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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Price 65 cents
Public No. 585, 79th Cong., Approved Aug. 1, 1946.
Atomic Energy Act of 1946__.
Public No. 898, 80th Cong., Approved July 3, 1948.
To provide for the extension of the terms of office of the present mem-
bers on the Atomic Energy Commission_.
Public No. 347, 81st Cong., Approved Oct. 11, 1949.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946-
Public No. 422, 81st Cong., Approved Oct. 28, 1949.
To amend the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal
year 1950___.
Public No. 820, 81st Cong., Approved Sept. 23, 1950.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946__
Public No. 163, 82nd Cong., Approved Oct. 10, 1951.
To authorize and direct the Administrator of General Services to trans-
fer to the Dept. of the Navy certain property located at Decatur, Ill___
Public No. 235, 82nd Cong., Approved Oct. 30, 1951.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended..
Public No. 164, 83rd Cong., Approved July 31, 1953.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended___.
Public No. 137, 83rd Cong., Approved July 17, 1953.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended____
Public No. 262, 83rd Cong., Approved Aug. 13, 1953.
To amend section 9(h) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 relating to
the exemption of activities of the Atomic Energy Commission from the
State and local taxation____
Public No. 703, 83rd Cong., Approved Aug. 30, 1954.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, as amended and for
other purposes..
Public No. 31, 84th Cong., Approved May 6, 1955.
To authorize the Atomic Energy Commission to construct a modern
office building in or near the District of Columbia to serve as its prin-
cipal office__
Public No. 141, 84th Cong., Approved July 11, 1955.
To authorize appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission for ac-
quisition or condemnation of real property or any facilities, or for plant
or facilities acquisition, construction, or expansion‒‒‒‒
Public No. 165, 84th Cong., Approved July 15, 1955.
To provide rewards for information concerning the illegal introduction
into the United States or the illegal manufacture or acquisition in the
United States, of special nuclear material and atomic weapons----
Public No. 221, 84th Cong., Approved Aug. 4, 1955.
To facilitate the establishment of local self-government at the com-
munities of Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Richland, Washington, and to pro-
vide for the disposal of federally owned properties of such communities_
Public No. 337, 84th Cong., Approved Aug. 9, 1955.
To authorize the Atomic Energy Commission to pay the salary of a
Commissioner during the recess of the Senate_.
Public No. 506, 84th Cong., Approved May 3, 1956.
To authorize appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission for
acquisition or condemnation of real property or any facilities, or for
plant or facility acquisition, construction, or expansion....
Public No. 802, 84th Cong., Approved July 25, 1956.
To amend the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955---
Public No. 722, 84th Cong., Approved July 14, 1956.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, to permit the negotiation of
commercial leases at Atomic Energy Communities___
Public No. 981, 84th Cong., Approved Aug. 6, 1956.
To amend Public Law 506-84th Congress, to increase the authorization
for appropriations to the Atomic Energy Commission for acquisition
or condemnation of real property or any facilities, or for plant or facil-
ity acquisition, construction, or expansion___.
Public No. 1006, 84th Cong., Approved Aug. 6, 1956.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended--
Public No. 14, 85th Cong., Approved April 12, 1957.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended___
Public No. 79, 85th Cong., Approved July 3, 1957.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended----
Public No. 107, 85th Cong., Approved July 17, 1957.
To amend Public Law 31-84th Congress, to increase the authorization
for appropriation to the Atomic Energy Commission for the construc-
tion of a modern office building in or near the District of Columbia to
serve as its principal office__.
Public No. 162, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 21, 1957.
To authorize appropriations for the Atomic Energy Commission in
accordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
Public No. 177, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 28, 1957.
To provide for the appointment of representatives of the United States
in the organs of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and make
other provisions with respect to the participation of the United States
in that Agency---
Public No. 256, 85th Cong., Approved Sept. 2, 1957.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.--
Public No. 287, 85th Cong., Approved Sept. 4, 1957.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, to increase the
salaries of certain executives of the Atomic Energy Commission__.
Public No. 412, 85th Cong., Approved May 16, 1958.
To amend Public Law 162-85th Congress to increase the authorization
for appropriations to the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance
with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954--
Public No. 479, 85th Cong., Approved July 2, 1958.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended____
Public No. 519, 85th Cong., Approved July 15, 1958.
