Eulogies. John B. Rice, of Illinois. Alvah Crocker, of Massachusetts. Smauel F. Hersey, of Maine. Samuel Hooper, of Massachusetts. [Delivered in the S

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He died at the house of his daughtcr, in Norfolk, Va., on the 17th day of December, 1874. He left at the close of tl cla st scssion with his health somewhat impaired. During the rcccss of Congrcss Iie sought rest at resorts. and at times Ile improved so that he and his friends hopcd and believed he would soon be fidly restored. But this was not to be so, and he did not take his seat at thc conlmencement of the present session, and gradually failing, died as I harc statcd. But recently Ilc 11om W C now mouln v, as amo 11gs in robust health, giving promise of many ycars of usefulness. His great hcart has ccased to beat, and hp sleeps the slccp that knows no making. Ite stand bove his honored grarc and recall the graces and grand quaIitics of his life. A good man has gone to r e t and tlrc world is poorer for hi3 loss, though r cher a nd better because lle oncc lived. To those 1 11s knew lhrn m hc was known hcre, no word of mint can add anything to the incenie wllicli enr-clops his ilncniory or incrrax the respect vllich in lifc his high character challenged horn all who came in contact with him. IVitliout pretension, he was industrious, earnest, and able rcCithout obsiinacy, hc was firm without sclf-rightcousncss, he was suupulouslp holiest and conscientious in all things faithful to his fricnds, yct just ro his opponents true to his cor victionsy, et ever rcady to rcccivc suggcsiions and arl ice. Scorning dcceit, he diligently sought for tl-uth fearless in action and in the expression of his own opinioni, yet attentive and respectful to those with horn Ile differed publicspirited as a citizen, charitalde to the needy, sympathetic with the suffering. A gentle, loving, atid indulgentfather, genial xs an associate, he as a inan to bc hol orcd and lovcd as he was in lifc, and sincerely mourned ss he i s in death. 11 s cnrly lifc was not spcnt undcr the most auspicious circum stances, and his crnincncc in his profession, in the social world, and in politics was achieved by his own strong will and sturdy efforts was honl in the rillage of Easton, Talbot Coutlty, hId., in 1809. His father was a shoemaker, and IIC lcarned that trade. It is not knou-n how long he worked at this hurnble calling, nor is it certain that he rnight not liave continued at it tnany years longer anrl the vhoIe current of his life liave run io a iliffircnt channel but for an accidental circu nstance suriicthing in this wise The manager of a l altirnore theater, rvi ile strolling along one of the streets of thc Maryland nletropolis one day, orwrhearrl a rich lnusical voicc trolling out a song inside a shop. Ile stopped and listened for a niolnent and then passed on, but the voicc impressed him as unusually fine, and he made it convenient soon after to drop in at thai shop ant1 find ont thc posscssor of the fine I nritonc. After n brief nc olintion, the young mecllaiiic . as cngaged X a choriste in Clemenss lhs ter, and it . as there thc stage life of JOHN 3. I I E bcgan. This ivaa in 1836.

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