knowledge and such delicate taste, then he consulted his great predecessors in philosophy, read the perfect works of masters of literature, prepared his works, dictated walking, delighted to receive his friends, and indulged in the most sprightly conversation. Who that enjoyed it does not remember that animated, lofty, fascinating conversation? A great wealth of ideas, an infinite variety of learning, a great originality of language, and his dramatic movements, which made it something like a performance, rendered it as instructive as seductive. His glance, his speech, his gesture, his ideas-everything about him was animated. With a single companion, before an audience, in a drawing-room, nay, sometimes in the street, he was always ready to talk, and he could talk from morning to night, charming others without exhausting himself. He had a great deal of sprightliness, and he was always in animated humor. An agreeable gayety mingled playful suggestions with serious reflections, and he broke a rather solemn tone by amusing sallies."

An enemy of M. Cousin replies to M. Mignet's eulogium by saying: "Cousin drove Bach to blow out his brains by refusing to annul the order which exiled him to the provinces. Cousin contributed to Gobert's suicide by exiling him to Orleans in order to give his chair in Paris to one of Cousin's favorites. Cousin, by menacing Mme. Jouffroy with the recall of her pension, wrenched from her husband's will to mutilate it and change it. The avenging pages, the pages which branded Cousin with red-hot iron, exist, and will forever exist in the Revue Independante.' They are signed P. Leroux. Cousin is not the translator of Plato. He usurped the labors of poor young men." I have read recently a very curious anecdote about M. Cousin, which sets in strong light his influence upon men, here felt under circumstances which would

The Government papers are attacking M. SainteBeuve with virulence for writing in an opposition newspaper. M. Prevost-Paradol incidentally defends him, saying: "It was a piece of good fortune for a party singularly indigent in literature to be able to inscribe such a name on its flag. The public were even astonished by the slowness the Government showed in accepting M. Sainte-Beuve's adhesion, and in giving him a seat in the Senate; and if I may be excused this personal souvenir, I would say that, far removed as I was then from M. SainteBeuve's opinions, I myself was somewhat afflicted and offended for the sake of French letters that I did not see him sit, since he was willing, in a chamber which the Constitution declared contained the eminent men of France."

One of our newspapers tells this story: "A few nights since two gentlemen presented themselves at the door of the Toulon Theatre. One of them, who wore the ribbon of the Legion of Honor in his coat button-hole, said to his companion: 'You will see I am not known.' He addressed the head checktaker, 'Do you know me, madam?' 'No, sir; I have not that honor.' 'Did not I tell you so?' said he, forcing a laugh. The check-takers seriously wondered whether the stranger was not playing a joke on them, when he added: Madam, I am M. a dramatic author, and not an ordinary man, and I have reason to be surprised that you do not know me.' The head check-taker became instantly extremely polite, and offered M.—the best seats in the theatre. The dramatic author re

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JUNE 15, 1869.