To further amend Public Law 162-85th Cong. and Public Law 141-
84th Cong., to increase the authorization for appropriations to the
Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with section 261 of the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended__.
Public No. 590, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 4, 1958.
Public No. 681, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 19, 1958.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended__.
Public No. 744, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 23, 1958.
Public No. 846, 85th Cong., Approved Aug. 28, 1958.
To provide for cooperation with the European Atomic Energy
Public No. 43, 86th Cong., Approved June 11, 1959.
Public No. 44, 86th Cong., Approved June 11, 1959.
To amend Public Law 590-85th Congress to increase the authorization
for appropriations to the Atomic Energy Commission in accordance with
section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended____
Public No. 50, 86th Cong., Approved June 23, 1959.
Public No. 300, 86th Cong., approved Sept. 21, 1959.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended___.
Public No. 373, 86th Cong., Approved Sept. 23, 1959.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended with respect to
cooperation with States..
Public No. 457, 86th Cong., Approved May 18, 1960.
accordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954_--.
Public No. 52, 87th Cong., Approved June 16, 1961.
To authorize construction of community support facilities at Los Ala-
mos County, New Mexico_____
Public No. 174, 87th Cong., Approved Aug. 30, 1961.
To amend the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955-----
Public No. 206, 87th Cong., Approved Sept. 6, 1961.
To amend various sections of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
amended, and the EURATOM Cooperation Act of 1958.
Public No. 315, 87th Cong., Approved Sept. 26, 1961.
accordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954-..
Public No. 363, 87th Cong., Approved Oct. 4, 1961.
To waive certain provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 so as to
permit the agreement for cooperation between the United States and
France to be made immediately effective..
Public No. 563, 87th Cong., Approved July 31, 1962.
Granting the consent of Congress to the Southern Interstate Nuclear
Public No. 615, 87th Cong., Approved Aug. 29, 1962.
To amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954..
Public No. 701, 87th Cong., Approved Sept. 26, 1962.
accordance with section 261 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954----
Public No. 719, 87th Cong., Approved Sept. 28, 1962.
To amend the Atomic Energy Community Act of 1955, as amended, to
provide for the disposal of federally owned properties at Los Alamos,
New Mexico....
Public No. 72, 88th Congress, approved July 22, 1963, to authorize appro-
priations for the Atomic Energy Commission__.
Public No. 189, 88th Congress, approved November 29, 1963, to amend
Public Law 72, 88th Congress, to increase the authorization for appro-
priations to the Atomic Energy Commission__
Public No. 294, 88th Congress, approved March 26, 1964, to amend the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954---
Public No. 332, 88th Congress, approved June 30, 1964, to authorize appro-
priations to the Atomic Energy Commission___
Public No. 394, 88th Congress, approved August 1, 1964, to amend the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Atomic Energy Community
Act of 1955, as amended, and the Euratom Cooperation Act of 1958, as
Public No. 489, 88th Congress, approved August 26, 1964, to amend the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954,, as amended.--.
Public No. 557, 88th Congress, approved August 31, 1964, to authorize the
exchange of public domain lands heretofore withdrawn and reserved for
the use of the Hanford project of the Atomic Energy Commission--
Public No. 32, 89th Congress, approved June 2, 1965, to authorize appro-
Public No. 135, 89th Congress, approved August 24, 1965, to amend section
271 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended..
Public No. 210, 89th Congress, approved September 29, 1965, to amend
section 170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended__
Public No. 383, 89th Congress, approved March 31, 1966, to authorize the
payment of an allowance of not to exceed $10 per day to employees
assigned to duty at the Nevada Test Site of the U.S. Atomic Energy
Public No. 428,, 89th Congress, approved May 21, 1966, to authorize appro-
priations to the Atomic Energy Commission_.
Public No. 645, 89th Congress, approved October 13, 1966, to amend the
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended-‒‒‒
Public No. 648, 89th Congress, approved October 13, 1966, to amend Public
Law No. 428, 89th Congress, to authorize the Atomic Energy Commission
to enter into a cooperative arrangement for a large-scale combination
nuclear power-desalting project, and appropriations therefor_-_.