
Baptist Magazine.

JANUARY, 1819.



As the present year is the first centenary of an event of great importance in the annals of Nonconformity, it may not be improper to present our readers with a succinct account of a conference, which has been rendered memorable by the baneful influence it has produced in the denomination, the most distinguished at that time among Protestant Dissenters;-the ENGLISH PRESBYTERIANS.

the west country. The flame of angry contention first broke out at Exeter, in 1718-19, among the Presbyterian body in that city. There were three united congregations, and four ministers, viz. the Rev. Messrs. Withers,

Joseph Hallet, James Pierce, and John Lavington. The labours of these ministers, says Mr. Pierce, were well accepted, until the controversy arose about the explication of the doctrine of the Salters'-hall Meeting-house, be-Trinity.* For the sake of imparlonging to the Presbyterians, is situated in Salters'-hall-court, Cannon-street, London. At the period above referred to, the Rev. W. Tong, an eminent minister, was the pastor of the church. The present ministers are the Rev. W. B. Collyer, D. D. and the Rev. Henry Lacey. They are both of the Independent denomination; the former being pastor of a church at Peckham, and the other of a church at Plaistow.

The cause of the conference alluded to, was the revival of the Arian heresy in England, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, by the writings of Emlyn, Clark, and Whiston. These principles were very zealously and successfully propagated in


tiality, the account shall be given in his words. "The gentlemen," says he, "who used to manage the temporal affairs of the congregation, were pleased, some time ago, to send for seven ministers in the country, and desire. their advice. These were the reverend persons following:Messrs. Ball of Honiton, Horsham of Topsham, Hall and Moore of Tiverton, Waldrond of Ottery, Eveleigh of Crediton, and Manston of Lympstone. None of the ejected ministers' side were advised with, or knew any thing of their being sent for, till they came, being men picked out as fit for the purpose. Had an equal number been chosen on both

Case of the Ministers ejected, p. 6.


sides, some good might have been expected. But these ministers, who were really parties in the controversy, pursued no designs for peace. The paper of advice they drew up, was not drawn up, after a hearing of us [Mr. Pierce and Mr. Hallet], nor was it communicated by them to us, but accidentally fell into our hands while they were scattering it about the country in a circular letter. Nay, though I insisted upon it to three of them, that they should give no advice re-informed they were divided, as lating to me, without first hearing what I had to say; yet did they never give us a hearing.

I urged them not to be hasty, telling them, there were heads of advice under the consideration of the whole body of the London ministers, which were shortly expected, and might be the means of healing us. They answered, they had nothing to do with them; nor would they wait for them; those advices not being the advices of the Presbyterian ministers; but the addition of the Anabaptists to one side made a majority: though I am since

"We thought they had no more right to draw up tests for us than we had for them; and leave it for God and the world to judge, whether they have acted a christian and brotherly part in what they have done against us.

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Wednesday, March 4, they came hither the second time; and the next day the four ministers were desired to meet the gentlemen; which accordingly they did. Then the paper the seven had drawn up and subscribed was read to us, which shall hereafter be published at large. It consisted of three articles, the second of which was what we were urged with, and was this: That the denying the true and proper Divinity of the Son of God, viz. that he is one God with the Father, is an error of that nature, [that is, an error which is a sufficient foundation for the people to withdraw from the communion of their ministers holding it,] contrary to the doctrine of the holy scriptures, and the common faith of the reformed churches.

well as the other denominations, ten on the one side and nine on the other.

"I desired that we might have time to give our answer; but was told we must do it presently. Mr. H. told them, he heard there was in the press a book written by four eminent ministers in London, and desired that we might see whether that which was shortly expected would satisfy us. Nothing of this nature availeth.There was no attempt made to charge us with denying the true and proper Divinity of the Son of God, even in the true sense of the article; so that we had not fair dealing in that respect. For here was nothing laid to our charge, supported by witnesses: but an inquisition was as truly set up, to rack our consciences, and search out the secret sense of our minds, as ever there was in Spain or Portugal. I challenged them thus:

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Gentlemen, is there any single expression you can any of you charge me with using, either in praying or preaching, that has been disagreeable to the scrip

*This was afterwards published, en"Then was it put to us, whe-titled "The Doctrine of the ever-blessed ther we owned that the Son of God was one God with the Father.

