
One was ordered to be set on foot by lieut. governor Hamilton of Detroit, who was to be joined in the spring of this year by two hundred Indians from Michilimainoi, and 500 Chero kees and Chickasaws, and other nations; these were to penetraté up the Ohio to Fort Pitt, sweeping Kentucky on their way, ha ving light brass cannon for the purpose. He was to be joined by all the Indians that could be procured; and had no doubt of forcing all West Augusta. Destruction from every quarter seemed to hover over the Virginia back settlers. Col. Clarke hearing that Hamilton (who had taken post at St. Vincent on the 15th of last December, and had fortifiedthe same to be ready for and favor the expedition) had weakened himself by sending away his Indians against the frontiers, formed the desperate resolution of attacking him, as the only probable expedient for saving the country. After many difficulties he arrived [Feb. 23.] unexpectedly to the enemy, and made an assault. The town immediately surrendered, and assisted in the siege of the fort. The next day, Hamilton in the evening, agreed to surren der the garrison prisoners of war, in all 79, with considerable stores. Clarke had marched across the country with only 130 men, being all he could raise. He was 16 days on his 3 route, through the inclemency of the season, drowned lands, &c.--While engaged with Hamilton, an Indian party, who had been to war, returned, knowing nothing of him and his men ; Clarke sent a number to give them battle, took nine of them, and released two prisoners. Hearing of a convoy of provisions and goods on their way from Detroit, he detached a party of 60 men in armed boats, which met them before they got intelligence of their danger 40 leagues up the river, and made a prize of the whole, taking 40 prisoners, and about £.10,000 worth of goods and provisions. By Clarke's attacking Hamilton, the intended expedition of the enemy was ruined. The colonel on his return ransmitted to the Virginia council, letters and papers relating to Heut. gov. Hamilton, Philip Dejain, justice of peace for Detroit, and William Lamothe, capt. of volunteers, whom he had made: prisoners of war in the Illinois country.

[June 16.] The board proceeded to consider them; and found that Hamilton had incited the Indians to perpetrate their accustomed cruelties on the citizens of the United States-had at the time of his captivity, sent considerable detachments of In dians against the frontiers, and had actually appointed a great sonnel of them to meet him, and concert the operations of the prosent campaign--and that he gave standing rewards for scalps. i also appeared to them, that Dejain was, on all occasions, the willing and cordial instrument of Hamilton; and that Lamothe


was a captain of the volunteer scalping parties of Indians and s whites. They therefore, resolved to advise the governor, that they should be put in irons, confined in the dungeon of the public jail, debarred the use of pen, ink and paper, and excluded all converse, except with their keeper, being considered as fit subjects on which to begin the work of retaliation. The governor gave orders accordingly.

[April 19.] Colonel Goose Van Schaick marched from. Fort Scuyler toward Onondaga on Lake Ontario, which be de stroyed with a large quantity of grain, cattle, horses, arms and aminunition, except such as he could conveniently bring offTwelve Indians, mostly warriors, were killed, and 34 made pris soners, the rest fled to the woods. This expedition was per formed in about five days and a half, (the distance going and returning one hundred and eighty miles) and without the loss of: a single man.

The British generals were divided upon the subject, whether or no to carry on a predatory war against the Americans. They, sent home, and submitted it to the ministry, who determined in favor of waste and rapine. After which, Mr. Arthur Lee, for warded to gov. Trumbull and the committee for foreign affairs, letters dated Paris, April 6, 1779, mentioning" I have res ceived intelligence, that it is determined in the British cabi net, to send over immediate orders to New-York for an expedi tion through the Sound up Connecticut river. The enemy are... to land at Weathersfield, and proceed by land to New-Haven bay, where they are to embark, after having plundered, burnt, and destroyed all in their way." A member of the committee wrote to his correspondent, on the 16th of July, "Arthur Lee. had intelligence, on the 6th of April, of the design upon Fairfield, but contrary winds and captures of his originals, have prevented our getting seasonable warning." Sir H. Clinton, having received the ministerial instructions, proceeded in conformity to the spirit of them, only varying circumstances so far as that re quired. Sir George Collier, with the necessary ships of war and transports, and, gov. Tryon at the head of 2600 land forces, seconded by gen. Garth, were appointed to the predatory expe dition. While in the Sound, the commanders joined in an address to the inhabitants of Connecticut, which they signed on the 4th. of July. In that they invited and urged them to return to their duty and allegiance: and promised all, remaining peaceably in their usual place of residence, protection in person and proper- ! ty, excepting the civil and military officers of the government; but threatened those who slighted the warning. The address was merely farcical, for instead of leaving them to consult each other


upon the invention, as they stated it, they employed force before the people had time to consult each other after the invitation was received.

July 5.] The troops were landed early on Monday morning, those under Tryon at East-Haven, and those under Gartl at West-Haven. The last marched for New-Haven, which they entered between twelve and one, after being much harrassed and galled on their way by the militia, and others who joined them. The town was delivered up to promiscuous plunder, a few instances of protection excepted. Whigs and tories, indiscriminately, though not universally, had their money, plate, rings and other articles taken from them; and much of their furniture, which could not be carried off, was wantonly destroyed;

