

[H. J. Res. 209]


Extending until January 31, 1944, the provisions of the Act of April 29, 1943, making an appropriation to assist in providing a supply and distribution of farm labor for the calendar year 1943.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of April 29, 1943 (Public Law 45), making an appropriation to assist in providing a supply and distribution of farm labor for the calendar year 1943, is hereby amended by striking out the date "December 31, 1943" in section 1 and inserting in lieu thereof "January 31, 1944," and is further amended so that the funds appropriated by section 1 and not heretofore or hereafter apportioned by the Administrator among the several States pursuant to section 2 shall be available for expenditure by the Administrator for the purposes specified in section 3.

SEC. 2. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Act approved July 12, 1943 (Public Law 132), funds available to the War Manpower Commission for the current migration of Mexican or Canadian nationals under the auspices of the War Manpower Commission for industrial and railroad purposes essential to the war effort, may continue to be expended during the fiscal year 1944. Approved December 23, 1943.


[S. J. Res. 103]


Continuing the Commodity Credit Corporation as an agency of the United States. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first sentence of section 7 of the Act approved January 31, 1935 (49 Stat. 4), as amended, is hereby amended by striking out "December 31, 1943" and inserting in lieu thereof "February 17, 1944”. Approved December 23, 1943.


[H. J. Res. 208]


Making an appropriation to assist in providing a supply and distribution of farm labor for the calendar year 1944.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, namely:



For assisting in providing an adequate supply of workers for the production, harvesting, and preparation for markets of agricultural commodities essential to the prosecution of the war, $30,000,000, which sum, together with the amount appropriated in the Act of April 29, 1943 (Public Law 45), shall be merged into one fund, to remain available until December 31, 1944, and to be expended by the War Food Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator"), appointed pursuant to Executive Order Numbered 9334, dated April 19, 1943, as follows:


SEC. 2. (a) For the purpose of assisting in providing an adequate supply of workers for the production and harvesting of agricultural commodities within the several States, the Administrator shall apportion among the several States, on the basis of need, not less than $14,000,000 and not more than $18,500,000 of the sum appropriated by section 1 (including apportionments heretofore made) and the sums so apportioned shall be available for payment to such States for expenditure by the agricultural extension services of the land-grant colleges in such States in accordance with such agreements as may be entered into by the Administrator and such extension services and subject to the supervision of the Administrator. The purposes for which such funds may be expended by such extension services shall include, among other things, (1) the recruiting, placement (including the placement of workers as tenants or sharecroppers), and training of such workers; (2) transportation, supervision, subsistence, protection, health and medical and burial services, and shelter for such workers and their families and necessary personal property; (3) lease, repair, alteration, and operation of labor supply centers and other necessary facilities and services, including former Civilian Conservation Corps camps, and not to exceed $100,000 for the construction of labor supply centers and other necessary facilities and services (not to exceed $20,000 for any one center): (4) advancing to workers of sums due from employers within the United States who

are under contractual obligation to reimburse such extension services for such advances; (5) employment of personnel and other administrative expenses; (6) payment to or reimbursement of other public or private agencies or individuals for furnishing services or facilities for such purposes; and (7) rendering assistance with respect to the deferment of agricultural labor, including among other things the furnishing of information on the contribution that individuals subject to selective service are making to agricultural production. Such extension services may enter into agreements with other public and private agencies and individuals and utilize the facilities and services of such agencies and individuals in carrying out the purposes of this


(b) The Administrator shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury, from time to time, the amounts to be paid to each State under this section and the time or times such amounts are to be paid; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to the State, at the time or times fixed by the Administrator, the amounts so certified.


SEC. 3. (a) The funds appropriated by section 1 and not apportioned by the Administrator among the several States pursuant to section 2 shall be available for expenditure by the Administrator. The purposes for which such funds may be expended shall include, among other things, (1) the recruiting and transportation of workers and their families and necessary personal property, within the United States and elsewhere; (2) furnishing, by loans or otherwise, of health and medical and burial services, training, subsistence, allowances, protection, and shelter for such workers and their families, including the furnishing of health and medical services to (a) agricultural workers and their families housed in any labor supply center operated as a part of this program, or (b) migratory agricultural workers and their families who, without recruitment or assistance of any Government agency, have entered the area served by any such labor supply center and are engaged in agricultural work in such area, and to whom adequate health and medical services are not otherwise available; (3) advancing to workers of sums due from employers within the United States who are under contractual obligation to reimburse the United States for such advances, the repayments from employers for such advances to be credited to the funds available to the Administrator; (4) determination and payment of claims (not exceeding $50 in any one case) of workers recruited in foreign countries (a) who, in preparation for transportation to or, from the United States and subsequent failure of such transportation, have suffered losses, or (b) who have been transported to the United States and during said transportation, including embarkation and debarkation, have suffered the loss of or damage to personal effects; (5) lease, repair, alteration, relocation, and operation of labor supply centers and other necessary facilities and services; and (6) operating personnel and expenses to carry out the above purposes.

(b) The Administrator is authorized and directed to enter into agreements with the agricultural extension services of the land-grant colleges in the respective States to furnish, on behalf of the United

States, for domestic interstate agricultural workers and their families and foreign agricultural workers and their families, while such workers are employed within any such State, any or all of the following services or functions which such State extension services are willing to undertake: Health and medical and burial services, training, subsistence, allowances, supervision, protection and shelter, maintenance and keeping of records of compliance with contracts and international agreements or treaties respecting such workers, and health and medical services for agricultural workers and their families encompassed by clauses (a) and (b) of subsection (a) (2) of this section. The Administrator may require the modification or termination of any agreement with any such extension service whenever he finds such action to be necessary in order to carry out the terms of any treaty or international agreement to which the United States of America is signatory. Whenever a satisfactory agreement cannot be negotiated with any such extension service, or pending the negotiation of an agreement, or whenever the Administrator finds it necessary to terminate an agreement, he shall carry out the foregoing responsibilities and functions with respect to such workers and their families by direct expenditure by the War Food Administration. The Administrator shall allocate to any State extension service from the amount made available by this section, in the manner provided in section 2 of this title, such funds as may be necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities agreed upon by the Administrator and such State extension service under the provisions of this subsection. The Administrator is further authorized, in connection with the purposes of this subsection, to loan to any State any labor supply center and the facilities and equipment thereof, owned by the United States, under such terms and conditions as he may specify.

(c) Not more than 111⁄2 per centum of the combined sum of the appropriation in Public Law 45, Seventy-eighth Congress, and the direct appropriation in section 1 hereof shall be available for administrative expenses of the Administrator under such Public Law 45 and this Act, including (1) the employment of persons and organizations, by contract or otherwise, at the seat of government and elsewhere; (2) purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of passenger-carrying vehicles; (3) printing and binding; (4) travel expenses of persons employed in administrative, supervisory, or facilitating capacities within a foreign country or from a foreign country to the United States and return, including such expenses to first-duty stations; and (5) payment to or reimbursement of other agencies or individuals for administrative expenses incurred by them.

(d) For the purpose of this title, the Administrator is authorized(1) to utilize the facilities, services, and personnel of units and agencies within the Department of Agriculture; to enter into agreements with other public or private agencies or individuals; to utilize (pursuant to such agreements) the facilities and services of such agencies and individuals and to delegate to them functions under this title; and to allocate or transfer funds to (in addition to the transfers authorized by the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years 1944 and 1945), or otherwise to pay or reimburse such units, agencies, and individuals for expenses in connection therewith;

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