Rev. Messrs. Tong, Robinson, Smith, Trinity stated and defended," by the and Reynolds.

tures? No one offering to allege | place, offered them this explica

any, I added, Then, gentle-
men, I take you to record, that
you have no such to accuse me
of.' To which I was answered
by one of them: Stop there, we
do not say so.
Then said I, I
desire to know what it is, that I
may clear myself.' All the an-
swer to which was, That they
did not come prepared for that.
I cannot but think this was dis-
ingenuous. To deal thus with a
man, is to wound his reputation,
without giving him room to vin-
dicate himself, let him be ever
so innocent; which is the worst
sort of calumniating.


tion in the words of Bishop Pearson, Though the Father and the Son are two distinct persons, yet since the Son is of and from the Father, as the fountain of the Deity, and intimately united with him, I conceive, in this sense, he may be said to be one with the Father.' This would not be accepted; and so they said they were for withdrawing from us, but were for parting amicably. I told them, they knew I had several times declared, that in case they could heal the breach, and continue to hold communion with one another, I should be very glad to be laid aside, if that would be the means to make peace; and that I continued in the same mind still. And I said to them, ' Gentlemen, you see I cannot do what you desire; is there any thing I can do beside, that will be of service to the peace of the church?" But [ had no answer. There were several of them which were much more modest than the rest, and would have been glad if counsels of

"I then told them, as to their articles I would own that Christ and the Father were one, because he said so. They asked if I would own they were one God? I answered, 'If they would turn me to the text where it was said so, I would own it:' but I had over and over declared, I would subscribe no religious tests at all that were not expressed in scripture words that if they made it a religious test that three and two make five, I would refuse to sub-peace had been followed. And scribe. And I gave this reason for my stiffness: That I verily believed that the worst mischief had been done to the church of God by imposing unscriptural creeds, or tests, upon men; and that now God had stirred up a noble spirit in men, in whom we little expected it, to plead against impositions; and therefore I could not in conscience give up the liberty they were so bravely defending. They said, Then they had my answer. Mr. Hallet then next refused in like manner to give his assent. Then Mr. John Lavington, who had as great aThat if we had no more to say hand in kindling the flame as any to the gentlemen, they had no man, roundly gave his assent. more to say to us;' and so we And Mr. Withers, in the last parted."

when we got up to go away, I said to one who I saw was trou bled, Sir, I put it to you; Do you believe that the gentlemen [the seven ministers] who drew this paper, did it with a design to heal?' He would not say so; but answered, He believed they did it with a design for the glory of God.' He desired us then not to depart, but let them withdraw and consult. We staid some time, and then one of them returned, and brought us this civil answer (though some of them declare they knew not of it),

From this time Mr. Pierce and Mr. Hallet were prevented from preaching in their usual place of worship; but were told they might preach" at the little meeting; and Mr. Withers, who had now offered farther to subscribe the Nicene creed, might preach

at that near the Bow."*

land. Nor can we in conscience join with those ministers who decline to defend those truths (though requested to do so) when they are openly attacked; but rather countenance and encourage the advances of those errors, by declaring for a SUBORDINATION, &c.

Upon all occasions we are

The gentlemen who composed the managing committee, pub-ready to demonstrate a Christian lished "An Answer to Mr. Pierce's temper to those who differ from State of the Case;" to which Mr. us, and to maintain a brotherly Pierce published a reply, entitled love towards them. As we are "The State of the Case defend- not for imposing our sentiments ed." Some other pamphlets were on them, or persecuting them in published at Exeter, "Arius de- any respect for what opinions tected and confuted," and "The THEY may hold; so we only Innocent vindicated." insist on our own liberty of worshipping God agreeably to our consciences, and of hearing those ministers, who will preach and defend the faith which we have received, and which we think most agreeable to the word of God."-Signed, James White B. Brindley Anth. Vicary S. Munckley Fran. Lydston T. Jeffery

That our readers may have the whole case at Exeter before them, the statement of the committee must also be presented. They say, "The violence and artifice wherewith the attempts made against the ever blessed TRINITY were carried on, and the strange progress it had of late made, especially among the youth here, necessitated us to proceed with that expedition to prevent many ill consequences that we were in fear of. Nor could we think it

reasonable, that such as declined to declare their own faith, could be supposed competent advisers

for us.

