
had taken the necessary steps to provide themselves with such buildings. Your committee were unanimous in the opinion that similar accommodations were indispensable for New Hampshire, and have caused to be erected a commodious structure, and have placed it in charge of a keeper who is daily rendering valuable aid to the exhibitors and visitors from this state.

The State Board of Agriculture proposed an exhibit in behalf of the agricultural interests of the state; and a committee representing the Department of Education undertook similar action in regard to their department.

To aid in carrying out the disinterested and laudable purpose of the representatives of these important interests, your committee set apart one thousand dollars to be equally divided between them. A smaller sum was assigned to the state historian, but as no satisfactory arrangements could be made for the space thought to be necessary, the undertaking was abandoned before much expense was incurred.

The cost of the building and appurtenances, to the present time, is $3,956.90. The persons having in charge the agricultural and educational departments have practised the most rigid economy, and have performed their labors gratuitously, but find a larger sum than that assigned to them absolutely indispensable. The expense of creditably furnishing the building, with its care to the present time, including all incidentals, has been defrayed by private contribution raised by your committee.

At the close of the exhibition there will be on hand property belonging to the state to be disposed of, which cost more than four thousand dollars; but in view of the uncertain value which it will then have, your committee would recommend the pas sage of a joint resolution authorizing His Excellency the Governor, with the advice and consent of the council, to approve of such bills as in their judgment are judicious and reasonable, not exceeding in all the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, with a provision that all the property of the state which is on hand at the close of the exhibition be disposed of, and the proceeds thereof paid into the state treasury.

In the discharge of their duties your committee have been

impressed with the importance to the good name and fame of the state that New Hampshire should be worthily represented in this the largest and grandest display which the world has ever seen, of the triumphs which have rewarded human industry, ingenuity, and energy, wherein is contrasted the skill and genius, not only of the several states of the Union, but of the different nations of the globe.

They have not withheld efforts which they deemed essential to this end, serving without recompense either for services.rendered or personal expenses incurred, and they are pleased to congratulate you upon the results, believing that the people of New Hampshire have no cause to blush for the part they have taken in this great centennial exhibition.

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