


him a first-rate reputation among the classical scholars and philologers of the century. Dr. Donaldson, who resided latterly at Cambridge, died in the year 1861.

HENRY ROGERS, a professor in the Independent College at Birmingham, is celebrated as the author of The Eclipse of Faith, or a Visit to a Religious Sceptic. This work, published in 1852, deals with all the controversies and new questions in theology that have arisen in England or Germany during the last twenty years. It is a reply to Newman's Phases of Faith. A Reply and Defence have been exchanged between the rival champions since the publication of the "Eclipse." Mr. Rogers has contributed largely to the Edinburgh Review; and many of his essays have been republished.

Supplementary List.

RALPH WARDLAW.-(1779-1853)-Dalkeith-Independent minister at GlasgowDiscourses on the Socinian Controversy.

JOHN BIRD SUMNER.-(1780-1862)-Kenilworth-Archbishop of CanterburySt. Paul's Epistles; Records of Creation (second Burnett prize); Evidences of Christianity.

THOMAS HARTWELL HORNE.-(1780-1862)-London-Episcopal minister and librarian in the British Museum-Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures.

JOHN BROWN.-(1785-1859)-minister of the United Presbyterian Church in Edinburgh-Commentaries upon Romans, Galatians, First Peter, &c. HUGH M'NEILE.—(1795—still living)-Ballycastle, Antrim-rector of St. Jude's, Liverpool-a celebrated pulpit orator.

JULIUS HARE.-(1795-1855)-archdeacon of Lewes-a leader of Broad Church party-sermons on Victory of Faith and Mission of the Comforter; Life of John Sterling; Niebuhr's Rome, (trans.)

ROBERT CANDLISH.-(still living)-minister of Free St. George's, EdinburghLectures on Genesis; Scripture Characters; The Atonement; Reason and Revelation, &c.

JOHN KITTO. (1804–1854)—Plymouth-deaf-Pictorial Bible; Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature; Daily Bible Readings.

RICHARD CHEVENIX TRENCH. (1807—still living)—Archbishop of DublinJustin Martyr, and other poems; Notes on the Parables and Miracles; Synonyms of the New Testament; Study of Words; English-Past and Present.

WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE.-(1809-still living)-Liverpool-present Prime Minister-Homer and the Homeric Age.

SIR HENRY RAWLINSON.-(1810-still living)-Chadlington, Oxfordshire-decipherer of Assyrian inscriptions-Outline of the History of Assyria.



HENRY ALFORD.-(1810-still living)-London-Dean of Canterbury--edition of the Greek Testament; Sermons and Poems.

WILLIAM ARCHER BUTLER.-(1814-1848)—Annerville, near Clonmel-Professor of Moral Philosophy, Trinity College, Dublin-Sermons; Lectures on Ancient Philosophy.

ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY.-(1815-still living)—Alderley-Dean of Westminster-Discourses on Corinthians; Life of Dr. Arnold; Memorials of Canterbury.

ROBERT ANCHOR THOMPSON.-(1821-still living)-Durham-once curate of Louth in Lincolnshire-first Burnett Prize Essay.

JOHN TULLOCH.-(1822-still living)—Tibbermuir in Perthshire-Principal of St. Mary's College at St. Andrews-Theism, (second Burnett Prize); Leaders of the Reformation; English Puritanism.

JOHN CAIRD. (1823—still living)-Greenock-Professor of Divinity at Glasgow -Sermons, (Religion in Common Life).

NORMAN MACLEOD.-minister of Barony Church, Glasgow-eloquent preachereditor of Good Words.

The leaders of the Tractarian party in the Church of England (so called from the publication of Tracts for the Times, between 1832 and 1837) were EDWARD PUSEY and JOHN HENRY NEWMAN, the latter of whom wrote also an Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. Mr. NEWMAN has since become a member of the Roman Catholic Church. His brother, FRANCIS NEWMAN, Latin Professor in University College, London, is author of a sceptical work, The Phases of Faith, to which Henry Rogers replied in "The Eclipse of Faith." The well-known volume, Essays and Reviews, written by seven Oxford men, among whom BENJAMIN JOWETT is the leading name, represents a free-thinking section of the Church of England. J. FREDERICK DENISON MAURICE, a Cambridge man, lately Professor of Divinity in King's College, London, and well known for his association with Kingsley and others in efforts to raise the educational standard of the working classes, is the author of Theological Essays, The Religions of the World, and several other able works, which contain opinions at variance with the tenets of the Church of England, their "liberalism sometimes going the length of heterodoxy. These opinions led to the removal of Mr. Maurice from his chair. JAMES MARTINEAU, a Unitarian minister in Liverpool, has produced some most eloquent works, among which may be named Studies in Christianity, and the Rationale of Religious Inquiry.

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Cardinal WISEMAN, born at Seville in 1802, represented theology from the Roman Catholic point of view. He published an interesting contribution to general literature, entitled Recollections of the Last Four Popes.


SAMUEL LAING, of Papdale in Orkney, is the author of A Residence in Norway (1834-36); A Tour in Sweden (1838); Notes of



a Traveller (1854). This agreeable writer is a younger brother of the Scottish historian already named.