John Stephens John Vowles. Edm. Cock Mark Burridg H. Waldrond John Pyon.t

While these things were transacting at Exeter, the flame spread itself to London. The general body of London ministers, consisting of Presbyterians, In"We assure you we have a dependents, and Baptists, had hearty concern for the peace of the churches, and for the repu- advice on this very important been applied to from Exeter for tation of our ministers; but we subject. A committee of that dare not give up so great an arAdvices for probody drew ticle of our faith, as is that of moting Peace," and a meeting the proper Deity of the SON and HOLY GHOST, which we appre-ters'-Hall Meeting, on February was specially convened at Salhend fully held forth in the sa19, 1718-19, to deliberate and cred scriptures, as expressed in agree upon these articles. The assembly was numerous, and after

the fifth and sixth answers in the Assembly's Catechism, or in the first article of the church of Eng

* Case of Ministers, &c. p. 7-15.


+ Letter from Exeter to the Rev. Jeremiah Smith, and the subscribing ministers.

the Rev. Joshua Oldfield, D. D. | against persecution, come up had been appointed Moderator, stairs!" To which another reit was agreed to proceed with the joined, "You that are for the discussion paragraph by para-doctrine of the Trinity, stay begraph, without any division, or low!" The Rev. Thomas Bradany considerable appearance of bury, who had proposed this hands to the contrary. measure, was hissed in the AsOn Friday the 24th, was a se-sembly; and though this indecent cond meeting, at which time the conduct was reproved, yet the names of all present were set person added, "he hoped there down, and then called over, one would be no occasion for hissing." by one; each denomination being Mr. Bradbury was understood by to approve or disapprove of such some to have said, "You that as were reported to belong to are for the doctrine of the Trinity, them; and exceptions were al- are desired to stay below; and lowed to be made against any you that are against it, to go up whose presence might be object-into the gallery." He, however, ed to. After this, matters were debated for several hours, and at last a question was agreed to be put, for the decision of which a division was found necessary. This question was, "Whether a declaration concerning the Trinity, should not be inserted in the Paper of Advices?" Those who were against this declaration being inserted, went into the gallery, to the number of 57; those who were for it staid below, to the number of 53. Thus a majority of four appeared to carry the question in favour of the conduct of Messrs. Pierce and Hallet.

On this occasion much warmth was manifested. One minister asked, "Whether they came there to be contradicted by Anabaptist teachers?" It was replied, "The persons they aimed at were not Anabaptist teachers, but Baptist ministers, of which name they were not ashamed; but the former appellation, denoted re-baptism, which they disowned." As those ministers who were against the declaration respecting the Trinity being introduced into the Articles, were going into the gallery, one cried out, "You that are

satisfied the Assembly that his words were, "You that are for declaring your faith in the doctrine of the Trinity, if any are above, you are desired to come down; and those of you who are not for declaring, are desired to go up."*. After the confusion was hushed, the Assembly declared that Mr. Bradbury, had given them satisfaction; and passed a vote, "That in future no person be censured before he be called upon to explain himself."

The next meeting, March 3, was opened by loud complaints by some of the majority, that they were under a charge without doors, as if they were against the doctrine of the Trinity. These were answered by others of the minority, that all ground of suspicion might be removed, and the world be satisfied, by the Assembly making and subscrib ing an immediate declaration of their faith in the Holy Trinity,

*There is a traditionary report, that Mr. Bradbury was so provoked by the indecent hissing which he received, that he tartly replied, "I have been pleading the cause of him who bruised the head fore that the seed of the serpent should of the serpent; it is not wonderful there hiss!"

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