
An Act to amend sections 2 and 3 of an Act entitled, "An Act to correct

certain abuses and prevent unjust discriminations of and by life insur-

ance companies doing business in this State, between insurants of the

same class and equal expectation of life, in the rates, amount or payment

of premiums, in the return of premiums, dividends, rebates or other

benefits," approved June 19, 1891, in force July 1, 1891..

An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization

and management of fraternal beneficiary societies for the purpose of

furnishing life indemnity or pecuniary benefits to beneficiaries of de-

ceased members, or accident or permanent indemnity disability to mem-

bers thereof, and to control such societies of this State and of other

states doing business in this State, and providing and fixing the punish-

ment for violation of the provisions thereof, and to repeal all laws

existing which conflict therewith," approved and in force June 22, 1893,

as subsequently amended, by amending the first section of such Act.... 542

An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the organization

and management of fraternal beneficiary societies for the purpose of

furnishing life indemnity or pecuniary benefits to beneficiaries of de-

ceased members, or accident or permanent indemnity disability to mem-

bers thereof; and to control such societies of this State and of other

states doing business in this State, and providing and fixing the punish-

ment for violation of the provisions thereof, and to repeal all laws now

existing which conflict herewith," approved and in force June 22, 1893,

as subsequently amended, by adding thereto six (6) new sections to be

known as sections two-a (2a). two-b (2b), two-c (2c), two-d (2d),

two-e (2e) and two-f (2f)..

An Act to amend section eighteen (18) of an Act entitled, "An Act to

organize and regulate the business of life insurance," approved March

26, 1869, in force July 1, 1869.

An Act to amend section 1 of an Act entitled, "An Act relating to the

transaction of the business of life insurance in the State of Illinois, and

regulating the conditions and provisions of policies of life insurance

companies, organized under the laws of this State, or doing business

herein," approved May 20, 1907. in force January 1, 1908..

An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act authorizing the organization,

and to regulate district mutual windstorm, cyclone or tornado insur-

ance companies," approved June 15, 1893, in force July 1, 1893, as sub-

sequently amended, by amending sections seven (7), eight (8), nine

(9), and eleven (11) thereof.

An Act to amend an Act entitled, "An Act to revise the law in relation to

township insurance companies,' approved March 24, 1874, in force July

1, 1874, as subsequently amended, by amending sections eight (8) and

twelve (12) thereof..

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