plied: No, thank you, madam; I cannot admit I works was crowned by the French Academy. It am unknown in a theatre where my pieces are is said his uncle, M. Mignet the historian, is of played, and I shall interdict you from hereafter opinion he has discovered the true secret of this playing my pieces.' He wrote his veto on one of historical enigma. Haydn sent, New Year's his cards, gave it to the check-taker, bought two Day, 1806, his card to his intimate friend Abbé tickets, remained a minute in the theatre, and quit-Stadler, chapel-master of St. Stephen's, Vienna. ted it like a whirlwind. The dramatic author's Haydn felt he was dying, and on his card wrote a agent would do well to send M.'s photographs melancholy thema with two lines beneath: "Strength to all the provincial theatres for preservation for the forsakes me; the lyre will no longer vibrate in my future from similar annoyances." A few days icy fingers.' Abbé Stadler at once sent Haydn afterwards this letter appeared in the same paper: his own card; on it was a thema of a triumphal "Sir, I am the gentleman who wore the ribbon of measure, and beneath it these two lines: "Why the Legion of Honor in his coat button-hole,' who speak of your age? that which you have created played at Toulon the very laughable scene you shall never die. Haydn's name is immortal." mentioned in your article yesterday; but you are A great deal of uneasiness has been felt here in misinformed; I am not yet so stupid as to demand consequence of the mysterious disappearance of M. that my features shall be known throughout the d'Archiac, Professor of Paleontology at the Garden o south of France. I did not content myself with Plants, and a member of the Academy of Sciences. showing my nose to the manageress of the theatre. He rose winter and summer between five and six I mentioned my name to her; and I was, I confess, o'clock A. M., and went to bed between ten and astonished that this name was not known in a eleven P. M. He always took his meals alone and theatre where my pieces have been played for at the same hour. He rarely quitted his house, twenty years, in a theatre whose manager had unless he had a lecture to deliver or a meeting of several times offered to enter into particular ar- the Academy of Sciences to attend. He spent his rangements with me. My companion, who thought whole time in his study. He quitted his home the proper to burn a little incense under my nose (in 23d of Dec. after dinner, without saying where he the provinces!), had accepted a bet that this name, was going, without baggage, and with only $20 in which he deigned to think so highly of, was not his pocket. The police searched everywhere in vain known to the head check-taker. He lost his bet. for him. It has recently been ascertained that he has Thereupon I had the whim of turning this incident taken refuge in La Grande Chartreuse Convent, to into a tease. After the piece 'On Demande Un hide under its cassock and silence the grief or Gouvernement' had been played, the stage-manager, whatever other secret oppressed his heart or head. who had made inquiries, offered me excuses. I preThere was a sale of autographs here a few tended to be wounded and indignant at the treat- days since; among the pieces sold were two curiment I had received, and I quitted the theatre, but ous papers, namely: The original text of the proI quitted it to return again and ask a second time for clamation Gen. Iturbide addressed to the Mexican tickets at the office under the teasing pretext, I con- people the 29th Sept. 1821, when as yet he was fess, that I had taken no check. All this was so only commander of the southern army; it was in completely a tease, and a mere tease, that I charged consequence of this proclamation that he was made my host, a frequenter of the theatre, to say to our president of the regency, and afterwards Emperor. dear manageress that I wished to amuse myself a The other curious paper was a letter from Emperor little, and was not the least in the world angry with Iturbide to Gen. Santa Anna. The letter was her. My commission was executed, and I am sure dated 22d July, 1822, the day after his coronation, she now regrets what she did. Now I beg you to and was quite affectionate. One could scarcely have rectify the statements, willingly authorizing you to thought that the friend to whom the letter was adpublish my name in full upon condition that you are dressed would, in a few months after its date, have good enough to say what you think of this incident, been the leader of the insurrection which was to end as I am sure you will do, namely, that it is strange in the revolution which overthrew Iturbide's throne, a name like mine should be unknown in a city like and drove his family into exile. G. S. Toulon, and that you were ill-informed when you believed the gentleman who wore the Legion of Honor' was astonished; his profile was not known everywhere in France. Make this little rectification, and you will do an act of justice, I pledge you my word of honor, and, moreover, you will oblige a future friend, TH. BARRIERE."

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Edin. 1860, 12mo. :

For the American Literary Gazette. DEAR MR. EDITOR: In the GAZETTE for June 1st appears the following: "If Lord Macaulay had manfully resisted the liberal pecuniary offers to write several biographies of illustrious political M. Pailleron, a rising young poet, son-in-law and literary men for the last edition of the Encyof the editor and proprietor of the "Revue des clopædia Britannica,' he would probably have been Deux Mondes," has written a comedy, "Les Faux able to write an additional volume or two," &c. Menages," which is extremely successful. . . . It In justice to Lord Macaulay, I beg that you will was rumored lately that the government had seized insert the following lines from Mr. Adam Black's M. Lanfrey's History of Napoleon," which is Preface to "Biographies by Lord Macaulay conhostile to the first Emperor. It seems such a mea-tributed to the Encyclopædia Britannica," &c., sure was contemplated, but, upon further consideration, abandoned. . . . The statue of Voltaire is to be placed in front of the Institute; it will be Houdon's famous statue in larger proportions. The subscription to the statue amounted only to $7181 95. The subscription opened for Berryer's statue amounted to $12,000 in a few days. . . . M. Marius Topin is said to have discovered the identity of the "Man with the Iron Mask." He was making some reBearches at the Archives, when he came upon papers which revealed the secret. M. Topin is the author of the panegyric of "Cardinal de Retz" and "L'Europe sous Louis XIV.," each of which


"When these articles were written for the 'Encyclopædia Britannica,' Lord Macaulay had ceased to write for the reviews or other periodicals, though often earnestly solicited to do so. It is entirely to his friendly feeling that I am indebted for those literary gems, which could not have been purchased with money; and it is but justice to his memory that I should record, as one of the many instances of the kindness and generosity of his heart, that he made it a stipulation of his contributing to the Encyclopædia' that remuneration should not be so much as mentioned; and I know it was his inten

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JUNE 15, 1869.

tion, had he enjoyed sufficient health and oppor-
tunity, to have even increased the number of his
S. A. A.

