
Though the Dutch frequently boast of the police at the Cape, yet the Captain's sheep evaded all the vigilance of the Fifcal's officers and people. At length, after much trouble and expence, by employing fome of the loweft fellows of the place, we recovered all but the two ewes. One of the rams, however, was so miferably torn by the dogs, that we thought he would never recover.

Mr. Hemmy, the Lieutenant-governor, very obligingly offered to make up this lofs, by giving Captain Cook a Spanish ram, out of fome he had fent for from Lifbon; but the Captain declined the offer, thinking it would equally anfwer his purpofe to take with him fome of the Cape rams: in this, however, the Captain was miftaken. Mr. Hemmy had endeavoured to introduce European fheep at the Cape; but all his attempts were fruftrated by the obftinacy of the country people, who highly esteem their own breed, on account of their large tails; the fat of which fometimes produces more money than the whole carcafs befides. Indeed, the most remarkable thing in the Cape fheep is the length and thicknefs of their tails, which weigh from ten to fifteen pounds.

While the fhips were repairing for the profecution of our voyage, Mr. Anderson, and fome of our officers, made an excurfion, to take a furvey of the neighbouring country. Mr. Ander


fon relates their proceedings to the following effect:

In the forenoon of Saturday the 16th of November, he, and five others, fet out in a waggon, to take a view of the country. They croffed the large plain to the eastward of the town, which is entirely a white fand, refembling that which is commonly found on beaches. At five in the afternoon they paffed a large farm-house, fome corn-fields and vineyards, fituated beyond the plain, where the foil appeared worth cultivating. At seven they arrived at Stellenbosh, a colony, in point of importance, next to that of the Cape.

The village stands at the foot of the range of lofty mountains, above twenty miles to the eastward of Cape-Town, and confifts of about thirty houses, which are neat and clean: a rivulet, and the shelter of fome large oaks, planted at its first fettling, form a rural profpect in this defert country. There are fome thriving vineyards and orchards about the place, which feem to indicate an excellent foil, though perhaps much may be owing to the uncommon ferenity of the air.

At this season of the year, Mr. Anderson could find but few plants in flower, and infects were very fcarce. He and his companions left Stellenbosh the next morning, and foon arrived at the house they had paffed on Saturday; Mr. Cloeder, the owner of which, having fent them an invitation to vifit him, they were entertain

ed by this gentleman with great politenefs and hofpitality. They were received with a band of mufic, which continued playing while they were at dinner; which, in that fituation, might be reckoned elegant,

In the afternoon they croffed the country, and paffed fome large plantations. In the evening they arrived at a farm-house, which is faid to be the first in the cultivated tract called the Pearl. Here they had a view of Drakenstein, the third colony of this country, which contains feveral little farms or plantations.

Plants and infects were as fcarce here as at Stellenbosh, but there was a greater plenty of fhrubs, or finall trees, naturally produced, than they had before seen in the country.

On Tuesday the 19th, in the afternoon, they went to see a remarkable large ftone, called by the inhabitants the Tower of Babylon, or the Pearl Diamond. It ftands upon the top of fome low hills, and is of an oblong shape, rounded on the top, and lying nearly fouth and north. The east and west fides are nearly perpendicular. The fouth-end is not equally fteep, but its greatest height is there; whence it declines gently to the north-part, by which they afcended, and had a very extenfive profpect of the whole country.

The circumference of this ftone is about half a mile, as they were half an hour walking round it, including allowances for ftopping and a bad road.

road. Its height feems to equal the dome of St. Paul's church. Except fome few fiffures, it is one uninterrupted mafs of ftone. The stone is of that fort which mineralogifts call Saxum Conglutinatum.

On the 20th, in the morning, they fet out from the Pearl, and, going a different road, paffed through an uncultivated country to the Tyger Hills, where they beheld fome tolerable cornfields. About noon, they stopped in a valley for refreshment, where they were plagued with a vaft number of mufquitoes; and, in the evening, arrived at the Cape-Town.

On Saturday the 23d, we got the obfervatory, clock, &c. on board. From the result of several calculations and obfervations, we had reafon to conclude, that the watch, or time-piece, had performed well all the way from England.



The Refolution and Difcovery leave the Cape of Good Hope-See two Islands, named Prince Edward's Ilands-Defcription of their Appearance-Vifit Kerguelen's Land-Arrive at Chriftmas Harbour-Take in Water there-Discover an Infcription-Defcription of Christmas Harbour.


YAPTAIN Cook fearing a fecond disaster, got his fheep and other cattle on board as foon as poffible. He alfo increafed his ftock by purchafing two bulls, two heifers, two ftonehorfes, two mares, two rams, fome ewes and goats, fome poultry, and fome rabbits.

Both fhips being fupplied with provisions and water fufficient for two years and upwards, and every other neceffary article, and Captain Cook having given Captain Clerke a copy of his inftructions, we repaired on board in the morning of the 30th. A breeze fprung up at fouth-eaft, at five in the afternoon, with which we weighed and stood out of the Bay; at nine it fell calm, and we anchored. At three o'clock the next morning, we weighed and put to sea, with a light breeze at fouth, but did not get clear of land till the 3d of December in the morning.


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