DAVID LIVINGSTONE, born about 1817, at Blantyre in Lanarkshire, has travelled much in Africa as a missionary. His work, Missionary Travels in South Africa, a valuable repertory of facts concerning that region, was published in 1857. The basin of the Zambezi has been the chief scene of his explorings, and his chief discoveries have been the Victoria Falls and Lake Nyassa. In 1864 he published an account of his second expedition. He is now returning from a third expedition, to the great joy of his countrymen, who some time ago received a report of his death.

AUSTEN HENRY LAYARD, born in 1817 in Paris, is distinguished as the author of two works, Nineveh and its Remains (1848); and Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon (1853), describing his successful excavations, especially at the former place. Sculptured bulls and lions, with wings and human heads, stand, amid many other similar works of ancient art, in the hall of the British Museum, as trophies of Mr. Layard's toil. For a time he took a prominent part in politics as member for Aylesbury, and under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. He has lately returned to political life.

RICHARD FORD (1796-1858) wrote Murray's Hand-Book for Spain, and also a work entitled Gatherings from Spain (1846), which together form the best authority we have on the modern condition of that romantic land.

GEORGE BORROW, born near Norwich about 1800, when travelling in Spain as the agent of the Bible Society, gathered materials for a work descriptive of his personal adventures which he called The Bible in Spain (1844). Few books possess more vivid interest. Gipsy life has an especial attraction for his pen. His other works are Zincali, or the Gipsies in Spain, published before his chief book; Lavengro, or the Scholar, the Gipsy, and the Priest; and a sequel to this, called The Romany Rye.

ALEXANDER WILLIAM KINGLAKE, born in 1802 at Taunton, having passed through Trinity College, Cambridge, studied law at Lincoln's Inn. His book, Eöthen, descriptive of his travels in



the East, which was published in 1850, is remarkable for its thought and eloquence. Mr. Kinglake is the author of a History of the Crimean War, courageous and brilliant, but in the later volumes too minute in detail.

SIR JAMES EMERSON TENNENT, born in 1804 at Belfast, is a merchant's son. Elected member for his native town in 1832, he devoted himself to political life, making literature his recreation. His books on Modern Greece, Belgium, and Wine are well known; but his great work is Ceylon, for which he collected materials during his five years' residence in the island as Secretary to the Colonial Government. He has been since 1852 one of the joint Secretaries to the Board of Trade.

JOHN HANNING SPEKE, a captain in the Indian army, explored (1857-62) the basin of the Upper Nile, having started from Zanzibar. He fixed the true position of the Mountains of the Moon, and in 1858 discovered the vast lake Victoria Nyanza. A brother officer named Grant accompanied him on his travels, and aided him in the preparation of his Journal. Speke was killed near Box in Wiltshire, in 1864, by the accidental discharge of his own gun. He was then only thirty-seven years of age.

SIR SAMUEL WHITE BAKER, born in 1821 in Worcestershire, undertook the exploration of the Nile by ascending its current. His brave wife accompanied him. In 1864 he discovered a very large lake, to which he gave the name Albert Nyanza. Baker tells the story of his explorations with much more graphic power and elegance than either Speke or Livingstone has displayed.

Supplementary List.

To the list of travellers in Spain, headed by Ford and Borrow, the name of HENRY DAVID Inglis (1795-1835), son of a Scottish advocate, who wrote under the name of Derwent Conway, deserves to be added. Mr. Inglis also published travels in Northern Europe, France, and Ireland.

Sir JOHN BOWRING (born in 1792 at Exeter), otherwise famous as a translator, has written an account of Siam. ELIOT WARBURTON (1810-1852), an English barrister who was burned in the Amazon, has left, besides some novels and memoirs, an eloquent book of Eastern travel, The Crescent and the Cross (1846). China has been "done" and described by JOHN FRANCIS DAVIS, Chief Superin



tendent there, and WINGROVE COOKE, Special Correspondent of the Times; and Japan by LAURENCE OLIPHANT, Secretary to Lord Elgin. The Rev. Josias PORTER, now a Professor of Biblical Criticism in Belfast, is author of Five Years in Damascus, and Murray's Hand-book for Palestine and Syria. Captain SHERARD OSBORNE, author of Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, has since written A Cruise in Japanese Waters.

Arctic travel and discovery, during this period of English literature, are represented by many eminent names, among which those of Dr. RAE, Sir ROBERT M'CLURE, discoverer of the North-West Passage, and Sir LEOPOLD M'CLINTOCK, commander of the Fox, are prominent. Sir FRANCIS HEAD (born 1793), for some time Governor of Upper Canada, wrote a popular work upon the Pampas and the Andes (1826); and a Yorkshire Squire, CHARLES WATERTON (born 1782), has depicted his wonderful adventures and toils in Wanderings in South America, the North-West of the United States, and the Antilles.

Murray's Hand-books, some of which have been already named, form in themselves a most valuable geographical library. They are not the work of mere compilers, but, in nearly every case, of men who can describe clearly and gracefully what they have seen and heard in the land of which they write.

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