PHILADELPHIA June 8, 1869.

[ocr errors]

force the forfeiture. The fair construction of the clause referred to is, that upon proof to a Collector of Customs that the person claiming them is the owner of the copyright books, and has not consented to their importation, it is the duty of that officer, on payment of the ad valorem duty imposed, at once to deliver possession to such owner. It clearly was not the intention of the act of 1831, designed, as it evidently is, to guard the rights of American copyright owners against foreign competition and foreign piracies, to require them to institute judicial proceedings in every case of importations, and establish their rights by a judicial decree, before they could obtain possession of the books which the law declares to be their property, at the moment of the importation. Such a requirement would be oppressive, and would practically, in many cases, defeat the object of the statute. No copyright owner could afford to take upon himself the expense and annoy

RIGHTS OF AMERICAN COPYRIGHT PUBLISHERS.We copy from the "Cincinnati Express" of the 4th inst. an important decision by Judge Leavitt in the United States District Court. The facts of the case are stated in the opinion, which is as follows:There has been a verdict of forfeiture as to the 78 cases of books originally seized as having been entered upon a false and fraudulent invoice, except as to 8 cases restored to the owners, Bell & Daldy, under the order of the Secretary of the Treasury. Five of the remaining cases were reserved from sale under the order of the Court made prior to the trial, as books for which copyrights had been secured by the owners in this country, and which had been reprinted in Great Britain. These books are claimed in this case by the owners of the copy-ance of a judicial proceeding to establish his claim, rights, and the motion now made is for their deli- unless the importation was large; nor is it supposavery to such owners. The question as to their ble that Congress intended to impose such a burden right to the possession of these books was reserved on such owner. for the further consideration of the Court, and has been fully and ably argued by the counsel representing the United States and the owners of the copyrights.

In behalf of the Government it is strenuously urged that as these five cases of books have been condemned by the verdict of the jury and the judg-owners. ment of the Court as having been entered by Shaw at a fraudulent undervaluation, their forfeiture is effective in behalf of the United States, and the title of the Government is not divested or affected by the provisions of the Copyright Act of the 3d of February, 1831. On the other hand, it is insisted that under the operation of the 6th section of said act the right of the United States under the judgment of forfeiture is waived or yielded in behalf of the owners of the copyrights, and that they are entitled to the immediate possession of the books, as forfeited to them.

The question thus presented is a new one in this Court; nor have any cases been cited by counsel directly bearing upon it, or which can aid the Court in its conclusions. Its solution depends on the effect to be given to the 6th section of the Copyright Act of 1831, which declares, among other things, "That if any person shall import any copy of a copyright book, without the consent of the owner, or sell the same, knowing it to be so imported, such person shall forfeit such book to the owner, and shall forfeit and pay fifty cents for every sheet found in his possession."

It seems to the Court clear that under the operation of the laws of the United States all books imported at a fraudulent undervaluation, including foreign reprints of American copyright works, are subject to forfeiture; and after a judicial judgment establishing the fraud, the forfeiture has relation back to the time when the fraud was committed. And it results that the title of the United States to the books thus forfeited is perfect from the moment the fraud is perpetrated. But the question is whether the title thus vested in the United States is not superseded by the clause in the 6th section of the Copyright Act, declaring "that copyright books wrongfully imported to the injury of the owners shall be absolutely forfeited to them." The statute makes no distinction between copyrighted books imported in fraud of the revenue law, and such as are not obnoxious to its penalty. The provision is broad and unqualified, "that they shall be forfeited to their owners." And I can not concur with counsel that to make the forfeiture complete and effective there must be a judicial proceeding to en

