For the omission of Poetical Biography, the Editor must plead the same excuse that he pleaded last year: the materials have been wanting. The difficulty, at least in part, will, he has every reason to believe, be removed before the publication of the next volume, and the omission will then be supplied. Correspondents will have the kindness to send their contributions as early as possible, addressed to the Editor, at Messrs. Rivingtons. To prevent mistakes, they are desired to specify, whether their pieces are intended for the Original or Fugitive Poetry. It is also requested that those persons who employ the hand of another to copy their poems, will, before they send them to the Editor, ascertain the correctness of the copy; as the Editor does not think himself authorized to make alterations in what hę receives; and cannot be answerable for the blunders of an amanuensis: this hint will not offend those who know, that even the alteration of a letter will often leave something like sense, though it mars completely the sense of the author, 1 三 ORIGINAL POETRY. CONTENTS. .. 79 Lines, on seeing an aged Debtor enter a place of confinement 134 Stanzas, on seeing the Corpse of a beautiful young Woman, the * These two pieces have been printed before, but in a very in- Sonnet, written in Aikin's Songs to Mr. H. Drummond, by T. Park, Esq. Zephyr and the Storm, by the Dutchess of Devonshire Inscription for a Statue of the late Duke of Bedford, by the Imitation from Cornelius Gallus, by C. Leftly, Esq. ... Stanzas, by Octavius Gilchrist, Esq. ... |