

An Act relative to the Compenfations to certain Officers employed in the Collection of the Duties of Impoft and Tonnage.


July next


Section 1. E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America in Congress affembled, That from and after the last day of June next, in addition to the fees and emoluments which may accrue to the officers employed in the Additional fpecific alcollection of the duties of impoft and tonnage, lowance by the provifions already made, they fhall fe- from first verally have, and be entitled to the refpective to certain allowances following, to wit; The furveyors and collecof Newburyport, Salem, Saint Mary's and tors. Wilmington in North-Carolina, the yearly fum of one hundred dollars, each; the furveyors of Beverley, North-Kingston, EaftGreenwich, Warren, Bristol, Pawcatuck-river, Providence, Patuxet, New-Haven, Lewellenfburg, Alexandria, Beaufort, Hertford, Winton, Bennet's creek, Plymouth, Windfor, Skewarkey, Murfreesborough, Nixonton, Indian-town, Currituck-inlet, Pafquotank-river bridge, and Newbiggen creek, the yearly fum of eighty dollars, each; the furveyor of Portfmouth, the yearly fum of fixty dollars; the furveyors of Ipfwich, Portland, Newport, Stonington, Middleton, Bermuda-Hundred, Peterburg, Richmond and Savannah, the yearly fum of fifty dollars,. each; the furveyors of Gloucester, New London and Svanfborough, the yearly fum of thirty dollars, each; the furveyors of Hudfon, Little Egg-harbor, Suffolk, Smithfield, Urbanna, and Frederickf burg, the yearly fum of twenty dollars, each; the collector of the diftrict of Wilmington in.

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Additional North-Carolina, the yearly fum of one hundred and fifty dollars; the collectors of the from firft diftricts of Portsmouth, Gloucefter, Albany, Jaly next to certain Annapolis, Vienna, Nottingham, York-town, furveyors Dumfries and Louifville, the yearly fum of one hundred dollars, each; the collector of the diftrict of Fairfield, the yearly fum of eighty dollars; the collectors of the diftricts of Marblehead, Plymouth, Barnftable, Nantucket, New Bedford, Dighton, York, Biddeford and Pepperelborough, Bath, Wiscaffet, Machias, Newport, New-Haven, Perth Amboy, Great Egg-harbor, Wilmington in Delaware, Chester, Cedar-point, George-town, Hampton, South Quay, Wafhington, Plankbridge and George-town in South-Carolina, the yearly fum of fifty dollars, each; the naval officer of the diftrict of Portsmouth, the yearly fum of one hundred dollars; the naval officers of the districts of Newburyport, Newport, Providence, Wilmington in North-Carolina and Savannah, the yearly fum of fifty dollars, each; the collector of the diftrict of Salem and Beverley, one fourth of one per centum on the amount of all monies by him. received on account of the faid duties; and to the collectors of the diftricts of Portsmouth, Newburyport, Gloucefter, Marblehead, Plymouth, Nantucket, Edgartown, New Bedford, Dighton, York, Biddeford and Pepperelborough, Portland, Bath, Wifcaffet, Penobfcot, Frenchman's-bay, Machias, Newport, Providence, New-Haven, Fairfield, Perth Amboy, Burlington, Great Egg-harbor, Wilmington in Delaware, Oxford, Vienna, Snowhill, Annapolis, Nottingham, Cedar-point, Georgetown in Maryland, Hampton, York-town, Yeocomico, Dumfries, Foley-landing, Cherry

ftone, South Quay, Wilmington in NorthCarolina, Newbern, Washington, Edenton, Plank-bridge, George-town in South-Carolina, Beaufort, and Savannah, each, one half of one per centum on the amount of all monies by them refpectively received on account of the duties aforefaid.

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per cent.

Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the laft day of june next, the allow- To collce. ance of three-fourths of one per centum to the York and collectors of the diftricts of Pennsylvania and Pennfylvathe city of New-York, on the amount of all monies by them refpectively received, on ac- &c. count of the duties of impoft and tonnage, fhall ceafe, and instead thereof, they fhall, after that time, be entitled to one-half of one per centum on all fuch monies by them refpectively received.

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Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the laft day of June next, the expense office rent, of fuel, office-rent and neceffary ftationary, in col for the collectors of the diftricts of Salem and lectors, Beverley, Boston and Charlestown, the cities of how to be New-York, Philadelphia and Charleston, the towns of Baltimore, Norfolk and Portsmouth, fhall be paid, three-fourths by the faid collectors, and the other fourth by the respective naval-officers in thofe diftricts.



Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That whenever a collector fhall die, the commifiions, to which he would have been entitled on the re- death of a

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ceipt of all duties bonded by him, shall be collector, equally divided between the legal reprefenta- fed of. tives of fuch deceased collector and his fucceffor in office, whofe duty it fhall be to collect the fame; and for this purpose the faid reprefentatives fhall deliver over to fuch fucceffor all

the public or official books, papers and ac counts of the faid deceafed.

JONATHAN TRUMBULL, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives.

RICHARD HENRY LEE, Prefident pro

tempore of the Senate.

APPROVED, May eighth, 1792:


Prefident of the United States.


An Act to continue in Force the Act, intitled, "An act to provide for mitigating or remitting the Penalties and Forfeitures accruing, under the Revenue-Laws in certain Cafes,' and to make further Provifion for the Payment of Penfions to Invalids.



An Act for regulating Proceffes in the Courts of the United States, and providing Compensation for the Officers of the faid Courts, and for Jurors and Witneffes.

Sect. 1.

Br of Representatives

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United Writs by States of America, in Congrefs affembled, That all whom and writs and proceffes iffing from the fupreme or ted. a circuit court, fhall bear teft of the chief juf

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tice of the fupreme court (or if that office shall be vacant) of the affociate juftice next in precedence; and all writs and proceffes iffuing from a district court, fhall bear teft of the judge of fuch court, (or if that office fhall be vacant,) of the clerk thereof, which faid writs and proceffes fhall be under the feal of the court from whence they iffue, and figned by the clerk. thereof. The feals fhall be provided at the expense of the United States.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the and feals form of writs, executions and other procefs, provided, except their ftile and the forms and modes of proceeding in fuits in thofe of common law writs, &c. shall be the fame as are now ufed in the faid courts refpectively in purfuance of the act, in

Forms of

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titled, "An act to regulate proceffes in the
courts of the United States," in thofe of equity Ser the Ach d
and in thofe of admiralty and maritime jurif
diction, according to the principles, rules and
ufages which belong to courts of equity and
to courts of admiralty, respectively, as contra-
distinguished from courts of common law; ex-
cept fo far as may have been provided for by
the act to establish the judicial courts of the
United States, fubject however to fuch altera-
tions and additions as the faid courts refpec-
tively fhall in their difcretion deem expedient,
or to fuch regulations, as the fupreme court of
the United States fhall think proper from time
to time by rule to prescribe to any circuit or
diftrict court concerning the fame: Provided, When
That on judgments in any of the cafes afore-
faid, where different kinds of executions are out a ca-
iffuable in fucceffion, a capias ad fatisfaciendum facien
being one, the plaintiff fhall have his election dum, in
to take out a capias ad fatisfaciendum in the firft


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