The views thus indicated, in the judgment of the Court, are sustained by what may be supposed to have been the intention of Congress in providing for the positive and unconditional forfeiture to owners of the copyrights of foreign reprints imported into this country without the consent of the There is, unfortunately, no international copyright law regulating the rights of authors and publishers, and guarding against piracies. There is neither in Great Britain nor the United States any law prohibiting the publication and sale of copyright books published in either country. Free trade in authorship seems to be the settled policy of both. While it may be true that American publishers and copyright owners are not, in the main, the greatest sufferers from this policy, the Congress of the United States, in its legislation, has clearly intended, as far as practicable, to protect them against foreign competition and literary piracies. with this laudable intent, the provision referred to for the forfeiture of books brought into this country in violation of their rights, has been enacted. It is not supposable that Congress intended in any case, by the rigid enforcement of its revenue laws, to defeat rights secured to them by this provision of law. Yet this would be the effect of enforcing the doctrine that because the United States have a decree of forfeiture against these books for a fraud, in which these copyright owners had no participation, and are in no way responsible, they should be divested of their right of property. To avoid such a result, it seems to the Court more consonant with reason and justice to hold that the Copyright Act of 1831 has, in effect and by a fair construction, waived any right on the part of the Government to enforce the decree of forfeiture against these books.


But it is proper to add that, in the view of the Court, the books are not exempted from the payment of the ad valorem duty imposed by law. This duty must be paid by the copyright owners before the delivery of the books to them.

I may also add that, in the decision of this question, probably not clear of doubt, I have not had such a sense of responsibility as under other circumstances I should have felt. Its decision does not affect, practically, either the interest of the United States or of the claimants. It is, in effect, only a question whether the books shall be delivered to the claimants under the authority of the Court or that of the Secretary of the Treasury. If the conclusion of the Court had been against its right to order the books to be delivered to the claimants, there is no reason to doubt that the head of the

JUNE 15, 1869.

Treasury Department would have made such an order, on presentation of the facts to him. But I can see no legal necessity for remitting these claimants to that remedy.

In reference to the claim of S. G. Hubbard, auctioneer, who advanced $3000 on the books, Judge Leavitt said: "It is in testimony that, at the time of this advance, Hubbard had no knowledge of any fraud having been committed, and, moreover, it was before any proceedings were instituted for the condemnation of the books. Therefore, the advance was made in good faith, and he had a just lien on the property."

The Judge then cited cases in which the United States Courts had decided that any just lien on property before the Government had made election to proceed to condemn and forfeit, might be paid out of the property. He therefore had no hesitation in ordering that Mr. Hubbard's claim be allowed. SCRIBNER, WELFORD & Co.-The first, second, third, and fourth volumes of the Library Edition of the Collected Works of Thomas Carlyle, carefully revised by the author, are now ready. In these volumes are comprised "Sartor Resartus," and "The French Revolution." On the 15th of July next, "The Life of Schiller" will be published. Volume VI. is to be ready on the 15th of August; and a new volume will appear regularly thereafter, on the 15th of each month.

MESSES. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER have in press, and will shortly publish, a new novel entitled "Agnes Graham," by Filia, author of "Lucia Dare,' ," "Recollections of H. W. Allen," &c. WILLIAM WOOD & Co., New York, have one of the most extensive stocks of scientific and medical books in the country. With a large and varied list of their own publications they combine a heavy importation of new and standard English scientific works. Among the latter are the two great works of Loudon-the "Encyclopædia of Agriculture," and the "Encyclopædia of Plants." There is an enterprise and activity in this house which it is a pleasure to note.

MESSES. J. B. LIPPINCOTT, of Philadelphia, have established an agency in New York City, in the Broome Street publishing locality, next door to Messrs. Leypoldt & Holt, near Messrs. Felt & Dillingham, Hurd & Houghton, and F. J. Huntington & Son, and within a block or two of a dozen other houses. They propose to keep there a full stock of samples, and to thus enable their New York customers, as well as country customers in that city, to examine, buy, and subscribe with promptitude and convenience.

JAMES MILLER has printed a new edition of Mr. Arthur Helps' favorite work, " Friends in Council," which had been quite out of the market.