all the West-India goods and provisions were served the same, In such scenes of confusion, individuals could not escape personal abuse. The militia were collecting in such a manner, and the soldiers had got so disordered by liquor, that the next morn-. ing the troops made a sudden retreat, without tarrying to execute the original design of burning the town, or even to fire a single house in it. When they had provided for their own safety, they ventured to burn some stores on the long wharf. At East-Haven, where Tryon commanded in person, several houses were burnt, the cattle were also wantonly killed in the adjoining fields. By the afternoon, the militia became so numerous, and crowded so close upon him, that he retreated on board the fleet, which in the evening sailed for Fairfield [July 7.] There the troops, landed about three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. As they auchored off the town in the morning, the militia had some little time for collecting. Gov. Tryon sent by a flag to col. Whiting, who commanded them, the address; and gave him an hour's time to consider and to answer, so as to save the town. The colonel replied in behalf of the Connecticut inhabitants, "The flames have now preceded their answer to your flag, and they will persist to oppose to the utmost, that power which is exerted against injured innocence;" dated 7th July sun-set. That night and the next morning, they plundered and laid the town in ashes, burning the meeting-house, episcopal church, and the buildings in general, to the compass of two miles round, so as to reach Green-farms, though not Greenfield. On the Thursday they retreated to their shipping, the militia becoming more numerous than at New-Haven. They crossed the Sound to the shore of Leng-Island; and from thence sailed afterward to Norwalk, whose fate was similar to that of Fairfield. The numbers kil led and wounded on each side during these ravages were inconsiderable. But the conflagration list stands thus-burnt at


Norwalk 2 houses of public worship, 80 dwelling houses, 87 barns, 22 stores, 17 shops, 4 mills and 5 vessels at Fairfield g houses of public worship, 82 dwelling houses, 55 barns, 15 stores and 15 shops at Green-farms 1 house of worship, 15 dwelling houses, 11 barns and several stores beside the stoves burnt að New-Haven and the houses at East-Haven. The prevailing hu manity of my countrymen, will not relish these depredations in their genuine appearance, the accounts therefore transmitted or published, must be dressed up so as to make them palatable with the public; but be assured, that the burnings were designed, and without sufficient provocation, both as to private and public buildings; some of the latter, and many of the former, were to my knowledge not near to, but even at a considerable distance from other edifices. That gen. Tryon was not averse to engaging in such a service as Lee mentioned the cabinet to have determin ed upon, is inferred from the animosity he has to those who are attached to the American cause He was however stopped from all further progress, by an order from Sir H. Clinton for the re turn of the fleet and troops. Some real or expected movement in the American army might produce such an order.

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No sooner did gen. Washington observe how Sir H. Clinton had srengthened the posts of Stony-point and Verplank, than he entertained the design of attacking them. Toward the end of June, he ordered, that a trusty intelligent person should be em ployed to go into the works of the first; and on the 8th of July he was informed by a deserter, that there was a sandy beach, on the south side of it running along the flank of the works, and only obstructed by a slight abatis, which might afford an easy and safe approach to a body of troops. He formed plans for attack ing both posts at the same instant; the executions of which were intrusted with gen. Wayne and gen. Howe. All the Massachusetts light infantry marched from West-point under lieut. col. Hull, in the morning of the 15th, and joined Wayne at Sandy-beach, 14 miles from Stony-point. The general movi ed off the ground at twelve o'clock. The roads being exceed ingly bad and narrow, and the troops having to pass over high mountains, through difficult defiles and deep morasses, were obli ged to move in single files the greatest part of the way. This, and the great heat of the day, occasioned much delay, that it was eight in the evening before the van arrived within a mile and a half of the enemy, where the men formed into columns, and renrain ed till several of the principal officers, with gen. Wayne, return ed from reconnoitring the works. At half after eleven o'clock the whole moved forward, the van of the right consisting of 150 volunteers, under lieut. col. Fleury, the van of the left consist

ing of 100 volunteers under major Stewart, each with unload ed muskets and fixed bayonets, preceded by a brave and deter mined officer, with twenty picked men, to remove the abatis and other obstructions. The last, and the overflowing of the morass in front by the tide, prevented the assault's commencing till about 20 minutes after twelve. [July 16.] Previous to it, Wayne placed himself at the head of the right column, and gave the troops the most pointed orders not to fire on any account, but place their whole dependence on the bayonet, which order was faithfully obeyed. Such was the ardor of the troops, that in the face of a most tremendous and incessant fire of musketry, and from cannon loaded with grape-shot, they forced their way, at the point of the bayonet, through every obstacle, and both columns met in the centre of the enemy's works nears. ly at the same instant. Fleury struck their standard with his own hand. Notwithstanding the provocations given by the plun derings and burnings at New-Haven, East-Haven, Fairfield and Green-farms, of which they had heard, such was the humanity of the continental soldiers, that they scorned to take the lives of the foe calling for mercy, so that there were but few of the enemy killed upon the occasion. Great is the triumph of the Americans upon the success of this enterprise; and justly, for it would have done honor to the most veteran troops.. Wayne had but 15 killed and 83 wounded, not above 30 of whom will be finally lost to the service. The general himself received a slight wound in the head with a musket-ball; but it did not prevent his going on with the troops;, and he is not included in the wounded. The enemy had only 63 killed. Lieutenant-colonel Johnston, who commanded the fort, with other officers and privates, amounting to 543, were made prisoners.

The attack upon Verplank, entrusted with gen. Howe, miscarried partly through delays occasioned by high winds, which prevented the timely transportation of artillery; but chiefly through the troops neglecting to take axes with them. The cncmy, upon their approach, broke down all the bridges, and thereby cut off the communication by land. Before Howe could receive the means for constructing temporary bridges, Sir H. Clinton marched up troops enough to save the place. Gen. Washington not being in sufficient force to hold possession of Stonypoint, resolved upon the removal of the cannon and stores, and upon the destruction of the works, which were accomplished with all dispatch. About a week before, a certain officer, whose station gave him the opportunity of catching deserters from the American camp, was so enraged at their being very numerous, that he informed the general he would cut off the head of the

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