G. P. PUTNAM & SON are preparing to print "Letters from the East," by the veteran poet and littérateur, William Callen Bryant, with illustrations; "The Greenhouse as a Winter Garden," by H. Field, with an introduction by Mr. Bryant; "Journals in England, and Familiar Letters," by Mrs. Nathaniel Hawthorne, a lady who, we believe, has not before appeared in literature in her own name; a series of books on Popular Science, by that favorite and spirited writer, Professor Schele de Vere; and "The Countess Ghisela," by E. Marlitt, the author of "The Old Mam'selle's Secret." Mr. Theodore Irving is condensing for the same firm his "Life and Letters of Washington Irving," from four volumes into three, to be included in the " Knickerbocker" and "Riverside" edition of Irving's works. Messrs. Putnam have imported, for the use of per

sons working on the Cavé system of drawing, eight specimens of the proper apparatus, consisting of framed gauzes with stands, French crayons, paper, etc., and a series of outline designs adapted to the method. Dingelstedt's "Amazon," published by this house, has since been issued in England, and is reviewed in a very laudatory manner by the "Athenæum ;" and another of their publications, "Anne Severin," issued here at $1.50, has been published in London in three volumes at a guinea and a half, equal to about ten dollars in greenbacks.

HENRY C. LEA.-In treating of the celibacy of the clergy, in his late work on the "History of European W. E. H. Lecky, speaks thus of the great work of Morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne," the author,

our townsman:

"This subject has recently been treated with very great learning and with admirable impartiality by an American author, Mr. Henry C. Lea, in his 'History of Sacerdotal Celibacy' (Philadelphia, 1867), which is certainly one of the most valuable works that America has produced. Since the great history of Dean Milman, I know no work in English which has thrown more light on the moral condition of the middle ages, and none which is more fitted to dispel the gross illusions concerning that period which Positive writers, and writers of a certain ecclesiastical school, have conspired to Bustain."

B. WESTERMANN & Co., New York, announce to be published this day "The Yosemite Guide-Book," an elegantly printed and illustrated volume, descriptive of the Yosemite Valley, accompanied with minutely detailed and accurate maps of the region described. They also publish volume second of the "Palæontology of California," and "Maps of the Vicinity of the Bay of San Francisco."

THE new periodical, entitled "The Journal of the Gynecological Society of Boston," the first number of which is to be published on the 1st of July, by James Campbell, 18 Tremont Street, Boston, is likely to prove a valuable accession to our medical literature. The issue of the work, managed as it will be by so accomplished a corps of collaborators as Drs. Winslow Lewis, Horatio R. Storer, and George H. Bixby, is awaited with considerable in


[blocks in formation]

J. W. BOUTON, New York, has just issued a collection of imported books, in various departments Priced Catalogue, No. 26, of a large and valuable of literature. In this catalogue his extensive stock is offered at considerably reduced prices.

J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. are now publishing "The Reason Why Series," which embraces a number of practical works of reference on popular subjects. This series has had a very large sale in England. The volumes are 12mo., many of which are illustrated and neatly bound.

The same firm has also just issued a uniform 18mo. edition of the following standard juveniles : "Robinson Crusoe," "Sandford and Merton," "Esop's Fables," "Pilgrim's Progress," and "Evenings at Home." These volumes are illustrated, and are printed with care, and they make an exceedingly neat series at a moderate price.

JUNE 15, 1869.

HENRY CAREY BAIRD, of Philadelphia, is constantly augmenting his list of industrial publications. The "Painter, Gilder, and Varnisher's Companion" has reached its thirteenth edition.

E. STEIGER, New York, offers to the trade, in our advertising columns, a valuable list of German school books for elementary instruction, prepared expressly for use in the American market.

MESSRS. JOHN E. POTTER & Co., of this city, are about adding to their stock a new Pictorial Family Bible, containing upwards of one thousand illustrations, exhibiting the topography, antiquities, manners, customs, costumes, &c. of the Israelites of olden time. It will form a volume of fifteen hundred pages.

REV. JAMES H. BROOKES, D. D., author of "How to be Saved, or the Sinner Directed to the Saviour," has just completed a manuscript on the theme "May Christians Dance?" J. W. McIntyre, St. Louis, will publish it immediately, in duodecimo.

DR. D. G. BRINTON, one of the editors of the "Medical and Surgical Reporter," published in this city, announces, as ready for the press, his new work, "A Guide Book of Florida and the South Atlantic States," especially designed for tourists and invalids. It will be issued about August, and will contain full information on the soil, climate, accommodations, &c. of Florida, with several chapters expressly for invalids, informing them what cases will probably be benefited by a change to that region.

SALE OF A PRIVATE LIBRARY.-W. B. Keen & Cook, Chicago, have for sale a private library, containing a number of valuable and scarce books, consisting almost exclusively of rare and curious works, first editions, early English black letter, fine specimens from the Aldus and Elzevir presses, manuscript missals, large paper and India paper copies, etc. The catalogue (pp. 56) is priced, and consists of 229 items, including a number of works which are most prized by collectors. The collection of Elzevir classics is quite full, as is that of the Oxford classics, English, and the works of Dibdin. We notice also a copy of "The Works of our Ancient and Learned English poet Geffrey Chaucer," newly printed, London, Adam Islip, 1602.

SCHWEGLER'S HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY.-One of the most popular hand-books of the History of Philosophy used in Germany is that of Dr. Albert Schwegler. It was translated in this country in 1856 by Mr. Julius H. Seelye, and published by D. Appleton & Co., New York, with an introductory note by Henry B. Smith, D. D., and has passed through

several editions. We have been furnished with a translation of the same work by James Hutchinson Stirling, LL. D., author of "The Secret of Hegel," etc., published by Edmunston & Daylers, Edinburgh, which appeared originally in September, 1867, and, in a second edition, in February, 1868. Mr. Stirling says that his translation has been executed without seeing that of Mr. Seelye, and in absolute independence of it, and that he is informed by the German publisher that the American translation follows the first German edition, while his own is a reproduction of the fifth edition, which contains a variety of improvements and additions. It is said that 20,000 copies of the German issue have already been sold, which must be regarded as a rare event in the case of a rigorously scientific book, and the best proof of its excellence. Mr. Stirling has added to the original text about one hundred and thirty pages of annotations, and an index. The work, so far as it goes, seems to be an excellent one. It is written from an Hegelian stand-point, which

in itself does not, perhaps, furnish matter of objection. But there are in it two glaring defects. It does not, in the first place, do justice to the Roman attempts at philosophizing, which is not, in itself, Romans added nothing to strict philosophy. But, a matter of very serious objection, inasmuch as the in the second place, it passes over the scholastics of the Middle Ages. The student must resort to Erdman, Ueberweg, Stoeckel, or Kaulich among the Germans, Rouseelot or Haurcau among the French, or Maurice among the English, for an exposition of the mission and spirit of scholastic philosophy. last omission is a great defect. A half dozen pages from the later Alexandrians to Descartes cannot be allowed to bridge over so long and so fruitful an interval. With such a glaring omission in Schwegler, it cannot be denied but that we still need some other work to reproduce for us the continuity of philosophic thought. The whole body of patristic and scholastic philosophy is practically ignored by Schwegler.


MESSRS. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. will shortly issue the first part of their "Dictionary of Universal Biography and Mythology." The editor, Dr. J. Thomas, has been engaged on the work, with an able corps of assistants, during the past twenty years. The amount of labor and research employed in its preparation has hardly been equalled by that bestowed on any work recently issued from the


The same publishers have in course of preparation a new edition of "Our Own Birds," a familiar Natural History of the Birds of the United States, by William L. Baily, revised and edited by Edward D. Cope. The work has been out of print for some time, and the new issue will undoubtedly supply a real want. It is liberally illustrated.

THERE is now on view, in Liverpool, as we observe by an English advertisement, “The fine and long-lost Picture by West, executed about 1802, The Deliverance of St. Peter from Prison.'"

THERE probably is a new English Encyclopædia on the tapis, for in a London påper is an advertisement of "Required for the various departments of an Encyclopædia, editors of reputation for Natural History, Geography, Natural Science, Sports, and the Bible."

"LUKE LIMNER," which may be seen on the titlepages of several works upon the Fine Arts, is the nom de plume of Mr. John Leighton, a well-known London artist.

"MANFRED," which Lord Byron never intended for the stage, has been reproduced in London, with Mr. Phelps in the principal character. It was very successful.

IN the second edition of Vols. III. and IV. of "Kinglake's Invasion and War of the Crimea," the author has added a reply to Sir John Burgoyne's animadversions.

THE next meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science is to commence at Exeter on the 18th of August.

SCOTT's "Marmion," slightly cut down, has been got up, in London, as a work for the use of schools.

MADAME GEORGE SAND is said to have written the

libretto of "La Petite Fadette," an opera composed by M. Sardou on, or out of, the tale so named, by Madame.

"UNDER TWO FLAGS," a sensation romance by the lady who writes herself "Ouida," has been converted into a drama under the title of "Fire-fly," and played at the Surrey Theatre, London. It succeeded as a military spectacle only.

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